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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

October 11, 2023


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/13 Jennie Stipick, The Rotary Foundation
10/20 Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State
10/27 Ahmed Sendze Konde, GRSP Student, Gabon
11/3 David Silver, GM Perimeter Mall

Our Rotary Family

10/2 Felicia Voloschin
10/7 Mike Parks
10/13 Terence Shortal
10/22 Teak Pacetti, Jr.
10/24 Bill Woulfin
10/24 Charlene Hall
10/24 Denise Brodsky


10/2 Ed Godshall (15)
10/6 Alison Norris (33)
10/10 Lorri Christopher (42)
10/12 Gary Lane (20)
10/17 Jennifer Shumway (2)
10/25 Dottie Toney (9)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
AC Hotel Atlanta Perimeter - Bar Peri
40 Perimeter Center Pl NE
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346



President Jack Sparks
President-Elect Louise Barden
President Nominee Matthew Johnson
Immediate PP Jennifer Shumway
Vice President Louise Barden
Treasurer Carter Stout
Secretary Dave Burr
Sergeant-at-Arms George Stewart, Jr.

This Week's Meeting
Celebrating The Rotary Foundation - Jennie Stipick, Club Foundation Chair

Join us this Friday, October 13, when our own Past President Jennie Stipick talks about the power of The Rotary Foundation. Our club has witnessed this firsthand through our participation in many of the Foundation's programs. In 2015-16, we became a Million Dollar Club - and today our lifetime contributions have well exceeded that number.

Jennie has served in a variety of roles at the Rotary Club of Dunwoody - including Club President. She is a Past Chair of the DeKalb Rotary Council, a past Assistant Governor, and an active supporter of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program - and currently serves as our Foundation Chair. [read more]

Our Time to Connect, Serve and Grow!

A perfect graphic for Dunwoody Rotary - from the August 2020 Rotarian magazine. 

  • Let's introduce Dunwoody Rotary to new people - and encourage them to become part of all that we do. As DG Andre said last week, the more hands we have, the more we can do to serve! Let's keep our membership pipeline full.
  • Let's sell more whiskey raffle tickets - they help fund our problem-solving and hard work for others. Purchase now at Whiskey Raffle (whiskey-raffle.com) - the first drawing is only a week away!
  • Let's be part of as many Rotary activities as we can - this week that includes wine tasting at Meghan's and Saturday morning clean-up at the Dunwoody Nature Center. The more time we invest, the more we strengthen the "together" - the friendships, fun and family that's been Dunwoody Rotary for nearly 40 years.

Whiskey Raffle Update
Like to Be Among the Last to Buy Tickets? Now is the Time ...


If you don’t buy tickets now – or encourage your friends who love whiskey to buy tickets – you’ll miss out on two big opportunities for our first (of three) drawing next Wednesday, October 19:

  • The chance to win two amazing bottles of whiskey from Atlanta distilleries.
  • An opportunity to add to our Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund and be part of all the causes we support in the community – including books for Kingsley and Dresden Elementary, USO, Harvest Food boxes and more!

It's our goal to sell 175 tickets - we've sold just about 70 now. It's $10 for Raffle #1 and tickets are easy to buy - just click this link or use your phone to take a picture of the QR code above and it takes you right to the site.

Forward this email on to people you think would be interested - whiskey fans, friends or family who want to help us with our work in the community, other Rotarians. 

Thanks for your support!

Fellowship Opportunity
Wine Tasting Fellowship Meets This Friday

New Rotarian Meghan Berry is helping us restart a club favorite - with a wine tasting at her home (5101 Vernon Ridge Drive, Dunwoody, GA 30338) n Friday, October 13th from 6-9pm.  Significant others are invited too!

Please bring a bottle of wine under $20 value for everyone to taste, and a small appetizer or dessert to share. We'll do some blind taste tests to challenge our palates!

Please RSVP by clicking this link!

Opportunity to Serve
Join Us for Clean-Up at the Dunwoody Nature Center This Saturday, October 14

Plan to join us this Saturday - on October 14 - to help with some clean-up at the Dunwoody Nature Center. We'll plan to be there from 9:00 AM to about noon. The Center needs all the volunteers it can get to help with projects on the property - and your support can help us increase the impact we will have.

Go to the Dunwoody Nature Center website to sign up and complete a volunteer waiver. Wear your Dunwoody Rotary shirt, bring your water and gloves, and plan to enjoy fellowship with your club members and other volunteers!

AJC Celebrates Augello Family and East 48th St. Market

We all know Charlie and Anita Augello are special people - and most of us love East 48th St. Market. This week, they were featured in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Click here to read the story. And think about what we could add - Charlie's work with the golf tournament, the Alzheimer's Association, the USO and so much more, and Anita's work with Kingsley Elementary School. Thanks Anita and Charlie!

Service Opportunity
Special Olympics Basketball ... November 3

You probably saw this picture at last Friday's meeting - when Kathy Brandt shared our history of working with Special Olympics. Our next opportunity is coming up soon at Peachtree Middle School. Join us to help with a basketball skills tournament right after Rotary on Friday, November 3. Contact Kathy Brand to volunteer or get more information.
