Thursday, Nov. 21 VashtiContinuing a 103-year tradition of meeting at Vashti on the Thursday before Thanksgiving, Rotary will meet at The Vashti Center on Thursday, Nov. 21. The program will be provided by Rotarian and Vashti Center Executive Director David Sofferin. For more than a century, Rotary has supported the work of Vashti with club and personal donations. Club support has varied from financial assistance to project support, and even donated a station wagon to the center once decades ago. Look for signs on Vashti's grounds pointing you to the dining hall. 
Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024 Produce Market at Weston ParkRotary will host a produce distribution at Weston Park on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m., or until all food is distributed. This is one of our local Rotary Club's Big Impact Projects to help make fresh vegetables and fruits available to all. We will not have a sort and pack this week, so we will assemble as needed at the park – so please join us to make it a smooth event. To volunteer, please arrive by 7:30 a.m. to begin setting up and registering participants. 
Thursday, Nov. 28 No Club Meeting: ThanksgivingThere will be no club meeting on Thursday, Nov. 28 in recognition of Thanksgiving. 
Thursday, Dec. 5 Bids, Bites and Holiday DelightsJoin us for our Dec. 5 event: Bids, Bites, and Holiday Delights party from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Thomasville Center for the Arts. The final bids for online auction and select live auction items
will be at 7 p.m. The guest of club will be artists, writers and dog trainers Durrell Smith and Ashley Smith. John Gleason will provide catering. Enjoy delicious bites, drinks and fellowship with Rotarians and Friends. There is no cost for Thomasville Rotary members, but there is a $20 charge for spouses and guests. Registration begins this week at our Vashti meeting. There will be no regular club meeting on Thursday, Dec. 5. Nov. 21 to Dec. 5 Rotary Online Auction Our online auction to help fund our club's community service, youth projects and other programs throughout the year will launch Thursday during the meeting. The auction will end on Thursday, Dec. 5. More than 50 items have been donated, including vacation stays, hunts, fishing trips, merchandise, dining experiences at unique venues, jewelry, art, antiques, designer items, guns, and more. To donate an additional item, contact Marta Jones Turner (229.221.0858) today. 
Dec. 9-Dec. 13 Mark Your Calendar: Salvation Army Bell RingingPlease mark your calendars for Monday, Dec. 9 through Friday, Dec. 13. Rotary members will ring the bell for the Salvation Army throughout the week. Be on the lookout for sign-up opportunities coming soon. 