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November 7, 2023


November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/9 Ukraine Update from Dale Dixon
11/16 Tim Huff - Veterans Day Speaker
11/23 no meeting
11/30 Monika Vintrlikova - Czech Republic Consulate


11/8 Hump Day at Lucia's Italian Restaurant
11/10 Veterans Day Trip to Ft. Moore (formerly Ft. Benning)
11/16 Packing Event for Adopt a Platoon
11/18 Roswell Rotary Veterans Appreciation Invitational (Day ONE)


President Alex Kaufman
President-Elect Nancy Alterman
Treasurer Matthew Millard
Treasurer Leslie Bassett
Secretary Trummie Patrick, III
Foundation James Stone
Membership Bob Clarkson
Public Image Becky Nelson


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




(833) 456-2829

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Larry Harman
11/4 Sid Disher
11/4 Michael Schoppenhorst
11/6 Karen Schwank
11/7 Dave Hallman
11/7 Timothy Klatt
11/9 Jimmy Moore
11/9 William Brown
11/11 Ron Harlow
11/14 John Davies
11/15 Robert Button
11/18 June Brown
11/18 Al Nash
11/20 Patsy Wolff
11/24 James Savage
11/29 Jim Coyle, Jr.


11/4 Ken Carter (3)
11/5 Charlie Cameron (36)
11/5 Ryan Sprinkle (2)
11/5 Tate Jones (2)
11/5 Tillie O'Neal (2)
12 years in Rotary
11/5 Bob Hagan (25)
30 years in Rotary
11/7 Ron Harlow (10)
11/7 Scott Moscow (10)
11/7 Mike Hampton (10)
11/7 Kathy Teston (10)
11/8 Robert Fezza (16)
11/10 Sarah Byrd (1)
11/10 Mike Oetinger (1)
11/11 Joe Piontek, Sr. (13)
11/11 Nancy Alterman (13)
11/14 Richard Spencer (30)
11/17 Rick Dreger (34)
11/30 David White (6)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynne Lindsey and all news should be directed to her at lynnehlindsay@outlook.com

President Alex's Message

Fellow Rotarians- What a week!

Thank you for all of those that came to say goodbye to our friend and past President, Maurice Hilliard.

We welcomed Past President (2020-2021), Rotary Club of Guindy, India. Sharath brought a flag for us to swap.

We had a successful consolidation and move of our storage facility as well as  Bulloch Hall decoration for our Christmas Market. Thank you to all who volunteered this weekend.

These are our most important days for our veterans initiatives. Please join us and volunteer for our Adopt a Platoon, Ft Benning Bus Trip, and Veterans Basketball Fundraiser. 

Thank you,

- Alex

Dale Dixon to Speak on Ukraine

R. Dale Dixon is a tax accountant that started his practice, The Tax Surgeon, LLC, 44 years ago in Cobb County. His practice serves both business and individuals with tax planning, business consulting, tax preparation and IRS audit representation. Over 25 years ago he began to travel to Ukraine in order to teach business principles to Ukrainian business owners. He and his wife, Sandra have traveled to Ukraine over 50 times and only stopped their bi-annual trips due to Covid and the war. Dale and Sandra live in Smyrna and have three grown children and one grandchild, Poppy.

After Hours Celebrates Friendsgiving

Last week, Roswell Rotary After Hours held their second annul RRAH Friendsgiving! Leigh and Charlie Brown welcomed the club to their home in Roswell and everyone brought a delicious dish to share. It was a night full of storytelling, yummy food, lots of wine and even more laughs.

The next Roswell Rotary After Hours meeting is tonight, Tuesday, Nov. 7th at 6:30 at The Artillery Room @ Gate City! There will be no scheduled speaker. Instead, members will partake in fellowship while organizing care packages for active duty military in honor of Veterans Day. 

Tuesday Nov 7
Vote Today!

For more info Click Here

Veteran's Bus Tour this Friday, Nov 10th

Roswell Rotary will be honoring veterans from all branches of service with a trip to Fort Moore and the Military Museum on November 10th.  We will depart from the American Legion Post 201 in Alpharetta at 6:30 am to arrive at Fort Moore by 9:30. We will attend Ranger Graduation and Demonstration at 10:00, followed by a VIP tour and lunch at the Military Museum.  We will depart Columbus at 1500 to head back to the American Legion for dinner at 1800.  All Veterans and dignitaries will be the guest of RRC and all other guests will be assessed a $30 per person fee.  RRC has reserved three buses, so seating is limited to approximately 150 participants. For any questions, please contact Alicia Hughes ahughes@wsnielsen.com

Click Here to Download Registration Form

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Adopt A Platoon

We need for everyone to bring your items for Adopt a Platoon! 

It's that time!
Rotary Veterans Invitational Tournament

What Roswell Rotary volunteer opportunity provides the chance to honor our veterans, be involved with student athletes, make your star crock pot specialty, serve food to coaches, referees, and staff working the event, and spend one-on-one time with your fellow Rotarians? It is the ROTARY VETERANS’ APPRECIATION BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT! 

The tournament supports ALL our veteran programs, the Ft. Moore bus trip, Adopt-A-Platoon, and Memorial Day and is held at Roswell High School November 18th, 20th, & 21st. We will need volunteers to help man the ticket sales table at the gym and others to assist in the hospitality suite for lunches and dinners we will be providing on those days. A perfect opportunity for new members to assimilate to the Club and for the Satellite Club to help the Parent Club with an important project. The energy of the students and the happiness of our volunteers makes this an incredibly special volunteer moment. We hope you will say YES to being a part of this event that raises money to honor our veterans!

To volunteer, Click here Roswell Rotary: Rotary Veterans' Appreciation Invitational Sign Up

Questions about volunteering can be answered by contacting Dave Young nfultonpt@juno.com, Gene Beckham gene@bfsga.com, Lynne Lindsay lynnehlindsay@outlook.com, or Jack Wyche javic@msn.com 

QR Code for Volunteer Link

Volunteers Needed
Christkindlmarket Gift Shop Volunteers

Thank you to everyone who helped decorate last Sunday!

Calling Rotarians to Volunteer... and Shop!! 

The holidays are fast approaching and Roswell Rotary is getting ready.   As a partner in the Christkindlmarket coming to Roswell Nov. 24-Dec 24, Roswell Rotarians are needed to work the check out desk in the Bulloch Hall Gift Shoppe right next door to Bulloch Hall.   Feel free to pass along to your spouse/partner/friend that you think might be interested.  We ask that you sign up for a minimum of 2 shifts between Nov. 24th and Dec. 24th.  There will be a training session in November to learn how to use the Square system and check out a customer at the shop.  It’s easy! It’s fun!   It’s a great way to get involved.  Partner up with a friend as 2 people are needed per shift.  Click the link to sign up for your shifts. Remember this is a major project/fundraiser this year and we need you!  

Roswell Rotarians, use this link to sign up for a time slot to work at Bulloch Hall Gift Shoppe during the Christkindlmarket:


North Fulton Charity- Toyland Drive

Bring a smile to a child’s face this holiday season by donating toys and gift cards.  Toyland Shop provides toys and gifts to local children in need at the holidays. At NFCC’s Toyland Shop, unwrapped, donated toys are arranged so parents can pick out their child’s holiday gifts. Last year, the program served more than 1300 children in our community!

The Toyland Shop Toy Drive is collecting new, unwrapped toys for children from ages 0-18.  Please do not forget to keep our teenage clients in your hearts this year. We often see less toys donated for this age group. The most popular items for teens continues to be gift cards. We are requesting gift cards in increments of $35 from major retailers such as Target, Walmart and Amazon.

Please bring an unwrapped toy or gift card  to Rotary on December 7th. 

So you've always wanted to be famous...?

Here's your chance to make your mark on the world! Show off your sparkling personality, quick wit, and endearing character by committing to collecting and writing blurbs on a weekly basis for our Rotascope newsletter. Just 2 spots available!  Social Media buffs welcome, but all acuity levels encouraged. See Kathy Igou (kigou@turknett.com) today.

District Conference Jekyll Island
Join Us in March

Why attend the District conference?

  • Cool trip to Jekyll Island
  • Meet Rotarians from other clubs
  • Find out what is going on in our district
  • Get to know your fellow Roswell Rotarians better
  • Support our own Gorden Owens as he prepares for his role as District Governor in 2024
  • Did someone say beach karaoke?

Register HERE  before early bird price is gone!

WHY should I go to District conference this year? CLICK HERE

2024 Slate Announced!


President Elect, Nancy Alterman announced her Board Slate of Nominations at last week's meeting.

  • Alex Kaufman, Immediate Past President
  • John Carruth, 2nd year Past President
  • Lou Tabickman and Terry Taylor, Board Officers Presidential Advisor
  • Trummie Lee Patrick, III,  President Elect
  • Leslie Bassett, Secretary
  • Katie Anderson, Treasurer
  • Bob Hagan, Historian
  • Bob Clarkson, Meetings
  • Michael Curling, Events
  • Brooke Foxman, After Hours
  • Becky Nelson, Youth Services - One Time Events
  • James Stone, Youth Services - Recurring
  • Hal Schlenger, Medical Meetings and Events
  • Cheryl Greenway, Foundation
  • Karen Schwank, Membership
  • Darrell Bartlett, Vocational
  • Jonathan Crooks, Veterans
  • Alicia Hughes, International 
  • Kathy Igou, Public Image
  • Jim Savage, Seniors
  • Mary Trapp, Service Projects 

The nominations will be posted over the next few weeks with the official club election being held on December 1st.  If you have any questions about the 2024-2025 board or would like to know more about how to get involved, please reach out to me at nancyhalterman8@gmail.com

Coming Up at RRC
Save the Date: Making Roswell Rotary's Magic Happen

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...Service Above Self. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!    

Events Chair 2023-24 Katie Tucker

Hump Day November 8th Lucia's Italian Restaurant

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Veterans Day Trip to Ft. Moore (Formerly Ft Benning)
November 10, 2023 6am - 6pm

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Adopt a Platoon Packing Event November 16

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Roswell Rotary Veterans Appreciation Basketball Invitational

Add To Calendar  November 18, 20, 21

Walk with a Doc Nov. 18 9am

Rotary Means Business November 21 - IronHill Brewery-Perimeter

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Reminder! No Meeting November 23

Christkindl Market November 24 - December 24 

Toyland Donations Dropoff December 7

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RRC Holiday Party Friday December 8, 6pm - 10pm Details TBA

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2024 District Conference Jekyll Island March 21-24

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Rotary Last Week
