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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

February 1, 2023


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/17 No meeting: Join us for Thirsty Thursday instead

Our Rotary Family

2/4 Laura Kann
2/7 Buzz Law
2/9 Dr. John E. Carr
2/10 Eleni Bafas
2/13 Griff Ransom
2/13 Mark Galvin
2/24 Dave Burr
2/27 Bob O'Brien


2/14 Erich Schuetz (46)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Le Méridien Atlanta Perimeter
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346



Fundraising Bob O'Brien
President Jennifer Shumway
President-Elect Jack Sparks
President Nominee Louise Barden
Immediate PP Carter Stout
Treasurer Cathie Brumfield
Secretary Matthew Johnson
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Membership Dave Burr
Admin Ed Holliday
Sergeant-at-Arms Griff Ransom
Public Image Imani Reynolds
Community Service Rick Woods

This Week's Speaker
Our GRSP Student ... Shashwat Pradham from Nepal

Join us this Friday, February 3 to learn more about Shaswat Pradham, our GRSP student from Nepal. You can join us in person at Le Meridien or NEW - online via Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/DunwoodyRotary.

Shashwat come from Kathmandu, Nepal and is studying Business Administration at Oglethorpe University. We worked with the Admissions Department at Oglethorpe to identify Shashwat for a GRSP scholarship - he came with high recommendations as an excellent student and leader - his 11th grade project focused on raising money to purchase clothes for a children's home and as a senior, he led the school's spirit week program - striving to rebuild positive energy after COVID. [more]

GRSP Leadership Weekend
Still Time to Volunteer for February 10-12

Our annual GRSP Leadership Weekend is next weekend - starting Friday, Feb. 10 and running through mid-day Sunday! We have filled all of our host family slots - THANKS to everyone who has agreed to provide bed and breakfast and transportation for our 40 international visitors. We still have some opportunities to be involved. Talk with Jackie Cuthbert.


Laws of Life
More School Level Essay Judges Needed - Sign Up Now!

Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to judge essays for this year’s Georgia Laws of Life Essay Contest. We still need more judges, as we are anticipate receiving close to 2000 essays from 75 schools this contest year! I'm excited to say this will surpass our "pre-COVID" numbers! School-Level Essay Judges are needed. The process kicks off on February 13..


School-Level Judges will have at least six days to read and score approximately 48 essays, then they will participate in a virtual team meeting. Training is provided: register via the Volunteer Registration Form and select your preferred training date or video option. 


After registering: go to Sign Up Genius to select your team and Team Discussion Meeting date. You can participate in more than one Team.

  • Group A Team Meetings are between February 22 and February 28
  • Group B Team Meetings are between March 7 and March 15.


I can assure you that participating as a Laws of Life Essay Judge will not only give you a peek into the lives of today's youth, it will touch your heart.

Golf Tournament Update
Keep Thinking (and Acting on) Sponsor Opportunities!

With your help, our May 15, 2023 FORE the Memories Golf Tournament can become a major fundraiser - benefiting the Alzheimer's Association and the Rotary Club of Dunwoody Charitable Fund. How can you help? Right now, as we tee up this year's tournament, you can help identify local businesses and individuals who might want to be Tournament Sponsors - because it's good exposure for their business and/or because they want to help in the work we do in the community.

With the help of the Alzheimer's Association, we have created a great sponsor package you can share with everyone who might be interested in becoming a tournament sponsor.  To make that easy, we've added the document to our Resource library - you can click on 2023 Fore the Memories Golf Tournament Sponsor Package to take a look, download to share with friends or businesses, and even take a look at what you might like to do to sponsor this major fund-raising event. 

You can also direct people to our website: 2023 Event - FORE! The Memories

If you have questions about how you can help, contact me, Charlie Augello or Rick Woods.

Follow-up to Last Week
Want to Watch the Video Marion Mentioned Last Week?

During last week's presentation on the Rotary Family Health Days, Marion Bunch mentioned a video about this initiative. You can watch the video at https://vimeo.com/87311787.
