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The Bulletin


Club Calendar

July is New Rotary Year Month

7/5 Regular Meeting-Ana Cristina Martinez, General Counsel with Justice Administrative Commission
7/12 Regular Meeting-Bob Hope, author of "We Could Have Finished Last Without You", a book about his early years with the Atlanta Braves & Ted Turner
7/19 Regular Meeting-Terry Howell will speak about the U. S. Naval Academy
7/26 Regular Meeting

Our Rotary Family

7/2 William Dickey
7/4 Bryant Peace
7/8 George Stephens
7/9 Art Allen
7/12 Gerhard Sommer
7/15 John Everett
7/19 Coy Irvin
7/19 Andrea Collins
7/21 Dale Hodges
7/22 Al Bryan
7/28 Bryant Beadles
7/28 Stuart Jackson
7/30 Ed Elam


7/1 Richard Vann
7/28 Ed Elam
7/12 Donald Sims
7/12 Paul Hancock
7/9 Tom Callaway
7/12 Debbie Quinton
7/23 Rick Piper


7/1 Warren Stafford (38)
7/1 C. Grubbs (31)
7/1 Donald Sims (29)
7/31 John Glenn (21)
7/1 Sharon Patrick (14)
7/18 Andre Marria (13)
7/1 Chris Lovelady (9)
7/1 Jeff Zoller (9)
7/1 Jay Flowers (8)
7/22 David Lewis (8)
7/6 Eddie Smith (7)
7/4 Erik von Hellens (6)
7/12 Eric Ward (6)
7/17 Clay Campbell (6)
7/11 Mark Anderson (5)
7/11 Ben Wilds (5)
7/1 Mary Beth Donalson (4)
7/1 Lauren Radford (4)
7/2 William Dickey (3)
7/2 Art Allen (3)
7/9 Sally Hernandez (3)
7/1 Melissa Thomas (2)
7/1 Lauren Vann (2)
7/14 Frederick Buechner (2)
7/6 Laine Reichert (1)
7/6 Ronnie Godwin (1)
7/6 Kim Walden (1)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 May 1, 1921
Active Membership: 134 FacebookInstagram

ROTARY CLUB OF Thomasville
PO Box 1277
Thomasville, GA 31799

President Andre Marria
President-Elect Kim Walden
Immediate Past President Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Treasurer Rick Piper
Treasurer Teri White
Program Director Lauren Radford
Program Director Al Nicholson
Program Director Jay Flowers

This Week's Program
Ana Cristina Martinex, General Counsel with Justice Adminstrative Commission

Ana Cristina “Cris” Martinez has served as General Counsel of the Justice Administrative Commission since August 2011. Her previous legal experience includes service as an Assistant General Counsel to the Florida Department of Education and the 1997-1998 Constitution Revision Commission; a Senior Attorney to the Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations; an Assistant Attorney General at the Florida Attorney General’s Office; a U.S. Supreme Court Fellow at the National Association of Attorneys General; and as a law clerk to Justice Ben F. Overton of the Florida Supreme Court. Cris is a graduate of the University of Florida (’84), the University of Florida College of Law (’89), and also earned a Certified Public Manager designation from the Florida Center for Public Management, Florida State University (’14).

Making a Difference
2017-18 Platinum Citation District 6900

Rotary District 6900
2018 Platinum Citation

For Making a Difference in 2017-18 by achieving 24 of 25 goals in the Rotary Citation

Yearend Awards in Columbus, GA
Jake Cheatham Memorial Award 2017-18

GRSP Per Club Capita Giving

Zone 34 Public Image Citation

District Governor Alec
District Service Awards presented to

Grady served on the District Scholarship Committee. Fran served on the District Conference Committee and others.

Next Week's Program
Bob Hope, author of "We Could Have Finished Withour You"

With more than 40 years experience, Bob is one of the most respected PR counselors in the country. His extensive background includes public relations director for the Atlanta Braves when Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth’s home run record; vice president of both the Braves and the Atlanta Hawks teams, while also handling Ted Turner’s personal publicity; executive vice president with the global public relations firm Burson-Marsteller working with high profile products, companies and individuals, including Wayne Huizenga, Fred Smith, Roberto Goizueta and Charlie Loudermilk, as well as top companies like The Coca-Cola Company, Turner Broadcasting, Federal Express and General Electric. Active in the Atlanta community, Bob is a director of the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau, Covenant House of Georgia, the Georgia Global Health Alliance, the Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance, the Atlanta Sports Council and the Ovarian Cancer Institute. He is on the advisory board of the Georgia Special Olympics; and is a member of the Committee of 100 at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology; a member of the Rotary Club of Atlanta and was selected District Rotarian of the Year for 2012. He is a founder and vice chairman of HAVE Foundation, which builds and maintains schools in rural Honduras. He is on the board of councilors for the Carter Center and has represented the Carter Center twice as an international election observer in Nepal. Bob received the George Goodwin Award from the Public Relations Society of America, the President’s Award from the Women’s Sports Foundation, twice named Director of the Year for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and has been the recipient of the International Service Award, the Hospitality Award, the Ivan Allen Club Service Award and the Community Leadership Award by Rotary Club of Atlanta – the only Rotarian to receive all four awards. He also received Rotary International’s highest honor, the Service Above Self Award. The Atlanta Business Chronicle named him one of the 100 Most Influential Business Leaders in Atlanta in 2015, and he was recently inducted into the Atlanta Hospitality Hall of Fame. Bob received a B.A. in journalism from Georgia State University. He has written two books: “We Could Have Finished Last Without You” about his early years with the Braves and “Greater Late Than Never” about people who achieve success after age 50. He organized the effort to build and donate the statue of Hank Aaron that currently stands outside Turner Field.