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February 21, 2023


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/23 Leadership 2020 - Zach Fields keynote speaker
3/2 Steve Holman - Voice of the Atlanta Hawks
3/9 Georgia Public Policy Foundation - Kyle Wingfield
3/16 Interfaith Panel Discussion


2/21 Rotary Means Business
2/21 RR After Hours Club
2/22 Hump Day - The Vick
3/2 Read Across Roswell

Our Rotary Family

2/1 David Reddick
2/2 Joe Piontek, Sr.
2/5 Mike Oetinger
2/10 Richard Meer
2/14 Gabriel Kelly
2/15 George Rhodes, III
2/15 Grace Peoples
2/16 Fate McKinney, III
2/18 Gordon Owens
2/19 Danny Tompkins
2/21 Michael Gould
2/22 Becky Stone
2/22 Bill Wolff
2/24 Holland Earle
2/25 Carly Kozar
2/27 Bruce Smith
2/27 Leonard Greski
2/27 Justice Brakache


2/1 David Bourne (50)
2/2 Lee Dodson (9)
45 years in Rotary
2/8 Holland Earle (16)
25 years in Rotary
2/11 Alex Kaufman (13)
2/11 Langdon Hollingsworth (2)
2/13 Kevin Benscoter (3)
2/14 Peter Calabro (15)
2/15 James Lambert (0)
2/17 Roger Wise, Jr. (12)
2/18 Talaya Parker, Ms (4)
2/18 Mary Robichaux (4)
2/22 Lee Jenkins, Jr. (5)
2/22 Robert Shaw (5)
2/22 Nancy Tolbert-Yilmaz (22)
2/23 Richard Stilley (6)
8 years in Rotary
2/23 George Rhodes, III (6)
16 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075




President John Carruth
President-Elect Alex Kaufman
Immediate PP Terry Taylor
Treasurer Trummie Patrick, III
Secretary Nancy Alterman
Membership Katie Anderson
Foundation Leslie Bassett
Public Image Michael Gould


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President John's Message

We have witnessed at Roswell Rotary the Power of One many, many times, such as…

  • Dave McCleary learning about Human Trafficking at a church conference transforming him into a Rotary International leader seeking to End Human Trafficking. 
  • Debbie Cwalina focused on the plight of bullying leading her and Michael Schoppenhorst to start Be The Voice at Roswell High. 
  • Mike Nielsen hearing about Honor Flights from his father-in-law leading to 11 Honor Air trips to Washington, DC carrying veterans to visit their war memorials.

So, it is with our speaker this week, our own Zach Fields, who ten years ago took the concept of starting a high school construction program to the Principal at Roswell High and began a movement in the State of Georgia to help high school kids earn certificates in construction trades while in high school.  These kids graduate with the skills and qualifications that lead to high paying jobs in a construction industry in desperate need of new, young, skilled workers.

It’s about Leadership and this week we are hosting many future leaders who join us for our annual Leadership 20/20 day.

Thursday Speaker: Zach Fields Leadership 20/20

Leadership 20/20 in 2023 is a 20+ year collaborative tradition.  Each teacher at RHS nominates a student that demonstrates leadership qualities in their classroom.  This is personally a favorite for this nomination is not dependent on athletics, academics nor the arts.  We get to host a wide scope of the RHS student body for the full day where these students will learn what type of leader they are (due to the DISC test) and, therefore, how to work with other types of leaders.  The afternoon is filled with breakout sessions centered around living a life of service whether an entrepreneur, a professional in the non-profit, military or for-profit sector after high school.  

For the last 5 years, our own Zach Fields was the favorite portion per the student surveys. So, we are excited to have him be the featured speaker for the general meeting!  How he went from high school student to being responsible for reintroducing construction programs in high schools through out Georgia (and beyond).  
[read more]

Past President Moment - Bob Hagan 2008-2009

District Governor Ted Propes’ theme for the Rotary Year 2008-2009 was Rotary Roundup.  President Bob Hagan sent out the wranglers to provide service throughout the community and internationally, which ended up with a roundup of another batch of awards including Club of the Year for the umpteenth time in a row.   Of particular importance was a Service Award for our Fall Prevention Guide for Seniors.  Come hear more this week as Bob takes us back to the days of yesteryear.  Get there early and check out Bob’s scrapbook on display and on the big screen.

to the Vick for Koffee, Kocktails and Kadahji
New Member Spotlight: Kadijah Vickers

So excited to welcome Kadijah to Roswell Rotary Club. Here's a little bit about Kadijah in case you are one of the few members who have not already met her. Whether at Thursday meetings or at The Vick or out in the community, Kadijah may already be a familiar face!

Growing Up: Kadijah Jordana Vickers born in Tampa Florida to parents Sylvia & Kenneth Vickers both natives of Florida. 

Spouse: Husband George Schnepp, who is the Executive Chef & Food and Beverage Directory of the Westin Hotel Buckhead. George is also a silent partner with Kadijah at The Vick on Canton and assists her in the Food and Beverage department.

Children: She is the mother of two children, daughter Keyana Crumby who is attending the University of West Georgia majoring in Biology, and son,  Joel Ramsey, a rising Junior at North Springs High School.

Story Behind THE VICK: After the covid pandemic hiatus, staying home maintaining life on just a small catering business, Kadijah decided to use her father’s inheritance, after his passing to step out on faith and start her own business. During the search for a property through a website called “We sell Restaurants.com” she found the listing that sat in the retail portion of The Vickers Apartment complex. Being that her last name is Vickers she had no choice but to be present in that serendipity moment and purchase and restore the business to what is now The Vick On Canton “Koffee and Kocktails”.

Why you joined Rotary: My purpose in life is to serve. As the owner of a local restaurant in Roswell and a mother of two, I do my share of service in the community. Now that my children are older, I would like to take my works of service global. During my visits to the weekly Rotary meetings and through conversations with my sponsorship committee I know that Roswell Rotary would be perfect for me to expand on my acts of service. I just can’t wait to get involved and become active. 

Welcome to the Roswell Rotary Club, Kadijah!
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Hump Days are Back!
Hump Day Wednesday - February 22 - 5:30 PM at The Vick

The Vick, 1182 Canton Street, Roswell

After Hour's Host Mardi Gras Social Tonight

In lieu of a traditional meeting tonight, After Hours is hosting a Mardi Gras social at HOLA! Taqueria & Bar in Roswell at 6:15!

The club will also collect items for STAR House's Snack Drive. Everyone is invited to bring a box or container of individually wrapped snacks. Examples include applesauce (squeeze of individual cups), crackers (Goldfish, Cheez-Its, peanut butter), fruit cups, graham crackers, cereal bars, pretzels and small bottled water. 

RRAH Volunteers at the Unity Garden

After Hours had a great time at The Chattahoochee Nature Center Unity Garden on Saturday!. The club planted seeds, transplanted plants, cleared weeds in the garden and laid out fresh compost. They learned a lot, got their hands dirty and connected as a community. Thanks to everyone who came out!

The next volunteer opportunity will be March 11 from 9 a.m. to Noon. All Rotarians are invited to join, so sign up here! 

Rotary Youth Exchange Student
Host Family Opportunity

Roswell Rotary Club is searching for her 3rd host family for LaNeige, our Rotary youth exchange student from Thailand.  She needs a host family from March 1-May 31st, 2023.  LaNeige is 16 years old and attends Roswell High School. Within the Rotary exchange program, she lives with three host families in the area; she is currently with her second host family. See the video below!

Host families provide the exchange student with a home environment that includes accommodations you'd provide for your own family - an environment to live, engage and study/learn.  The family does not have to have a Rotarian, so if you know someone that might be willing to host, we need to hear from you.  To learn more about qualifying as a host family, please contact Alesia Booth.

Click Here for Video

Tue, Feb 21, 6:00p
Who's Responsible for Revenue Growth? Attend Business Networking with Rotarians (12-club event)

For you, or someone on your staff, grow your business by doing business with Rotarians in an environment that supports “Service Above Self”

For you, or someone on your staff, grow your business by doing business with Rotarians in an environment that supports “Service Above Self”

Bonus: This is also an opportunity for someone you are interested in recruiting to Roswell Rotary.

Tue, Feb 21 from 6:00 - 8:00pm.   

Location: Eclipse Di Luna,  4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30346 

For more information, contact  Ken Carter 404-386-3214 ken.carter@floorcoveringsinternational.com or Hal Schlenger 770-335-0077 HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com

Read Across Roswell on March 2!

In celebration of Read Across America (Dr. Seuss’s Birthday) and to promote literacy, Roswell Rotary is again participating in Read Across Roswell Day on Thursday, March 2nd! We need readers for kindergarten classes at 8:00 a.m. on March 2. We will be reading a book about friendship called Evelyn Rey is Moving Away. Please use the Sign-Up Genius to volunteer! You can pick up a copy of the book at Rotary on February 23rd OR at the front desk of the school on March 2. The books are a donation from the club and have a donation sticker inside. After reading, please leave the book with the class for their classroom library. Addresses for the schools are included on the sign-up. Thank you for supporting our schools and students!

For additional information please reach out to the following: Stacy Perlman 404-617-6639 stacymp1@gmail.com or Kadijah Vickers 813-389-5872 thevickoncanton@gmail.com 

Sign Up Genius for Read Across Roswell on March 2: ReadAcross Roswell 3.2.23

Roswell Relays Coming Up!

Roswell Relays is on the horizon and we need your volunteer commitment.  The oldest and biggest Track & Field Meet in Georgia, we therefore need dozens of volunteers through the day.  The SignUp Genius has specific slots and times but if you just want to tell one of us, we can make that work too!  Please let me know if you have any questions contact: Becky Nelson susbeck6061@gmail.com  plus Mindy Jones goldyall@aol.com is coordinating the Coaches Hospitality Suite while Michael Curling michael.curling@gmail.com is coordinating the volunteer positions on the track/field.  

When:  Saturday, March 18th … all day

Where:  Roswell HS Football Field

It's a wonderful chance to volunteer and work with all of these talented high school athletes. The energy is contagious! Hope you will be part of it!

Click here to Sign up: Roswell Relays Hotlink: 

District Conference April 27 - April 30 Sandestin, Florida

Okay…so we’ve come back from the beach and a day of fun and relaxing and it’s time to go to our first meeting late Friday afternoon.  All the clubs line up to parade past the district governor.  Roswell Rotary rocked it many years ago when we showed up in our Red Parrot shirts.  Since then, clubs dress to the DG’s theme for the conference.  Last year it was Mary Poppins.  This year it’s “Green Acres”. 

Roswell Rotary always has its own take on the theme, for sure!  Are we hayseeds from the 70’s TV show like everyone else?  Overalls over parrot shirts?  Or little “green” aliens from Roswell, New Mexico (oops!) Georgia?  Green What??  We need some creatives to conjure up a true Roswell Rotary parade theme.     


Registration fees increase on March 1.  Make your reservations today!  Registration and Accommodations Link  

Sharing the Good We Do!
Calling on our selfie and snapshot experts

We want to share all of the great things our club is doing for our community! And it's hard for Michael Gould to be everywhere all the time. So we need you all to be part of the Roswell Rotary Photography Team!

Anytime you are at an event and you take a few pictures with your phone, please send them via text or email to michael@goulddigitalimaging.com or text 770-617-2958 or kigou@gmail.com or text 404-408-4188 so we can add them to club picture archives for 2023. These can be used in social media, videos, newsletters, and meeting powerpoints! but if we don't have the pictures, we can't communicate the joy and fun and work and engagement of our club projects.

Looking forward to spreading the word about the work this club is doing in 2023! Thanks for your help!

Save the dates
Save the Date: Be Part of Making Roswell Rotary's Magic.

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!

Rotary Means Business (networking with 12 area clubs)

Add To Calendar  Tuesday, Feb 21 6pm - 8pm

Hump Day - The Vick 

Add To Calendar February 22, 2023 5:30 pm— 7:00 pm

Read Across Roswell

Add To Calendar  March 2

Roswell Rotary Relays 

Add To Calendar  March 18, 2023 7:30 am— 6:00 pm           

Roswell District Training Assembly 

Add To Calendar   March 25, 2023

Roswell Sweep the Hooch   

Add To Calendar  March 25, 2023 8:00 am— 12:00 pm

After Hours April Fools Comedy Fest 

 Add To Calendar  April 1, 2023       

District Conference

Add To Calendar April 27-30 San Destin FL

Rotary Last Week
