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January 31, 2023


January is Vocational Service Month

2/2 Lunches for Learning - Phil Dodson
2/9 Skipper Hoke Leadership Awards - Buster Faulkner keynote speaker
2/23 Leadership 2020 - Zach Fields keynote speaker
3/2 Steve Holman - Voice of the Atlanta Hawks


2/7 RR After Hours Club
2/11 Hearts for Honduras
2/18 RR After Hours - Unity Garden Service Project
2/21 RR After Hours Club


President John Carruth
President-Elect Alex Kaufman
Immediate PP Terry Taylor
Treasurer Trummie Patrick, III
Secretary Nancy Alterman
Membership Katie Anderson
Foundation Leslie Bassett
Public Image Michael Gould


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




Text: RRC
To: (833) 456-2829

Our Rotary Family

1/1 Ken Briggs
1/1 Andrew Dalby
1/1 Ron Redner
1/2 Mitch Stone
1/4 Jere Wood
1/7 Jeff Hamling
1/7 Trummie Patrick
1/10 Chris Good
1/12 Bruce Peoples
1/13 Michael Nielsen
1/14 Chris Webb
1/17 Alicia Hughes
1/20 Evan Coyle
1/21 Gary Garrett
1/23 Kurt Hilbert
1/24 William Noethling, Jr.
1/24 Kay Howell
1/25 David Bourne
1/26 Courtney Lott
1/27 Joseph Kincaid
1/30 William May
1/31 John Reddick
1/31 Blake Turner


1/2 Raymond Peabody (0)
1/3 Carleton Ohly (3)
1/4 Paul Lang (33)
1/4 Dick Zorn (33)
1/5 William Noethling, Jr. (6)
1/5 Kathryn Igou (6)
1/11 Ken Davis (16)
1/12 Jere Wood (5)
25 years in Rotary
1/16 Michael Nielsen (26)
1/16 Kym Leonard (9)
1/19 Susan Rumble (12)
1/20 Joseph Kincaid (18)
1/23 Jack Stephens (37)
1/24 Andy Williams (4)
11 years in Rotary
1/28 Chris Good (7)
1/30 Mindy Jones (26)
1/31 A.D. Dalton (38)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President John's Message

For over 10 years Roswell Rotary and individuals in our club and community have made it a mission to help keep kids in school in Honduras by providing them lunch each day through the Lunches for Learning program. This week we will hear from several members who have helped lead this program along with the Executive Director, Phil Dodson.  Later this month, our community has the opportunity to further support L4L with the 9th annual Hearts for Honduras evening fundraiser.  Even our Past President Moment with Jacque Digieso will shed light on the club’s history with this great effort.

Mark Your Calendar  The following week is Super Bowl week.  What better time is there to acknowledge the leaders in our Roswell high school football programs than with the Skipper Hoke Leadership Awards?  We will honor a football player from Roswell High School, Blessed Trinity Catholic High School, and Fellowship Christian High School.  Our keynote speaker will be new Georgia Tech Offensive Coordinator Buster Faulkner. Buster most recently was the Quarterbacks Coach (aka Stetson Bennett’s coach) for the national champion Georgia Bulldogs for three years. 

Empty Stomachs & Learning
Speaker Feb. 2: Phil Dodson Lunches for learning Executive Director

Have you ever considered what it would be like if you had to walk for an hour each morning and afternoon across a rugged mountain road just to attend school for the day? Or what if you had to send your kids to school on an empty stomach each morning because you had no food?

For the kids of rural Honduras, this is their reality every day. Honduras is among the poorest nations in the world with much of the population living below the poverty level, earning less than $2 per day. However, statistics show that a child who earns at least a sixth grade education has hope for breaking the cycle of poverty because he or she will learn basic reading, writing and math skills that open future doors. This is the foundation of the Lunches for Learning mission.

 Lunches for Learning exists to break the cycle of poverty in rural Honduras by providing a healthy lunch to school children every school day at their school; thereby allowing these children to stay in school so they can complete their education and enter the workforce as literate individuals. 

 Lunches for Learning is entering their 19th consecutive school year serving the kids of rural southern Honduras. Roswell Rotary has supported this organization since 2012 and individual Rotarians years before that. You don’t want to miss hearing from Phil Dodson about this program, plans for the upcoming school year that begins in February, and how the kids are doing post pandemic. 

 The 9th Annual Heart for Honduras fundraiser will be held on February 11th at the RoofTop at Crabapple Market in Milton. It will be a fun time of food, drinks, music and fellowship for an important cause. Buy tickets at https://h4hroswell.com/   

Past president Jacque Digieso

Our District Governor during Jacque Digieso’s year as President was our own Cheryl Greenway, Roswell Rotary’s first District Governor.  Her District 6900 theme was “Treasures”.  Embracing a pirate theme, we used treasure maps to uncover buried treasures of all kinds of service and fun.  You can’t spell “Roswell Rotary Rocks” without an ARRRR !!  We even found treasure in Honduras that year.  Get there early this week to discover what’s in the Treasure Chest and Jacque’s scrapbook pages on the big screen. 

Did someone say Hospitality Suite??
District Conference April 27-30

Margarita machine on the deck, bar inside with talented bartender, dancing, food, meeting all of the other clubs...Roswell Rotary Hospitality Suite is legendary.  Best music, best dancing, super fun!!! The Hospitality suite is the place to meet up before events,after events, to grab a bite before heading down to the pool or beach,to partake of the best margarita and other adult beverage alive!

And in the mornings, there is always breakfast and the bottomless coffee pot, ready to recharge you for another day of fun and fellowship.If you have not attended before, just know that Roswell Rotary's Hospitality Suite is THE meet up place for the conference. Everyone passes through the door at some point. It's a proud reputation and we need you to continue carrying the torch (or refilling the margarita machine-your choice).

Hope you can join us April 27-30 for District Conference 2023.  Make your reservations today!  Registration and Accommodations Link  

Baseball & Veterans
New Member: Welcome Mike Oetinger

Schools attended- Junior College in Weed, CA and then transferred to GA College in Milledgeville.

Major- Legal Assistance

Where you live and have lived- My father was in the movie business so we moved a lot until Junior HS where I Grew up in Southern California and graduated from Dana Hills HS. Then I moved to Weed, CA to play baseball at Junior College and then came to Milledgeville in 1990 and continued my baseball career. I lived in Brookhaven and then moved to Roswell in 2008, and we have lived here since.

Spouse- Jan Oetinger and we have been married for 26 years and we dated for 5 years before that. Jan and I met at GA College, and she was a gymnast in college, and she is from Clearwater. FL.

Kids and ages- Bailey Hill Oetinger-19 and she is a 2022 graduate from Roswell High School where she lettered in Soccer and Basketball. She is currently at Lipscomb University in Nashville on a Soccer scholarship as a freshman. Jack Pearce Oetinger- 16 and he is currently a sophomore at FCS and is playing Football and Baseball this year. His passion is baseball and he looks forward to playing baseball in college. He plays for the GA jackets 16U team for the summer baseball program.

Other involvement in community- My passion is baseball and try to volunteer as much as I can and another passion is Veterans and how we can impact them to make their lives better.

Career- It’s been all over but mostly I have been a serial entrepreneur and I love to build things and teams and see those relationships grow and prosper.

Anything interesting! I am the youngest of 4 boys and my brothers live in California.

Why you joined Rotary- I joined Rotary because of the mission of service above self and I want to impact more people than just my inner circle. As I have gotten older I have come to understand there is more to helping than just talking and having great ideas. I need to get involved so I can impact people positively and be more aware of peoples needs. God calls us to be givers not takers and we need to teach the generations that follow in that as well.

After Hours to Volunteer at the Unity Garden at CNC

Service opportunities are beginning to bloom for RRAH! 

After Hours is set to volunteer at the Unity Garden at the Chattahoochee Nature Center on three upcoming Saturday's: Feb. 18March 11 and April 29The shifts start at 9 a.m. and go until Noon. The plan is to work around the garden doing anything and everything they need, like collecting plants, organizing and planting.

Did you know? The Unity Garden grows fresh produce to be donated to the food pantry at North Fulton Community Charities. Fresh vegetables and greens are delivered once or twice a week.

All Rotarians are invited!

RRAH's Next Meeting is Feb. 7

Roswell Rotary After Hours is thrilled to volunteer at the upcoming Roswell Beer Festival. What better way to get in the RBF spirit than by welcoming STAR House Executive Director Stephanie Christiansen to speak to the club! She will share how her organization serves at-risk children in Roswell, and why the beer festival plays a crucial role in fundraising. See you on Feb. 7 at 6:30 at The Artillery Room @ Gate City! 

Save the dates
Save the Date: Be Part of Making Roswell Rotary's Magic.

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!

Hearts for Honduras

Add To Calendar Saturday, Feb. 11 7pm - 10:30pm

District Conference

Add To Calendar April 27-30 San Destin FL

Rotary Last Week
