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August 29, 2023


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/31 Maurice Smith - USDA / Foster Care
9/7 SC House Rep Brandon Guffey - Gavin's Law
9/14 no meeting
9/21 Bruce Thompson - Labor Commissioner of GA


8/31 Christmas decorating at Bulloch Hall Meeting
8/31 Christmas decorating at Bulloch Hall Meeting
9/6 Hump Day at Variant Brewery
9/9 Walk with a Doc: Taking Back Control of Healthcare Costs


President Alex Kaufman
President-Elect Nancy Alterman
Treasurer Matthew Millard
Secretary Trummie Patrick, III
Membership Bob Clarkson
Foundation James Stone
Public Image Becky Nelson


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




(833) 456-2829

Our Rotary Family

8/2 Gene Beckham, III
8/5 Charlie Cameron
8/7 Ryan Gehricke
8/8 Alan Christian
8/9 Jennifer Briggs
8/10 Kathryn Igou
8/12 Rick Dreger
8/13 Lori Allen
8/15 Betty Price
8/17 Jacque Digieso
8/18 John Albers
8/19 Susan Rumble
8/19 Kathy Teston
8/20 Debbie Cwalina
8/24 Mary Robichaux
8/26 Jim Swain
8/27 Lori Kirn
8/28 Richard Spencer
8/28 Grant Miller
8/30 Ted Lescher, Jr.
8/31 Steve Stroud


8/1 Steven Palmer (7)
7 years in Rotary
8/1 William Brooks (0)
8/2 Chris Webb (1)
8/3 John Carruth (28)
8/4 David Young (35)
8/6 Elwyn Gaissert, II (42)
8/13 Richard Meer (31)
8/14 David Reddick (20)
27 years in Rotary
8/20 John Wolfe (31)
8/20 Trummie Patrick, III (8)
8/23 Jay Pickett, III (5)
8/23 Virginia Martz (1)
8/25 Lynn Dunn (7)
8/28 Lori Kirn (9)
8/29 Lucy Hall (4)
8/29 Katie Anderson (4)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynne Lindsey and all news should be directed to her at lynnehlindsay@outlook.com


Fellow Rotarians:

We are in the final push to get golfers, tennis players, pickle ballers, and sponsors (as well as raffling off our golf cart). Please help out!

Speaking of our 9/11 Aubrey Greenway/Hagan Cup Fundraiser, many Rotarians were present at the August 28th City Council Meeting in order to present the city with the First Responders’ Cup. We were honored to be joined by the Mayor, Council, and many of Roswell’s Finest as we have inaugurated what will undoubtedly be a great Roswell Rotary Tradition.

As for business - the Board, in conjunction with the Meetings Committee, have decided to terminate the contract with Wah’Lah - our current caterer. Both our Board and Wah’Lah believed that this was best for all concerned. Please bear with us as we transition to our new caterer which will be unveiled shortly. We will keep the same setup as our last meeting - i.e. with a buffet and having beverages and desserts on the table with our new place settings.

USDA's Maurice Smith to Speak

Mr. Maurice Smith, Middle Georgia USDA Farm Loan Manager, was placed in the State of Georgia Foster Care System at age 3 with his sisters in Crisp County (Cordele).  He aged out of the system having never been adopted but being fully loved by his caregiver(s).  This is the magic, he shared.  He was parented as a fully loved child of the house.

Finding resources and opportunities, Maurice, at age 18, signed himself back into the system and the State of Georgia paid for his undergraduate degree through Ft Valley University.  He then pursued post-graduate studies at Michigan State University where he met his wife and they now live in Putnam County raising their 2 children.

Save the Date
Golf & Tennis Tournament Monday September 11

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Golf Committee will meet every Thursday at 11:30am. We need sponsors and volunteers to make this event our best tournament ever! Make YOUR commitment today!!

Here are all the links and forms you need to get the word out!

Commitment Form

Link to Tournament page

Tournament Chair is Bob Clarkson bobc@c21connectrealty.com

CLICK HERE to Volunteer. You will not regret one second of the time you dedicate to this event! For more information, contact Michael Curling michael.curling@gmail.com

Calling on Sponsors
Sponsors- Golf & Tennis Tournament Monday September 11

Commit to your sponsorship today! See Jonathan Crooks jonathancrooks@bellsouth.net

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Golf Committee will meet every Thursday at 11:30am. We need sponsors and volunteers to make this event our best tournament ever! Make YOUR commitment today!!

Golf Update!
Sign up your Foursomes/Teams NOW!!!

The morning flight is "full", and the afternoon only has a few spots left. We need everyone's teams/foursomes and handicaps by September 7th @ 8:00pm!

Contact Warren Parsons (Warren.Parsons@scouting.org) to send in your teams and handicaps!

Wine & Bourbon Pull Donations Needed

Collections for bottle of bourbon and wine valued at $30+ are much appreciated! Each bottle will have a tag that notes who sponsored the bottle along with some information about all the great things Roswell Rotary does in our community. If you bring something “special” please let us know so we can promote them. Contact Angela Medley angelamedley@atlantafinehomes.com for more info.

Buy Now! Raffle Tickets for Golf Cart & Ball Drop

Golf Cart: You could be the lucky owner of this golf cart generously donated by Roswell General. Buy your ticket NOW!

Ball Drop: Or you could be the winner of the ball drop! Contact Nancy Alterman nhalterman8@gmail.com or click link 

Proceeds go to Roswell Rotary Golf & Tennis Tournament honoring First Responders on 9-11-23. 

Hump Day at Variant Wed. Sept 6

The Roswell Rotary's Bloodsuckers are back!

After a long run at Gate City, who we are forever grateful for providing use of their Backhouse, we relocated to Houck's Grille (soon to be Coastal Grille) on Wed, Aug 23.

Rotarians, and our friends, family and employees, generated 36 pints, which could save 100+ lives because of the way the blood can be used.  Remember that there is no substitute for human blood, so we must continue to collect to keep the Roswell community, and our hospitals including WellStar N Fulton, strong.

Whether it was the video message from Hal Coleman, or stories by Jonathan Crooks, Greg Roth and Darrell Bartlett, the call for donors got to many wonderful people,.

Thanks to Michael Curling at Variant, Jeff Fischer at Houck's Grille for making Pint for a Pint drive a success.

NOTE:  We'll be back on Wed, Nov. 15 at Coastal / Houck's.  Please start talking with your colleagues and friends.

RRAH Hosts Sunday Funday Social at Fetch

Roswell Rotary After Hours beat the "Sunday scaries" by hosting a Sunday Funday social at Fetch Park Alpharetta--the coolest dog park and bar in town! Members let their pups run free while they enjoyed laughs and cold beverages. It was a great "paw-ty" to end the summer!

Tales from a Recovering Perfectionist

Save the date for the next Roswell Rotary After Hours meeting on Tuesday, September 5th at 6:30 at The Artillery Room. The club will welcome past RRC President Lisa Carlisle who will share "tales from a recovering perfectionist." Is your backpack too heavy? Are you having trouble being present and active? Swing by this meeting to receive some insight and tips that are sure to leave you feeling motivated.

GRSP Student

"My name is Julia and I’m from Finland. I am currently attending Kennesaw State University where I’m studying Italian and psychology among other interesting courses. I have a BBA degree from Finland specializing in event management. So, in the future I hope to work in the event industry or perhaps with the ministry of foreign affairs. I am looking forward to having an amazing year in Georgia!" 

To make it easy for our club members to invite Julia to a fun event or fun place you are visiting, Tori Nielson at admin@roswellrotary.com has set up a calendar so you can see when she is open. It means a lot to these students when they are included in many different activities with different Rotarians!

Volunteer Opportunity
Interact clubs Starting Soon

Interact Clubs Starting Soon!

We still need Rotarian liaisons from our club for some of the schools.

Commitment: Liaisons attend Interact Club meetings once or twice per month.

Small commitment from us – Huge Impact on the kids

Reach out to Bill Hoban billh@c21connectrealty.com 404-867-3312 if interested in learning more about it.

Sat, 9/09 at 9:00am: Your body is asking for this
Walk with a Doc: Taking Control of your Healthcare Costs w Dr Dwana Bush

Guest Speaker:   Primary care physician Dr Dwana Bush shares tactics and tools to return consumerism to healthcare.  Rotarian and insurance broker Hal Schlenger will join Dr Bush to connect her insights to various medical insurance options.

2 and 3 mile walk options along the river.  Longer walk includes a couple of hills.

Location details: Island Ford,  1978 Island Ford Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30350

Meet at the Visitor's Center of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Click here for area trail map

National Parks $5 parking fee if you don't have a park pass. Dogs on leashes welcomed.

Contact Hal Schlenger or Betty Price for more info.

Volunteer NOW
First Responders Cookout Sept. 16

The fourth annual 9-11 First Responders Cookout will be held Saturday, September 16th, 2023, between 2 pm and 8 pm at Roswell Fire Station #24, 1400 Old Alabama Road, Roswell, 30076. Volunteers are needed starting at 2:00 PM. 

During the September 11, 2001, attacks, 2,977 people were killed and more than 6,000 others were injured. Of the 2,977 fatalities, 2,753 were killed in the World Trade Center and surrounding area, 184 at the Pentagon, and 40 in Pennsylvania. These deaths included 265 on the four planes. The attacks remain the deadliest terrorist act in world history.

The Roswell Rotary Club 9-11 Committee invites any members interested in assisting in the cookout to contact Dave Young nfultonpt@juno.com , Gene Beckham gene@bfsga.com , or Jack Wyche javic@msn.com

Please help us make this another great event upon which to thank our First Responders for what they do for us, every day!!!

Click Here to Sign Up to Volunteer

Saturday, September 16
Rivers Alive Roswell Clean Up Project

Rivers Alive, Georgia’s annual river cleanup, comes to Roswell on September 16. The event, co-hosted by Keep Roswell Beautiful and the City of Roswell, is part of a statewide campaign to preserve Georgia’s 70,100 miles of rivers and streams.

Small groups of volunteers will be dispersed across the city to perform beautification projects, including litter pick-ups, invasive plant and shrub removal, mulching, native plant planting, and storm drain marking. This year, cleanup sites will include Riverside Park, Dotsie Garner Mills Park, Old Roswell Cemetery, Bulloch Hall, and more.

Email Joe Mazzeo to Volunteer - joemazzeo1@gmail.com

Location to Meet - TBD

More Details Click here

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Rotary Youth Exchange
Application Period Now Open Thru 10/15

The application period for Rotary Youth Exchange is now open!

The parent/student information sessions are scheduled for:

  • Sandy Springs - August 29th
  • Johns Creek - Sept 20th

Additional info found on http://www.ryese.org

Questions? Contact Alesia Booth  alesiagbooth@att.net

Coming Up at RRC
Save the Date: Making Roswell Rotary's Magic Happen

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...Service Above Self. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!    

Events Chair 2023-24 Katie Tucker

Golf & Tennis Tournament

Add To Calendar Monday, September 11 Brookfield Country Club

Hump Day at Variant Brewery

Add To Calendar Wed. September 6th Variant Brewery

First Responders Cookout

Add To Calendar Sat. Sept. 16 2-8pm Volunteers arrive 2pm

Rivers Alive Chattahoochee River Cleanup Project

Add To Calendar Sat Sept 16 Time TBA

RRAH  Unity Garden Service Project Sept. 23 9am - 12pm

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Farm Day at Gary Garrett's Farm

Add To Calendar Saturday, October 14th Details TBA

RRC Holiday Party Friday December 8, 6pm - 10pm Details TBA

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Rotary Last Week
