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November 14, 2023


November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/16 Tim Huff - Veterans Day Speaker
11/23 no meeting
11/30 Monika Vintrlikova - Czech Republic Consulate
12/7 Jack Williams - Whole Brain Thinking Leadership


11/16 Packing Event for Adopt a Platoon
11/18 Roswell Rotary Veterans Appreciation Invitational (Day ONE)
11/18 Walk with a Doc
11/20 Roswell Rotary Veterans Appreciation Invitational (Day TWO)


President Alex Kaufman
President-Elect Nancy Alterman
Treasurer Matthew Millard
Treasurer Leslie Bassett
Secretary Trummie Patrick, III
Foundation James Stone
Membership Bob Clarkson
Public Image Becky Nelson


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




(833) 456-2829

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Larry Harman
11/4 Sid Disher
11/4 Michael Schoppenhorst
11/6 Karen Schwank
11/7 Dave Hallman
11/7 Timothy Klatt
11/9 Jimmy Moore
11/9 William Brown
11/11 Ron Harlow
11/14 John Davies
11/15 Robert Button
11/18 June Brown
11/18 Al Nash
11/20 Patsy Wolff
11/24 James Savage
11/29 Jim Coyle, Jr.


11/4 Ken Carter (3)
11/5 Charlie Cameron (36)
11/5 Ryan Sprinkle (2)
11/5 Tate Jones (2)
11/5 Tillie O'Neal (2)
12 years in Rotary
11/5 Bob Hagan (25)
30 years in Rotary
11/7 Ron Harlow (10)
11/7 Scott Moscow (10)
11/7 Mike Hampton (10)
11/7 Kathy Teston (10)
11/8 Robert Fezza (16)
11/10 Sarah Byrd (1)
11/10 Mike Oetinger (1)
11/11 Joe Piontek, Sr. (13)
11/11 Nancy Alterman (13)
11/14 Richard Spencer (30)
11/17 Rick Dreger (34)
11/30 David White (6)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynne Lindsey and all news should be directed to her at lynnehlindsay@outlook.com

President Alex's Message

Fellow Rotarians-

As we near the Thanksgiving Holiday, I hope that we all take time to reflect on the many gifts that have been given to us. I know I have. This week has been nothing short of incredible from a Rotary standpoint. I am also reminded of one of the tenants that I was raised on and is a cornerstone of Judeo-Christian Values, “To whom much is given, much is expected.”  Now more than ever is a time for us to give thanks for the bounty that we have, our loved ones, and our Rotary family and strong Club. It is also the time to reflect while we have been blessed, others are facing great challenges and need our help. Now is the time and opportunity, particularly through our many Rotary initiatives, when we can do just that.

November is our Foundation Month, a time to give in order to make a lasting impact. November is also our Veterans Appreciation Month - The Club had an incredible experience this past Friday with two buses of veterans and Rotarians traveling to Ft. Moore as well as to support the 85 Army Rangers who demonstrated their skills and graduated and will now return to their active units, many of whom will deploy into harms way. Thank you to Roger Wise, Alicia Hughes, and Gene Beckham for making this trip a reality and building the foundation to grow this initiative into a permanent fixture of our Club’s core values. The month of November is the month to give thanks to those who have served, and are currently serving to protect each of us, at all costs. To that end, I encourage you to give thanks by supporting our adopt a platoon initiative as well as volunteering at our Basket Ball Tournament - the proceeds of which directly support this Club’s Rotary Initiatives.

Thanksgiving marks, what I believe, to be a Great Leap Forward in this Club’s history, as the day after Thanksgiving, November 24th, we will open the Roswell Christkindlmarket with the traditional pomp and circumstance of the tapping of the Keg (thanks to Variant/Michael Curling) and the lighting of the tree. This family-friendly and adult-friendly Market will hopefully begin a tradition not only for our Club, but also for our City, as well as for families across our region. We have initiated this second major fundraiser, hopefully one day on par with our golf tournament in raising funds, to further support our club’s initiatives as well as to cement our public-private partnership with the City of Roswell. As I presented when I took office in July, I believe that many hands make light work, that we can do good as well as have fun, and that our City and Club are unique. Through this Market, we will have an inclusive holiday experience, showcase and support one of our historic assets, and also support through teamwork, Friends of Bulloch. We will showcase a beautiful historic landmark, which to some has negative slavery-era connotations, into a new tradition that brings all people together for a time of peace, companionship, and celebration. We will have young families begin a tradition of meeting Santa, of having a beer with friends, old and new - of children in need having a sense of the holiday season of their own.

The planting of the seed of this Christmas Market will hopefully grow into a large and permanent fixture of our community, expand our Club’s financial impact, name recognition, and relationships with the many partners that we currently have, as well as make new opportunities for our future. I encourage everyone to come, tell their friends, promote the Market on social media, neighborhood list serves, and to attend in person, as well as to join your fellow Rotarians at our Christmas Party on December 8th, which also marks the first night of Hanukkah.

I am thankful to be a Roswell Rotarian and your President.

- Alex

Veterans Message
Speaker: Tim Huff

"Home for the Holidays"  is a theme we will be hearing a lot in the coming weeks as we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas. But for many in the service, they will not be home during this holiday season. How does it feel when you are deployed in a strange country away from your loved ones? And what things make a difference to our servicemen and women as they are making this sacrifice to preserve our freedom?

On Thursday, Tim Huff, President of Turknett Leadership Group, will be speaking to our club about the things that mattered most to him during his deployment to Afghanistan. How it felt to be without family and the many things we take for granted during the holidays. He will talk about the things that lifted the spirits of his fellow soldiers and how we can make a difference to those who serve during the holidays and beyond. Hope to have a full house as we take time during this month of November when we most honor our veterans and think about ways we can let them know we care. 

More about Tim: Click here

Last Chance To
Adopt A Platoon

Please bring your items for Adopt a Platoon!  Especially needed: XL bathrobes and gift cards to restaurants on base (Subway, Popeye's, Texas Roadhouse, Taco Bell) and Amazon cards.  All are welcome to help pack the boxes directly before our meeting at 11:00 am Thursday, in Classroom #2.

The Story of... Christkindlmarket

November 24th-December 24th. Open Daily. Free Admission! 
 Pet Friendly!
Enjoy Homemade mulled wine, Food, Over 70 Vendors, Giftshops, Pictures with Santa, Trees Located at
Bulloch Hall in Roswell.  Vendors welcome! More information here and Follow on Facebook!

Roswell Rotary Club is proud to be a partner with Munich Event Group (MEG) to bring the ChristkindlMarket to Roswell. President Alex had a love of German Christmas markets from his travels and coincidentally, a business relationship with MEG.  Together they discussed the idea of bringing the tradition to Roswell. Alex, when Chairman of the Star House Foundation, was instrumental in getting the Star House Roswell Beer Fest started in Roswell so he thought the Christmas Market would be a wonderful event to bring to the community, as well.  As it happened, Friends of Bulloch, Inc. was just starting to plan a Christmas market on the grounds of Bulloch Hall. They approached Alex to consider having the ChristkindlMarket there.  MEG visited the property, took drone videos, and fell in love with the setting. 

The next chore was to get the City on board.  Alex and MEG had concerns that the City would be able to permit and approve the Market in time for Christmas 2023, however the Mayor and Council were excited about the Market idea and expeditiously worked in tandem with all stakeholders, including Roswell’s Recreation and Parks, to pull off the Christkindlmarket  in time.  Alex’s vision was that the event could become a tradition and legacy for the Club and would continue to grow for years to come. The vision was for the Market to be a family-friendly event and fun for all ages and all people in and around the Roswell Community and beyond.  

In addition to community-building and partnership with the City, the Market was to be a second major fundraiser for the Club as well as Friends of Bulloch. It was also designed to bring additional exposure to the Club, enhance the Club’s standing in the community, and to attract new members. The Market provides opportunities for the other charities RRC supports to participate, like giving children from Star House and Drake House chance to come see Santa!  It is also a way to enhance  Rotary’s relationship with Roswell Recreation and Parks Department, Roswell’s Economic Development Departments, the Mayor and Council, as well as other economic stakeholders in the City, such as Roswell Inc.

The ChristkindlMarket also presents many volunteer opportunities for our Club members and others. For instance, in partnership with Friends of Bulloch, Inc. Rotary members who donate their time to work in the Bulloch Hall Gift Shoppe allow us to serve a higher volume of shoppers during extended open hours.  The Roswell community of hotels, shops, and restaurants understand the positive economic impact this event will provide the City.  Watch for results in Visit Roswell and Roswell Inc. It’s a win- win for all involved.   As a Roswell Rotarian, please join us to make the Market a Holiday success!

 Sign Up Genius: 

After Hours Meeting Recap

Roswell Rotary After Hours met last week to assemble goodie bags as part of a group of care packages being sent overseas for an active military troop. They also wrote letters of support, encouragement and love to hopefully brighten a soldier's day. It was a nice to take a moment to reflect and recognize the sacrifices our military makes to keep us safe, especially in the spirit of Veterans Day.

Additionally, Cheryl Carter, Executive Director of HomeStretch (and Veteran!), sat down to share her organization's mission while we assembled goodie bags . HomeStretch provides supportive housing and programs that equip working families to regain and sustain permanent housing. The club looks forward to partnering with this worthy local organization. 

The next RRAH After Hours meeting is Tuesday, Dec. 5th at The Artillery Room @ Gate City. There will be no meeting on Nov. 21.

It's that time!
Rotary Veterans Invitational Tournament

What Roswell Rotary volunteer opportunity provides the chance to honor our veterans, be involved with student athletes, make your star crock pot specialty, serve food to coaches, referees, and staff working the event, and spend one-on-one time with your fellow Rotarians? It is the ROTARY VETERANS’ APPRECIATION BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT! 

The tournament supports ALL our veteran programs, the Ft. Moore bus trip, Adopt-A-Platoon, and Memorial Day and is held at Roswell High School November 18th, 20th, & 21st. We will need volunteers to help man the ticket sales table at the gym and others to assist in the hospitality suite for lunches and dinners we will be providing on those days. A perfect opportunity for new members to assimilate to the Club and for the Satellite Club to help the Parent Club with an important project. The energy of the students and the happiness of our volunteers makes this an incredibly special volunteer moment. We hope you will say YES to being a part of this event that raises money to honor our veterans!

To volunteer, Click here Roswell Rotary: Rotary Veterans' Appreciation Invitational Sign Up

Questions about volunteering can be answered by contacting Dave Young nfultonpt@juno.com, Gene Beckham gene@bfsga.com, Lynne Lindsay lynnehlindsay@outlook.com, or Jack Wyche javic@msn.com 

QR Code for Volunteer Link

Roswell Rotary Club honor those who served. A very special day!
Veteran's Bus Tour Success

Tue, Nov 21 6:00pm: Rotary Means Business (after hours networking)
Final 2023 Multi-Club Business Networking: Iron Hill Brewing in Dunwoody

For you, or someone on your staff, grow your business by doing business with Rotarians in an environment that supports “Service Above Self”

Bonus: This is also an opportunity for someone you are interested in recruiting to Roswell Rotary. 

Bonus #2: Update on the Pro Classification project so that you and your business can be found around the District.

Tuesday, November 21 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. 
Location: Iron Hill Brewing - Perimeter/Dunwoody,  1224 Hammond Drive, Atlanta, GA
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Tuesday, Jan 16  from 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location TBD
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For more information, contact  Ken Carter 404-386-3214 ken.carter@floorcoveringsinternational.com or
Hal Schlenger 770-335-0077 

North Fulton Charity- Toyland Drive

Bring a smile to a child’s face this holiday season by donating toys and gift cards.  Toyland Shop provides toys and gifts to local children in need at the holidays. At NFCC’s Toyland Shop, unwrapped, donated toys are arranged so parents can pick out their child’s holiday gifts. Last year, the program served more than 1300 children in our community!

The Toyland Shop Toy Drive is collecting new, unwrapped toys for children from ages 0-18.  Please do not forget to keep our teenage clients in your hearts this year. We often see less toys donated for this age group. The most popular items for teens continues to be gift cards. We are requesting gift cards in increments of $35 from major retailers such as Target, Walmart and Amazon.

Please bring an unwrapped toy or gift card  to Rotary on December 7th. 

Meet us under the Tent!
Holiday Party December 8 at ChristkindlMarket

Annual Holiday Party is at the Christkindl Market at Bulloch Hall this year!

  • When:  Friday, December 8th 6 pm
  • Where: Christkindl Market at Bulloch Hall (Rotary will have a tent in the grass just to the right of the entrance with tables and chairs)
  • Attire:  Red Sweaters/ Casual- dress warm depending on weather
  • Tickets:  $30 per person or $50 per couple (typically only open to Rotarians and their significant other/guest)
  • Includes:  2 alcoholic drinks per person and 1 food item per person (can purchase additional food and drinks at cost)
  • Options include: many authentic German food vendors to choose from- sausage, schnitzel, potato pancakes, pretzels, desserts and many other substantial items! 
  • There will be a  Biergarten set up serving beer and mulled wine! 
  • Vendors and shopping galore, music and pictures with Santa
  • RSVP: on Rotary website and tori will bill your account
  • Pickup tickets in advance at Rotary meetings on Thursdays

District Conference Jekyll Island
Join Us in March

Why attend the District conference?

  • Cool trip to Jekyll Island
  • Meet Rotarians from other clubs
  • Find out what is going on in our district
  • Get to know your fellow Roswell Rotarians better
  • Support our own Gorden Owens as he prepares for his role as District Governor in 2024
  • Did someone say beach karaoke?

Register HERE  before early bird price is gone!

WHY should I go to District conference this year? CLICK HERE

Coming Up at RRC
Save the Date: Making Roswell Rotary's Magic Happen

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...Service Above Self. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!    

Events Chair 2023-24 Katie Tucker

Adopt a Platoon Packing Event November 16
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Roswell Rotary Veterans Appreciation Basketball Invitational
Add To Calendar  November 18, 20, 21

Walk with a Doc Nov. 18 9am-11am

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Rotary Means Business November 21 - IronHill Brewery-Perimeter
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Reminder! No Meeting November 23

Christkindl Market November 24 - December 24 

Toyland Donations Dropoff December 7
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RRC Holiday Party Friday December 8, 6pm - 10pm Details TBA
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2024 District Conference Jekyll Island March 21-24
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Rotary Last Week
