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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

April 3, 2024


April is Environment Month

4/5 General Meeting - Dan Phillips
4/12 General Meeting - Kyle Wingfield, Georgia Public Policy Foundation
4/26 General Meeting - Tanner Stines
5/3 General Meeting - Greg Bluestein

Our Rotary Family

4/9 Kathy Brandt
4/12 Mike Irvin, Jr.
4/13 William Grogan
4/16 Jennie Springer
4/29 Lawrence Domenico


4/1 John Mills (35)
4/3 Pavittar Safir (16)
4/7 Cathie Brumfield (40)
4/23 Roy Ethridge (16)
4/28 Rick Otness (16)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
AC Hotel Atlanta Perimeter - Bar Peri
40 Perimeter Center Pl NE
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346



President Jack Sparks, Jr.
President-Elect Louise Barden
President Nominee Matthew Johnson
Immediate PP Jennifer Shumway
Vice President Louise Barden
Treasurer Carter Stout
Secretary Dave Burr

Dan Phillips, The Longest Day Manager, The Alzheimer's Association Georgia Chapter

Join us this Friday at the AC Hotel to hear from Dan Phillips, The Longest Day Manager for The Alzheimer's Association Georgia Chapter. The Longest Day is our partner in our upcoming FORE! the Memories golf tournament.

Dan has worked for the Alzheimer's Association for 17 years, mostly in South Georgia before moving to Woodstock in 2020 to take over the North Georgia Walk portfolio. He transitioned into The Longest Day role in 2024.

Dan says, "Our family continues to travel this journey of A;zheimer's. My Grandmother passed from the disease and now all three of her daughters including my Mom are living with Alzheimer's."

Dan was a member of the Dougherty County Rotary Club before moving to Woodstock. In 2017, he was honored as the club's Rookie of the Year and in 2018 as Rotarian of the Year.

Service Opportunity
Sign Up Now to Train to be a Volunteer for Anchor Place Respite Care

Anchor Place Respite-Dunwoody is excited to open registration for our first volunteer training on Monday, April 15, 2024, from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Training will take place in our gathering space at St. Patrick's Episcopal Church. A complimentary lunch will follow. We hope you can join us for this important and engaging training, which is critical to Anchor Place Respite Care's ability to open in May. [read more]

Golf Tournament Update
Thanks for Your Support! Keep Up the Good Work!

Thanks to all who have signed up sponsors - and signed up as sponsors - for our May 13 FORE! the Memories Golf Tournament. We acknowledged most of you in the last few newsletters.  And to any of you who have not - there's still time!

  • We have a $10,000 Platinum , $5,000 Gold and $3,000 Silver sponsor and these include an extra-large sign at registration and the after event.
  • We have all $2,500 Event sponsor slots are filled and these sponsorships include a very large sign at registration and the after event.
  • We have 20 $1,000 Hole sponsors but can always use more. This sponsorship also includes a large sign on a tee box.
  • We have seven $250 Contributing sponsors but can always use more! This sponsorship includes a medium sign on a tee box.
  • We have two $100 Donating sponsors but can always use more.
  • We have about 70 golfers but are aiming for 100 and need anyone fielding a foursome to let Rick Woods know.

There are other ways to help support the event. Alison will start to solicit for the various volunteer positions with a sign-up sheet, and Dottie continues to build a great auction item selection.

One last request……pray for good weather!!

Service Opportunity
Our USO Date is Coming Up Soon - April 18

We will serve our service personnel and family members an “All American” lunch of hot dogs with all the condiments, potato chips, fresh fruit, snack bars, home baked cookies bottled water plus a portion of baked Ziti & Mom’s meatballs.

    We would like to have a total of eight volunteers for the day from 9 AM to 3 PM. Duties vary from greeter, cookie packer, hot dog grill mate, server, bag monitor among other to do items that need to be done to serve our military service personnel.

    There are ways to help if you can't be there the 18th, including donation of home baked cookies, or bottled water and snacks. Read on for more details. [more]

    Service Opportunity
    Join the Dunwoody Arts Festival Team - May 10-12, 2024

    Calling all volunteers to help Splash Festivals (festival organizers) transform Dunwoody Village into a thriving artist market. The 14h annual Dunwoody Art Festival features artisans from across the country, a creative Kidz Zone, entertainment and tasty festival food.  Mark your calendar now.  Be part of the team that will make this 2024 signature event a “best-ever” success.

    Bestowed the trophy for the “Best New Event of 2010” by the Southeast Festivals and Events Association, Dunwoody Art Festival continues to attract the top artisans from across the country. Along with the partnership of the Dunwoody Rotary Club and hundreds of volunteers, Dunwoody Art Festival is a must-see! Read more about how you can help! [more]

    Dunwoody Enjoys District Conference at Jekyll Island

    Special thanks to Griff Ransom for getting us organized and arranging a great evening of food and fellowship with our club and the Rotary Clubs of Sandy Springs, Brookhaven and North Atlanta. And thanks to Jennifer Shumway and her team (Tina Philpot and Meredith Morris) for representing us well in the Disco Lounge with a special "We're 40" display.

    Dunwoody received a Governor's Citation and the award for Best Foundation Giving in our category.

    Celebrating Rotary Youth Exchange

    Last week,  At last Friday's meeting, we celebrated our amazing involvement with Rotary Youth Exchange - presenting plaques to Dunwoody High School recognizing their support for the program from its start here in Georgia, remembering students we've hosted here and sent overseas for a year of high school study, and some of the parents, host parents and Dunwoody Rotary volunteers who have made this a success! A special shout out to Michael Parks, who brought Rotary Youth Exchange to District 6900 and Dunwoody - and has led the initiative at the District level for all those years. We look forward to the next chapter!
