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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

February 7, 2024


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/9 General Meeting - Jennie Stipick, Dunwoody Rotary Foundation Chair
3/1 General Meeting - Mary M. Cohen, Anchor Place Respite
3/8 General Meeting - Chris Clark, Georgia Chamber
3/29 General Meeting

Our Rotary Family

2/4 Laura Kann
2/6 Meghan Berry
2/7 Buzz Law
2/9 Dr. John Carr
2/10 Eleni Bafas
2/13 Griff Ransom
2/13 Mark Galvin
2/21 Marie Crean
2/24 Dave Burr
2/27 Bob O'Brien


2/14 Erich Schuetz (47)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
AC Hotel Atlanta Perimeter - Bar Peri
40 Perimeter Center Pl NE
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346



President Jack Sparks, Jr.
President-Elect Louise Barden
President Nominee Matthew Johnson
Immediate PP Jennifer Shumway
Vice President Louise Barden
Treasurer Carter Stout
Secretary Dave Burr

This Week's Speaker
Polio …. the investment and the return

The photo is beautiful, yet this polio virus is deadly. Join us Friday morning at the AC Hotel as Jennie Stipick, our Foundation Director, talks about Rotary's quest to End Polio Now ... looking at the investment and what the return means to all of us. 

Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a paralyzing and potentially deadly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. The virus spreads from person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can then attack the nervous system. Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 35 years. Our goal of ridding the world of this disease is closer than ever. As a founding partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, we've reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979. Come learn more on Friday!

GRSP Leadership Weekend
Join Us This Weekend for a Dunwoody Tradition That Started in 2001

When the 42 students of the GRSP Class of 2023-24 gather at the Dunwoody North Shallowford annex this Friday, they will join more than 1,000 students who have spent a weekend with Dunwoody Rotarians exploring how "One Person, One Group Can Make a Difference." This is our 22nd GRSP Leadership weekend. Our first was in 2001 - led by Fred and Kathy Brandt, before either served as Club President!

You are welcome to be part of the weekend - the full agenda is attached here. Friday, we will pack 10,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger, and then enjoy a pizza party and game for students, host families and other interested Dunwoody Rotarians. 

On Saturday morning, the students will hear from two District 6900 Global Grant Scholars who are studying at the Rollins School of Medicine at Emory University about their graduate studies, and from Christopher Drew, North Atlanta Rotarian, on the major global grant project their 27-member club has taken on that could eventually lead to the end of spina bifida. They'll spend the afternoon actively pursuing "Courageous Leadership" under the guidance of Roswell Rotarian Michael Sutton. 

Sunday, the students will try their hand at developing service project ideas in a special version of Shark Tank led by the Rotaract Club of Atlanta.

We do not act alone in putting on this weekend - the Rotary Clubs of Buckhead and Gainesville have made significant financial contributions; so has the Georgia Rotary Student Program. And we have weekend host families from Dunwoody, Metro Atlanta, Buckhead, North Atlanta, Gwinnett, Duluth, and the Rotaract Club of Atlanta. Thanks to all!

Laws of LIfe
More Judges Needed for This Year's Laws of Life - Sign Up Now!

Have you signed up yet to be a judge for the Georgia Rotary Clubs Laws of Life Essay Contest? Judging season begins on essay deadline day - February 12, 2024 and the program needs your help.  Many of us have judged in the past and can vouch for this amazing opportunity - it gives you a window into the experiences that are shaping and inspiring our young people. 

What's involved in judging?

  • Essay Judges in teams of two are assigned 30 to 48 essays from one or more high schools.
  • It should take about three hours of your time to read and score assigned essays over a one-week period.
  • All scoring should be submitted 48 hours before your Team Meeting.
  • On the day of your Team Meeting, teams use GoTo to meet with a volunteer team lead to select school-level winners and Honorable Mentions.

How do you sign up? 

  • Fill out the Volunteer Sign-Up Form at your earliest convenience. There you will indicate your training option and find the link to the Essay Judge Team Meeting Sign Up Genius.
  • Once completed, you will receive a Google calendar invite for your training session. We everyone to attend the training. If you cannot attend, a recording of the training session will be made available following the session.

If you have questions about participating, contact George Stewart, who has been involved with Georgia Laws of Life since its beginning.

Anchor Place Respite-Dunwoody Hosts Community Event

As you know, we are working on a partnership with Anchor Place Respite-Dunwoody. We are excited to announce that they are hosting a community event entitled "Compassion: Encountering Dementia with Meaningful Action" on Sunday, March 3, 2024 2-3:30pm at St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, 4755 North Peachtree Rd., Dunwoody.

Our dynamic featured speaker will be Daphne Johnston, Founder & CEO of The Respite for All Foundation. Daphne will be offering great information about Alzheimer's and other dementias. She will also offer actionable recommendations for how to be a better friend, neighbor, coworker, and fellow parishioner to families whose lives are touched by dementia. 

Please spread the word about this community event and consider attending.

District Conference 2024
Sign Up for Jekyll Island Now!

Dunwoody Rotarians have always had a great time together at District Conference - and we expect to continue that tradition at Jekyll Island this March 21-24, 2024. There's still time to join in the fun - log in to the District website to register and book a hotel. Then let Griff know you're coming, so he can add you to our Saturday night dinner festivities.

Come with Us to Las Vegas

The Rotary Club of Dunwoody is planning a trip to and service project in Las Vegas. Nevada leaving on Thursday, October 17 and returning Sunday, October 20.  The trip and service project are made possible by a package deal arranged through Delta Airlines and The Paris Resort and Casino.

The cost for this trip and project is $2487.00 per couple which equates to a cost of $ 1243.50 per individual.  This cost includes round trip airfare for two to and from Las Vegas and three nights at the Paris Resort and Casino based on double occupancy.

For those who may be interested, The Paris Resort and Casino is a first class hotel with a Parisian theme, featuring a one half sized replica of the Eiffel Tower which may be visited and explored.  The Paris is centrally located on the Strip directly across from the Bellagio and Ceaser’s Palace giving it one of the absolute best locations in Las Vegas.

It is anticipated that the service project, the nature of which is yet to be identified, will be performed in partnership with a local Las Vegas Rotary Club on Saturday morning October 19, 2024, meaning that the rest of the trip will be free time allowing sightseeing to such places as the Grand Canyon,  Hoover Dam or Lake Mead or allowing time to partake in other renown Las Vegas activities such as world class shopping, dining (at some of the finest restaurants in the United States), relaxing, enjoying  big name entertainment or partaking of other of Las Vegas’ “cultural activities."  In this regard, a pledge to donate half of your winnings to the RCD would be greatly appreciated! Sorry, the RCD will not underwrite or fund even a penny of your losses.

This event is open to all, members and non-members.  Should you be interested in participating, please contact Ken Levy at (770) 686-2651.

Did You Know ... You Can Access Our Club Directory Online?

Would you like to get in touch with another club member? Or would you like a listing of all our members? Access the club's online membership roster. You can get your username or reset your password on the login page if needed.

While you're logged on to the website:

  • Peek at the calendar to see our upcoming speakers
  • Check out your record by clickin on your name at the top of the page to be sure your email, birthday, wedding anniversary, etc. is up to date. So that the person who is trying to get in touch with you can do that - and the person who wants to wish you a happy birthday does that when it's actually your birthday. An honorary member was puzzled when she received a club birthday card in January when her birthday is in February. Now we have it right!