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March 21, 2023


March is Water and Sanitation Month

3/23 Let's Celebrate Our Charity Partners
3/30 Spring Interact Program - Michael Schoppenhorst
4/13 Wellstar Behavioral Health Videos Rollout
4/20 Laws of Life


3/21 Rotary Means Business
3/21 RR After Hours Club
3/22 Hump Day - Rock 'N' Taco
3/25 District Training Assembly

Our Rotary Family

3/3 Don Horton
3/4 Tillie O'Neal
3/8 Nancy Tolbert-Yilmaz
3/9 Doug Smith
3/11 Jon-Paul Croom
3/12 Kevin Benscoter
3/13 Amanda Verdin
3/15 Rich Austin
3/16 Mickey Deaton
3/21 Amy Brannen
3/26 Robert Fezza
3/27 Hal Schlenger
3/30 Darrell Bartlett


3/2 Gene Beckham, III (23)
3/4 Ken Briggs (41)
3/5 Mike Prewett (8)
17 years in Rotary
3/7 Amy Brannen (10)
3/7 Terry Taylor (10)
3/7 Michael Sutton (16)
3/7 Bruce Peoples (10)
3/8 John Michael Brunetti (0)
3/9 Jacque Digieso (17)
30 years in Rotary
3/9 Todd Byars (17)
3/9 Syd Mostajabi (14)
3/10 Will Colley (1)
3/10 Angela Medley (1)
3/10 Jeff McCoy (18)
3/10 Vivian Bankston (18)
3/10 Mickey Deaton (18)
3/11 Lynne Lindsay (13)
3/11 Michael Gould (13)
3/11 Lisa Carlisle (13)
3/12 Gordon Owens (12)
3/14 William May (10)
3/14 Jerry Orlans (21)
32 years in Rotary
3/16 Tori Nielsen (1)
3/16 Alicia Hughes (1)
3/16 Scott Morchower (7)
3/17 John Albers (12)
3/17 Brooke Foxman (1)
3/17 Leigh Gould (1)
3/17 Charlie Brown (1)
3/17 John Connell (1)
3/17 Evan Coyle (1)
3/17 Lindsay Davies (1)
3/17 Ashley Doran (1)
3/17 Tori Alterman (1)
2 years in Rotary
3/17 Davonte Hill (1)
3/17 Amanda Verdin (1)
3/17 Doug Smith (1)
3/17 Mitch Stone (1)
3/17 Lee Hollingsworth (14)
22 years in Rotary
3/17 George McFarlin (12)
3/17 Walt Woliver (14)
41 years in Rotary
3/17 Jim Swain (14)
30 years in Rotary
3/17 Danny Tompkins (14)
24 years in Rotary
3/18 Becky Nelson (9)
3/21 Jim Broadway (38)
3/22 Ron Redner (39)
3/24 Dennis Eidson (12)
3/24 Bill Houck (7)
3/25 David Wash (14)
3/28 Bob Clarkson (4)
3/28 Leonard Greski (4)
3/29 Alesia Booth (2)
3/29 Jonathan Crooks (2)
3/30 James Savage (2)
3/30 Belle Prothero (1)
3/30 Rudy Lind (23)
3/30 Carly Kozar (1)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075



President John Carruth
President-Elect Alex Kaufman
Immediate PP Terry Taylor
Treasurer Trummie Patrick, III
Secretary Nancy Alterman
Membership Katie Anderson
Foundation Leslie Bassett
Public Image Michael Gould


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President John's Message

Roswell Rotary continues to make an impact on our community.  Soon we will unveil Part 2 of the Wellstar Health System / Roswell Rotary Teen Talks with the release of the Teen Talk Videos.  These videos along with the Part 1 - Teen Talk Podcasts released last fall were the direct result of fundraising through our annual Golf and Tennis Tournament in the Fall of 2021.

This year our Community Impact Project has taken a bit of time to develop.  We are partnering with the City of Roswell to re-Imagine the Liberty Square Park in one of the few disadvantaged neighborhoods in Roswell near Mimosa Elementary School.  Special funding grants have been applied for with the State of Georgia to allow Roswell Rotary and the City to fully transform this undeveloped park.

It will eventually link to the greater Roswell and metro area trail systems.  Already the City has received a large grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Trail System extension from Big Creek Park to Warsaw Road. 

Be on the lookout for more news on this effort and ways that our members can participate in the planning and implementation of this park transformation.

Thursday's Lunch Presentation
Let's Celebrate Our Charity Partners!

At our Roswell Rotary Club meeting this week, we'll  highlight the community charities, Roswell Rotary Action projects, and Community Enhancements we are supporting through charitable giving this year.  Representatives from many of the recipients of charity funds will attend our meeting this week to share lunch and fellowship.   

You’ll hear how we raise funds as a club and highlights of the types of organizations receiving funds this year.   This will be a great opportunity to meet club members and liaisons from many community charities.

Past President Moment
Dave McCleary - 2011-2012

The District 6900 theme for 2011-12 was Rotary Heroes.  We celebrated local heroes each month with a "Chief Aubrey Reeves Hero of the Month".  Little did we know that within a year mild mannered Dave McCleary would heroically tackle End Human Trafficking with Rotarians around the globe.  Come check out Dave’s scrapbook on the big screen before the meeting and hear what Roswell Rotary did in the Rotary year 2011-12.

After Hours to Hold Fellowship Meeting Tonight

Did you know? Fellowship is a core value of Rotary.

With this in mind, After Hours is doing something different for their meeting tonight. The group will focus on strengthening their bond as a club and host a special "community building." The club will get to know each other better and share their hopes and dreams for the club as they move into year 2. There are some fun things planned! No speaker, no agenda, just fellowship.

Tuesday, March 21, 6:00pm
Who's Responsible for Revenue Growth? Attend Business Networking with Rotarians (12-club event)

For you, or someone on your staff, grow your business by doing business with Rotarians in an environment that supports “Service Above Self”

For you, or someone on your staff, grow your business by doing business with Rotarians in an environment that supports “Service Above Self”

Bonus: This is also an opportunity for someone you are interested in recruiting to Roswell Rotary.

Tuesday, March 21 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.   

Location: Eclipse Di Luna,  4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30346 

For more information, contact  Ken Carter 404-386-3214 ken.carter@floorcoveringsinternational.com or Hal Schlenger 770-335-0077 HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com

Hump Day, Wednesday, March 22, 5:30pm

Saturday March 25
13th Annual “Sweep the Hooch” River Cleanup


This is a joint event sponsored by the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper and supported through Roswell Rotary, Trout Unlimited, Keep North Fulton Beautiful and several other organizations. In 2022, more than 2,300 volunteers collected almost 60 tons of trash across the Chattahoochee.

We need walkers, waders and floaters to clean up the “Hooch” along Riverside Road, including the trails, the riverbank and possibly the islands.  

To volunteer you must:

  • Advise Dutch Earle, including number in you group/family participating.
  • Sign Up at: https://chattahoochee.org/sweep-the-hooch/ check the Roswell Rotary group and walker or wader. If you can float, check wader and let me know that you will be floating. If the signup is full, let me now and we will open more slots.
  • Participants can park at my house, 9030 Bluffview Trace, Roswell 30076; in the Northcliff subdivision. We will then meet at the guard house, 9 AM and begin our adventure. Please wear old clothes.     We will supply gloves and bags. Also, bring a “grabber” if you have or can buy one, makes picking up the trash easier!

Call me or email me if you can participate and/or have any questions!

Dutch Earle, dutchearle@gmail.com, 770.403.0755

March 27 Blood Drive at Gate City 10:00am-6:00pm
It's Worth Asking About

"I have never donated my blood," shared prospective member Greg Roth.   

More than thirty years ago I had a minor virus.  The doctor told me that I could never give blood so I never did nor did I ever research why not.  After signing up to volunteer at our blood drive at Gate City Brewery I decided to finally research why I couldn't give blood.  After contacting the Red Cross I learned that I can, in fact, donate my blood.  That made my day! 

Blood is needed every day of the year.  There is no substitute for blood.  Donors provide the only supply of life-saving blood for those in need.

I plan on making up for lost time and will donate my blood at every Roswell Rotary Club Blood Drive in the future. 

Please join me -- or have a friend or coworker join me in this lifesaving effort.  Click here to reserve a space March 27th to donate at Gate City Brewery.

For more information, contact Jonathan Crooks 770-841-8686, Darrell Bartlett 770-883-7757, Greg Roth 346-287-4990   or Hal Schlenger 770-335-0077.

As always, we want to thank Pat Rains and Michael Curling for the current and past help saving lives in our community.

Community Impact Project April 13, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m
Roswell Rotary and WellStar North Fulton Hospital

We are celebrating the opening of the Roswell Rotary Family Waiting Room in the Emergency Department which is Phase 3 of the Community Impact Project started by Past President Terry Taylor and completed during President John Carruth’s year. 

Come for a tour of the Roswell Rotary Family Waiting Room in the Emergency Department and fellowship with Rotarians and our partners at WellStar North Fulton. 

You are invited to attend a Celebration Event

April 13, 2023 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

in the Main Lobby

WellStar North Fulton Hospital, 3000 Hospital Blvd, Roswell, GA 30076

For more information, contact Becky Stone rebecca.stone@stonepc.net and Lori Allen Lori.Allen@wellstar.org 

Phase two of our Panama Water Project has begun!
1600 Panamanians Helped by Roswell Rotary's Water Project

1600 people (more than half children) are being lifted by your efforts. Clean water means better education, efficiency, and exponentially greater opportunities for them and their children for future generations.

Because of the remote locales - inaccessible by heavy equipment and conventional government project processes - local labor is used extensively by necessity AND design. This has resulted in a cash cost estimated to be 80% less than what it would have cost the government to achieve the same results.

And our Rotary project is far more sustainable. In building the water system themselves, the villagers understand and can repair it, as well as having a pride-filled sense of ownership. They are aware, and deeply grateful, that their lives have been fundamentally altered and improved.

In recognizing our efforts, the government articulated an unexpected dividend from the project - greater national security and community strength. A stronger and more united citizenry in remote - especially border - areas stabilizes the society amid the current immigration crisis and criminal oppression.

We had not expected that. Many good things come from doing good. Seeing Rotarians truly living out "Service above Self" reverberates in ways we may never know.

Click Here for Progress Report

Click Here for District Awards Submission

Save the dates
Be Part of Making Roswell Rotary's Magic.

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!    

Rotary-style Business Networking - Rotary Means Business

Add To Calendar  March 21, 2023 6:00 pm - 8:00pm

Hump Day at Rock'N'Taco 

Add To Calendar  Wednesday, March 22, 2023 5:30 pm - 7:00pm

Roswell District Training Assembly 

Add To Calendar   March 25, 2023

Roswell Sweep the Hooch   

Add To Calendar  March 25, 2023 8:00 am— 12:00 pm

RRC Scholarship Team Submission Review

Add To Calendar  March 25, 2023 9:30 am— 12:00 pm

Roswell Blood Drive at Gate City Brewery

Add To Calendar  March 27, 2023 10:00am - 6:00pm

Community Impact Project: Wellstar North Fulton

Add To Calendar April 13, 2023, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

District Conference

Add To Calendar April 27-30 San Destin FL

Rotary Last Week
