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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"


Club Calendar

May is Youth Service Month

5/25 No meeting
6/1 Jim Reese, CEO, The Atlanta Mission
6/8 Alisha Rodriguez - Rotaract Club of Metro Atlanta
6/15 Club Assembly

Our Rotary Family

5/3 Michael Wilensky
5/4 Lorri Christopher
5/7 Tom Lashway
5/17 Craig Gregozeski
5/17 Warren Turner
5/20 Tina Philpot
5/21 Tania Lopez


5/29 Mike Shortal
5/11 Jeffrey Priluck
5/20 Bob O'Brien
5/4 Jennie Stipick
5/9 Kelly Hundley
5/11 Hoshi Daruwalla
5/27 Jack Francisco

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
The Westin Atlanta Perimeter North H
7 Concourse Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30328

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs April 25, 1984
Active Membership: 89 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Rick Otness
President-Elect Rick Woods
Secretary Mike Parks
Treasurer Lawrence Domenico

​This week's speakers

Anna Moldrup

Anna, our Rotary Youth Exchange student, is from a rather small town in Denmark. She is the middle child of five daughters and one younger son. Youth Exchange is a tradition in her family. Both her parents and her older siblings have experienced exchange. Anna will tell us what she has learned about America, about living in American families, and about going to school in Dunwoody. She has participated in academics and sports and has jumped at the chance to do everything she could schedule. She will tell her story in English, which she speaks very well.

Leigh Longino Headshot 2 (002)

Emily O'Day

Emily O’Day will be the Rotary Club of Dunwoody’s outbound exchange student, starting in July 2018. She will live for a year with 3 different families in Brazil. Emily is a self-starter, reliable to the “nth” degree, and an outstanding student. In addition to her AP classes at Dunwoody High, Emily is a black belt in karate, has a regular job sitting with a young child, and is a volunteer in the community. She has a brother who started UGA this year, and when she returns next year, she will attend Georgia Tech. Her family is serving as Anna’s third host family, and the two girls are inseparable. Anna is the sister Emily has never had, and Emily is like the four sisters Anna has in Denmark. Emily will tell us about her expectations of the Exchange—what she hopes to give and to receive. She will probably speak to us in Portuguese, the language she has been learning since December.

​Friday's Meeting at Dunwoody United Methodist Church

Our third visit to a potential meeting venue will be this Friday, when we hold our weekly meeting at the Dunwoody United Methodist Church (DUMC). They are located at

1548 Mt. Vernon Road

Dunwoody, GA 30338

They are located on the north side of Mt. Vernon about halfway between Dunkin Donuts and the light at Ashford Dunwoody.

There is lots of parking behind the church, close to the entrance on the back of the church, which is under the covered area at the midpoint along the back of the building.

​Dunwoody Arts Festival Recap

The Rotary Club of Dunwoody was recognized as one of 5 Leading Sponsors for the 10th annual Dunwoody Arts Festival. In exchange for the Club’s in-kind volunteer services as welcoming ambassadors for artisans and vendors, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody enjoyed $7,500 in sponsor benefits, including 2 months of media exposure ($5,000) and complimentary exhibit space ($2,500) located in a prime location for the 2-day festival.

Artists and festival organizers alike expressed appreciation for Rotary’s generous volunteer support from 17 Dunwoody Rotarians and friends who arrived in pre-dawn darkness on Saturday morning to help 140 artists and vendors transform Dunwoody Village into a thriving festival site. “The members of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody who serve each Mother’s Day weekend as the welcoming ambassadors for our artisans and vendors are truly amazing,” said Cindy Flynn and Frances Schube, Splash Festivals.

The Rotary Club of Dunwoody made good use of its well-located, complimentary exhibit space which was hosted by 9 Dunwoody Rotarians. Conversations with community members visiting Rotary’s exhibit covered a myriad of topics including: the search for a host family for inbound Rotary Youth Exchange students, invitation to join Dunwoody Rotarians in the campaign to eradicate polio; sneak preview of the upcoming Dunwoody Rotary BBQ planned for Fall 2018; the benefits of Rotary membership, and more. Conversations with visitors to the Club’s exhibit resulted in 13 inquiries about membership, with 7 or 8 prospective members planning visits to a June meeting. The addition of several of these prospective members would, of course, be invaluable to the Club’s future.

Many thanks to the 25 Rotarians and friends whose participation Saturday morning as Artist Ambassadors or as the Rotary representatives at the Club’s exhibit made Rotary’s presence significant. Your fellow Dunwoody Rotarians appreciate the investment of your time and talent. The return on your investment is “priceless”, in terms of the promotion of Rotary awareness throughout the community and fueling the future membership vitality of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody.

We also had 9 members that staffed the booth in 2 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday. It allowed us to speak to probably 150 people, 15 of which requested that we follow up on our conversation, and gave us their personal contact information.

We also had some nibbles by people interested in possibly being a 3 month host family for our inbound RYE students. Mike Parks' Rotary card, and his tri-folds were quick movers.

For those of you unable to attend the Dunwoody Arts Festival, you missed a good event. Lots of friendly people, good merchandise being sold, and terrific weather.

​Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund

The Charitable Fund's Declaration has been reviewed and updated approximately every 10 years During the past two months the Trustees, and the President and Treasurer of FY 2018 and well as those for FY2019 have been conducting a review of the Declaration of Trust under which the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund operates. They have carefully reviewed the anticipated needs of the Trust going forward and are suggesting that the underlying document be amended. Those changes can be viewed by following the links below

highlighted sections in current declaration that will be eliminated/changed


highlights additions/changes in proposed new version of Declaration


Summary of the major proposed changes


There will be short Q&A on June 1, 2018 during which Carter Stout will give a short overview of the recommended changes for those who have not read the Bulletin and/or the Bulletin Brief. It is anticipated that the membership will formally vote on the recommendations at the final Club Assembly this year, which will take place on Friday 06/22/18.

​Community BBQ update

Work is proceeding on schedule. The Perimeter Mall has contracted with us for the event to be held on September 7th & 8th, the Community BBQ has been sanctioned by KCBS (the Kansas City Barbeque Society), Jack Sparks has identified the teams needed to put on the event, and has found Chairs for most of those teams.

In addition we have had an exploratory meeting with the City of Dunwoody to alert them to the event, and to tap into their knowledge/experience in putting on a major events.

The following teams have been established.






Tania Lopez


Coordinate all advertising and social media, as well as obtain entertainment for the event (bands, Master of Ceremonies, etc.)


Dabney Daniels

John Hall



Identify and recruit sponsors


Jennie Stipick


Recruit and manage relations with


·pro BBQ teams




Track expenses and revenues, and develop management reports for future years.


Luis Cazares


Set up and coordinate populating the registration web site.


Deb Cameron


Review all agreements, including any insurance policies



Coordinate volunteers for Thursday September 6th thru Saturday September 8th.



Secure all partners (i.e. things like sanitation, trash receptacles, fencing , sale of "taster tickets" during BBQ event, design layout, awards ceremony on 9th)

If one of the teams appeals to you, reach out to the Chair and let them know that you want to participate.

​End Polio Now Campaign

As of midnight on Sunday (05/13/18) we had collected $39,415 from all sources (both Club and non club donors). Participation by members of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody is at 74% (i.e. 66 of 89 members). You may continue to donate using a credit card thru Tuesday evening by using this link


With the 2:1 match from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, our efforts will have generated ~$ 118,000 toward Ending Polio Now. Thank you for your incredible generosity.


Mark your calendar and please join us this month on 5/17/18 (Third Thursday for ThirstyThursday) at the Dunwoody Tavern to compare notes and share adult beverages.


Send your Newsletter submission to:


Our Club's Weekly Newsletter typically consists of:

·Speaker bio

·New Member Name(s)

·Featured article(s) (regarding events, service projects, or on-going topics general club administrative items, etc..).

·Foundation initiatives or other topics of interest to Members and with value for our Club archives.

·Announcements (seeking volunteers, advertising service projects, etc.)

·For Your Calendar (Club and other activities we encourage members and/or their spouses to attend, including Family of Rotary events

·Member News (birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments, Caring Hands)

Please keep in mind key components to include with your submission:

·Title of your article

·Description of the activity

·Dates, Time, Location, deadline, etc... (especially for upcoming events)

·Key Points of Contact Information and/or a link to reference website for details

·Names and/or headcount of Rotarians (and others) participating,

·The reaction of those benefiting and the numbers of those benefiting.


Please also tell me the number of weeks would you like the article published.
Finally, the deadline for articles to run in the current week are Mondays by 5 p.m.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me!

Thank you!
Tania López

