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August 13, 2024


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/15 Artificial Intelligence with Dave Bernard
8/22 Karim Godamunne - Medical Patient Advocacy
8/29 Golf Program
9/5 Roswell Communications + 911 Tour after


8/15 Golf and Tennis Committee Meeting
8/17 Walk with a Doc
8/22 Golf and Tennis Committee Meeting
8/22 Youth Services Committee


President Nancy Alterman
President-Elect Trummie Patrick, III
Treasurer Katie Anderson
Secretary Leslie Bassett
Public Image Kathryn Igou


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




(833) 456-2829

Our Rotary Family

8/2 Gene Beckham, III
8/5 Charlie Cameron
8/7 Ryan Gehricke
8/8 Alan Christian
8/9 Jennifer Briggs
8/10 Kathryn Igou
8/12 Rick Dreger
8/13 Ross Patton
8/13 Lori Allen
8/15 Betty Price
8/17 Jacque Digieso
8/18 John Albers
8/19 Kathy Teston
8/19 Susan Rumble
8/20 Debbie Cwalina
8/26 Jim Swain
8/26 Grant Miller
8/27 Lori Kirn
8/28 Richard Spencer
8/30 Ted Lescher, Jr.
8/31 Steve Stroud


8/1 William Brooks (1)
8/1 Steven Palmer (8)
8 years in Rotary
8/2 Chris Webb (2)
8/3 John Carruth (29)
8/4 David Young (36)
8/6 Elwyn Gaissert, II (43)
8/12 Robert McIntyre (0)
8/12 Frederick Levy (0)
8/12 Priya Crumpton (0)
8/13 Rick Meer (32)
8/20 Trummie Patrick, III (9)
8/20 John Wolfe (32)
8/23 Jay Pickett, III (6)
8/23 Virginia Martz (2)
8/25 Lynn Dunn (8)
8/28 Lori Kirn (10)
8/29 Lucy Hall (5)
8/29 Katie Anderson (5)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynne Lindsey and all news should be directed to her at lynnehlindsay@outlook.com

Message from the President

Dear Rotarians, I am deeply grateful for your incredible support during this crucial time with our Rotary Youth Exchange student, Kaho. Special thanks to Bruce Peoples and Susan Rumble, for stepping up and graciously opening their homes and hearts to Kaho.  The current host family will continue for the first three months, and thankfully their family emergency is being resolved. Your generosity embodies the true spirit of Rotary.

I also want to extend our sincere appreciation to Rabbi Alex and Steve Malone for being ready to step in as backup hosts. Your commitment ensures that Kaho has a strong support network throughout her stay. Thank you all for exemplifying the Rotary motto of "Service Above Self”, I am so proud of our club and how we always rally to accomplish anything we set our minds to.

** Norma's Captivating Stories and What's Next**
A big thank you to Norma for sharing her incredible stories about private investigating and finding people at our last meeting. Her tales were not only fascinating but also a true testament to the power of persistence and keen observation. 

Don’t forget to pick up your directories—Joe Gillespie and his team did a fantastic job putting them together. These are essential tools to keep us all connected and informed.

Looking ahead, this week we have an exciting session lined up on Artificial Intelligence. We’ll be exploring how AI can change or enhance your life, and maybe even give you an "update" of your own! You won’t want to miss this one.

See you at the meeting!

Nancy Alterman
Roswell Rotary President, 2024-2025

Expert in Artificial Intelligence, Dave Bernard to Speak

Dave Bernard is a serial entrepreneur, technologist, inventor, investor, and financial services professional living in Johns Creek, Georgia. An expert in new and emerging technologies, Dave has co-founded several companies. One of them is The Intellection Group (TIG), an innovative technology consulting group recognized as one of Georgia’s most innovative companies. TIG specializes in building complex, award-winning software-as-a-service (SaaS) systems for North American, European, and African commercial and government entities. He has led and helped create award-winning complex software platforms for organizations across many different industries (healthcare, supply chain, insurance, retail, hospitality, consumer, financial services, church, education, academia, defense, veterans services, marketing) and sizes (from startups to multi-billion-dollar multi-national companies.)

As a registered investment banker, Dave co-founded ConCap Global, an investment services company that matches funding sources with deal opportunities worldwide. The company focuses on the entertainment, real estate, healthcare, energy, and high-technology sectors. Dave has spoken at various Rotary clubs, the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM), the National Defense University, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the FBI/InfraGard Atlanta Members Alliance, and many other government, technology, and business conferences around the world.

Dave can be reached at dbernard@intellectiongroup.com or on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davebernard

Only 27 more days!
Golf & Tennis Tournament-Save the Date


Don't Miss it! Golf & Tennis Committee

2024 Golf & Tennis Tournament
Sponsor Testimonials

Why do our sponsors step up to write checks for Golf & Tennis Tournament each year?  Without their support, we could not donate to the many non-profits and charities that we help annually. Sponsors are crucial to the success of the tournament! So we asked two of our amazing sponsors to share their thoughts on sponsorship:

"I used to think I was the most pure Rotarian.  I had nothing to sell these members.  Until suddenly, and unexpectedly, I did.  When I needed to raise capital in my business, the deep connections I had through Roswell Rotary became the vein of support I tapped to make a lot of my later success possible.   I love Roswell and will always support her charities.  Roswell Rotary is a great way to make that happen."  Jim Coyle- Past President RRC 2015/2016

"I am pleased to be a sponsor and support our annual fundraiser. It gives me pleasure knowing that every dollar raised goes to our community and assists our non profits in their missions. And I treasure the fellowship and comradery that the tournament creates each year. It's always a very special day for the Club and for our Roswell Community." Bob Hagan-Past President RRC 2008/2009, Past District Governor 2025/2026

Every sponsor makes a huge difference. Make this the year you become a sponsor for the first time or renew or up your sponsorship from past years. We need you and appreciate you so much. We could not make a difference in our community without the help of our sponsors! https://birdease.com/RoswellRotary 

Thank You 2024 Golf & Tennis Large Donors

Thank You to everyone who has purchased a Sponsorship for the 2024 Golf & Tennis Tournament. Every single donation and sponsorship makes a huge difference. 

Silent Auction at the Golf & Tennis Tournament

Once again, our Golf & Tennis tournament will feature a Silent auction. Karen is looking for restaurant gift cards - please bring them to our regular meeting this week and next.  Let’s see how many we can get!  The more cards we get, the better we will do.  Please also consider donating other items like your vacation home, event tickets, jewelry, a new cooler, new grill, designer purse, and other upscale items. In total, we made almost $9000 in the auction last year, including gift cards.  This year, with your help, our goal is to clear $12,000!

Please contact Karen Schwank 404.409.3658 for more info.

Wine & Liquor Pull Donations Requested

Calling all Rotary members to bring in one bottle of wine or bourbon worth $25+ for the Tournament. This one activity raised almost $2000 last year so your donations help further the mission of Rotary.
Contact Angela Medley for more info. 404.886.5764

School is in Session and so are we!

SAVE THE DATE:  For those committed and interested, please join us for the Youth Services meeting after the general meeting on Thursday, August 22nd in Classroom #1.

Youth Services is open for projects, awards, and recognitions!  BUT, we are not fully staffed... Please call Becky Nelson or James Stone to learn more about any of these areas of interest needing leadership:

> Interact Club - We have a total of 13 Interact Clubs across the area high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools.

>>Desperate Need a Primary Liaison for Independence High School and Mimosa Elementary 

>>These schools need a Second Rotary Liaison:

  • Blessed Trinity - Bill Swank
  • Centennial High School - Alan Greensmith
  • The Cottage School/High School - Ron Cowan 
  • The Cottage School/Middle School - Sid Discher
  • Elkins Pointe Middle School - Michael Schoppenhorst 
  • Hembree Springs Elementary School - Amy Brannen 
  • Holcomb Bridge Middle School - Gabriel Prado
  • Mt Park Elementary - Joe Gillespie
  • Roswell North Elementary - Vivian Bankston
  • Sweet Apple Elementary - David/Laura West
  • Vickery Mill Elementary - Stacy Perlman 

> Rotary Youth Exchange is accepting applications for a host family. Please contact Alesia 404.226.3922 or alesiagbooth@att.net

> Student/Teacher Recognitions throughout the year for the 15 schools we recognize

Becky or James would be happy to discuss all the above!  We will need help with other youth-related events throughout the year like the Youth Day Parade, Career Day at Roswell HS and (new this year) The Cottage School, Rotary Youth Exchange Host Families, Laws of Life, Leadership 20/20, Read Across America, Roswell Relays, Scholarships! 

Becky Nelson                            James Stone
404/406-6121                            229-724-8550
bnelson@cchl.com                    james@stonelaw.com

Unity Garden Service Project This Saturday!

After Hours is on deck to volunteer at the Unity Garden at the Chattahoochee Nature Center on August 17th. The shift starts at 9 a.m. and go until Noon. The plan is to work around the garden doing anything and everything they need, like picking weeds, organizing plants and potting.

Did you know? The Unity Garden grows fresh produce to be donated to the food pantry at North Fulton Community Charities. Fresh vegetables and greens are delivered once or twice a week.

All Rotarians are invited! Sign up here.

Sat, 8/17 at 8:30am: Your body is asking for this
"Nature Bathing" is Subject of Walk with a Doc

We'll meet at the Covered Bridge for a talk about Nature Bathing, the Japanese practice of immersing yourself in nature and using your senses to reconnect with it to relax and get energized.  Some consider it preventative healthcare. For more information, contact Betty Price at emcp@mindspring.com or Hal Schlenger HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com

Miss Mary's Ice Cream Cranker - This Week's Taste Test: Caramel, Coffee & Grapenut

Team Roswell Rotary Rocks has answered the call from Drake House to make the ice cream everyone looks forward to at their 20th Anniversary of Miss Mary’s Ice Cream Crankin' eventLucky you - there's more ice cream tasting this week! Mindy Jones will offer up her Caramel ice cream, but Mary Trapp is challenging with Coffee ice cream and Betty Price is bringing Grapenut ice cream!  Last week, President Nancy brought Lemonade ice cream with Pop Rocks which was surely a contender, but Randi Curling's Peach ice cream was the winner. 

After checking with the authorities, it has been determined we can have several different flavors as long as we save a sample taste for the designated tasting judges. If you've got a flavor you'd like to submit for consideration, there's still time for you to join in the fun. 

So far, serving ice cream at the event will be Mindy Jones, Betty Price, and Mary Trapp.  We need to register servers so if you are interested please let Mary know. 770.645.1320. For those interested in purchasing individual tickets and / or sponsoring the event, please go to: https://secure.givelively.org/event/drake-house-inc/20th-annual-miss-mary-s-ice-cream-crankin

Your Old Sneakers Can Have New Life

Another opportunity to be of Service!  Recycle Sneaker is a movement to collect and upcycle gently worn sneakers while helping to raise money for various schools, charities, and organizations. The project also aims to reduce our carbon footprint by keeping sneakers out of landfills where they can take 30-40 years to decompose.

New member, Sam Lane is heading this up and can be reached for placement & collection of boxes at 678.545.5471.

Update on Kaho- Our Rotary Youth Exchange Student

Many thanks to our Roswell Rotary Club and our Host families (Canty's/Frommer, Bruce and Diane Peoples, and Susan and Bob Rumble) for kicking off a great school year for Kaho! She's had a busy two weeks:

- Multi-District Inbound orientation - meeting her fellow Inbounds from other countries!

- RHS Softball Tryouts - She plays Softball for RHS!!

Coming Up at RRC
Save the Date: Making Roswell Rotary's Magic Happen

Golf & Tennis Committee Meeting
Thursdays before the regular meeting, 11:15 - 12:00
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Walk with a Doc
Saturday, August 17, 8:30 am, Vickery trail at Roswell Mill
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Youth Services Committee Meeting
Classroom 1, immediately following regular meeting, August 22
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Miss Mary’s Ice Cream Cranker
Roswell United Methodist Church, Sunday, August 25th, 2:00 - 4:00 pm
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Rotary Means Business 
Tuesday, August 27, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Aubrey Greenway Golf & Bob Hagan Tennis Classic

Monday, September 9
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Pint for a Pint Blood Drive
September 25, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Appointments can be made via https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=roswellrotary
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Last Week at Roswell Rotary
