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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

October 25, 2023


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/27 Ahmed Sendze Konde, GRSP Student, Gabon
11/3 Nehemiah Lamb, Founder, Unique Individual Ranch
11/10 Veteran's Day Program: Major General William B. Dyer III,

Our Rotary Family

10/2 Felicia Voloschin
10/7 Mike Parks
10/13 Terence Shortal
10/22 Teak Pacetti, Jr.
10/24 Bill Woulfin
10/24 Charlene Hall
10/24 Denise Brodsky


10/2 Ed Godshall (15)
10/6 Alison Norris (33)
10/10 Lorri Christopher (42)
10/12 Gary Lane (20)
10/17 Jennifer Shumway (2)
10/25 Dottie Toney (9)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
AC Hotel Atlanta Perimeter - Bar Peri
40 Perimeter Center Pl NE
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346



President Jack Sparks
President-Elect Louise Barden
President Nominee Matthew Johnson
Immediate PP Jennifer Shumway
Vice President Louise Barden
Treasurer Carter Stout
Secretary Dave Burr
Sergeant-at-Arms George Stewart, Jr.

This Week's Speaker
Ahmed Sendze Konde

Join us at the AC Hotel this Friday to hear from our GRSP student, Ahmed Sendze Konde – about himself, his family and his country. Ahmed was born in the country of Gabon and most recently lived in Congo. He is a freshman at Oglethorpe University and plans to earn his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Oglethorpe. Ahmed is also hoping to play basketball for Oglethorpe’s Stormy Petrels. We won't give you too much bio since that's what he'll share with us Friday!

We worked directly with the university’s admission office to identify Ahmed as our GRSP student. He lives in Sandy Springs with his sister and brother.  We were impressed with the reference letter written by one of his teachers, “Besides of being a very hard-working student, Ahmed was very engaged in all aspects of our school and had a very positive attitude with both the students and professors. He often would engage in volunteering opportunities such as community cleaning day to ensure our district was constantly neat and would encourage his peers to partake in those volunteering opportunities the school has to offer.”

We encourage you to take time to get to know Ahmed and invite him to join you for a meal, a holiday, a special activity – or even to provide a ride to Rotary on Friday mornings. His mobile number is 470-917-9355 and his email is ahmedsendzekonde@gmail.com.

Plan to Join Us
Connect, Serve, Grow: A Plethora of Upcoming Opportunities

For the past few weeks, we've been encouraging you to sign up to help with the Special Olympics basketball clinic that takes place next Friday morning, November 3, at Peachtree Middle School. Check out the story later in this bulletin and think about joining us!

We have a lot (or a plethora) of ways to serve our community and have a great time while we do. Consider:

  • Thanksgiving baskets for Kingsley Elementary - Anita Augello is organizing this effort and will be looking for volunteers on November 13 and 14 as Thanksgiving food baskets are assembled on site at Kingsley. 
  • Holiday Luncheon - Friday, December 1 - This will be our 40th annual holiday luncheon - celebrating the Dunwoody Family of Rotary - and we're holding it at the Dunwoody Country Club.  
  • Toys for Tots - We'll be partnering with the Marines on their annual toy drive again this year - so keep your eyes open for holiday displays. We're also working on another opportunity to help families in need - more information soon.
  • Books for Christmas - a 20+ year Dunwoody tradition of giving a new book to Dresden and Kingsley Elementary Schools - will also be back and we'll let you know when we've settled on dates to prepare the books and distribute them.
  • GRSP Leadership Weekend - February 9 to 11 at the Dunwoody Annex - It has been 20+ years since Fred Brandt organized our first leadership weekend and we have lots of opportunity for service and fellowship.

Your participation in each and every one of these makes a difference - it's how we "build goodwill and better friendships."

Keep the 20-Year Tradition Going
Special Olympics Basketball ... November 3

On November 3, starting at 9am, we will be volunteering at Peachtree Charter Middle School in support of the Special Olympics athletic challenge. We are seeking club members to come out and help with these amazing kids. Let me tell you what this event isn't. It isn't taxing on the intelligence. It isn't demanding of physicality. It isn't a fashion show. Now let me tell you what this event is. It is fun. It is engaging. It is heart-warming. And it is memorable. We have 12 volunteers so far and we need about 8 more.

This is not a new event for our club. We've supported this event for many years. This year, however, there is some bureaucratic paper work that needs to be completed. First, you'll have to complete the Volunteer Application and Release Form and acknowledge the Code of Conduct. This will take about 5 minutes. Then you have to watch the video and take the quiz for Mandated Reporters. When you work with children it is mandated that you be watchful for signs of abuse. If you suspect abuse, you have to report it. The video and quiz will explain the process and take about 50-60 minutes. Click "more" to get started on your "homework" - the experience is well worth the effort! [more]

Are You Still Thinking about Whiskey?

We hope so! Imagine ... 

Even with Luke Mangiapanello winning our first whiskey drawing and taking home the Short Barrel Toasted 101 and the Old Fourth Distributor Bourbon last Thursday, you and your friends still have opportunities to grab your own winning ticket! Our #2 whiskey raffle is well underway - and you can improve your chances to win by using the QR code above or clicking here 

And remember, the Club's Charitable Fund and the Community benefit too when you make a contribution!

Congratulations to Luke and thanks to all of you for your continued support of this fund-raising initative

Thanks for Your Service
Here's to Our Gardeners!

Dunwoody Rotarians were on hand at both the Dunwoody Nature Center and Bounds Garden, our own traffic island across from the library on Peachtree-Dunwoody! Thanks to the gardening crews - AND our leaders, Cathie Brumfield at the Nature Center and "Ranger" Fred Bounds at our Bounds Garden workday. 

Did You Know ...
Tuesday was World Polio Day!

Rotary set out on its journey to End Polio in 1985 ... and the Rotary Club of Dunwoody jumped in and hasn't stopped since.

Here's part of the story from our 1988-89 club bulletins ... July 20, 1988 … Polio Plus update from RI Convention … $219 million raised. International campaign chair Leslie S. Wright said, “I cannot think of a greater gift than the gift of life .. and that is what we are offering to the children of the world as a result of Polio Plus.”  Sept. 23 … From the first polio immunization project in 1979 to Polio Plus, Rotary commitments will immunize more than 250 million children against polio (this year)– in a program that will reach a billion children before the year 2005.” And March 24, 1988 … In less than two years our club has paid in full its Polio Plus Goal of $25,000. Our assigned target was $9,408. We set a goal at 266% of the target. This goal was the third highest in District 690 on a per capita basis.”

Today, as Dunwoody Rotarians, we have contributed about $200,000 to Polio Plus. Four club members have participated in immunization days in India - Bob and Charlene Hall, Laura Kann and Roy Wise who is pictured here. And more than 20 of us have become End Polio Society members with a contribution of at least $100 each.

Let's keep up the good work to help "make polio history."  See our Foundation Chair, Jennie Stipick, for more about how you can get involved.

Dunwoody Rotary to Help Honor Vietnam Veterans

At our August 25 meeting we heard from John Butler, Board Chair for the Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association, about plans to install a beautiful monument in Dunwoody’s Brook Run Park to honor both American and Vietnamese soldiers who fought and died in the Vietnam War. This story includes images of the planned monument and information about it. The RCD Board approved to commit the Charitable Fund to match donations of Club members up to $2,500 so we can meet or exceed the $5,000 level to have the Club’s name and Rotary logo engraved on the monument. You have contributed at least $1,200 toward that goal!

If you’d like to participate, please make your tax deductible contribution to “Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund” and put “Vietnam War Memorial” on the memo line.  Then give or mail your check to RCD Treasurer Carter Stout as soon as possible.
