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February 19, 2019

Club Calendar

February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/21 Anna Roach - Chief Operating Officer Fulton County - Behavioral Health Update
2/28 Mark McGraw - You Have to Learn to Fail to Win
3/7 Dave McCleary - End Human Trafficking

Our Rotary Family

2/2 Joe Piontek
2/3 David Reddick
2/6 Keller Torrey
2/7 Chris S Nelson
2/9 Victor Smith
2/10 Richard Meer
2/11 James Redd
2/12 Ed Vaught, Jr.
2/16 Lafayette McKinney, III
2/18 Gordon Owens
2/19 Dutch Earle
2/19 Danny Tompkins
2/20 Kay Love
2/20 Katha Stuart
2/21 Michael Gould
2/22 Becky Stone
2/26 James Gray
2/27 Bruce Smith


2/1 David Bourne (46)
2/1 Bill Lewis (2)
40 years in Rotary
2/2 Lee Dodson (5)
2/7 Bucky Cook (28)
2/7 Malone Dodson (33)
2/8 Dutch Earle (12)
21 years in Rotary
2/8 Tom Lynch (12)
2/9 Donna Smythe (13)
2/11 Alex Kaufman (9)
2/14 James Redd (11)
2/14 Brian Clark (11)
2/14 Peter Calabro (11)
2/17 Roger Wise, Jr. (8)
2/22 Lee Jenkins, Jr. (1)
2/22 Roderick Malone (1)
2/22 Nancy Tolbert-Yilmaz (18)
2/22 Robert Shaw (1)
2/22 Nancy Diamond (18)
2/23 Richard Stilley (2)
4 years in Rotary
2/23 George Rhodes, III (2)
12 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg, Roswell A
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Atlanta April 18, 1951
Active Membership: 242



P.O. Box 783
Roswell, GA 30077

President Becky Stone
President-Elect Gordon Owens
Immediate Past President Lisa Carlisle
Treasurer Terry Taylor
Secretary Lynne Lindsay
Foundation Chair Danny Tompkins
Membership Chair Karen Pilcher
Public Image Chair Karen Schwank
Service Chair John Carruth


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

No photo description available.

What a great week to be a Rotarian and especially a Roswell Rotarian! Egbert Perry’s program was provocative and thought-provoking in a positive way! I believe it is critical for each of us to challenge our thinking and this program certainly inspired us to do just that! I hope each of you considers his thoughts and talks about them in a positive way. Positive and honest discussion is the only way we can move forward to address the real needs of our community, this country and the world we live in.

Sat. Feb. 16 was an historical day in the life of Roswell Rotary as we hosted sitting Rotary International President Barry Rassin and First Lady Esther! The day started with an incredible Interact Conference attended by over 100 Interactors who were matched up with mentors and challenged to consider who they want to be by 25. We collected and packed over 8 pallets of supplies for seniors in Puerto Rico! We held a special meeting with over 300 people in attendance who were inspired by the words and heart for service of RI President Barry! We relaxed at Houck’s. Then celebrated at Bob Hagan’s house and raised a bunch of money to end polio! Thank you to all of you for making it a great day! I was especially proud to be a Roswell Rotarian on Saturday!

This Thursday, Anna Roach, Fulton County COO, will update us on the great work being done by Fulton County to address the Behavioral Health needs of our residents. Fulton County is committed to expanding and improving the delivery of these services to residents in North Fulton. Don’t miss this program!

See you Thursday!

President Becky

This Week's Speaker

Anna Roach serves as the Chief Operating Officer for Fulton County Government, the largest County within the State of Georgia serving nearly 1 million residents. Fulton County has over 5,000 employees in 38 departments with a combined annual budget of nearly $1.2 billion. In addition to managing all departments with the Public Safety, Health and Human Services, and Infrastructure services clusters, she is responsible for managing an aggressive customer service improvement agenda across all county functions, and overseeing hundreds of millions of dollars in capital expenditures within the information technology, facilities and water infrastructure programs. Prior to taking on the role of Chief Operating Officer, Mrs. Roach served as the County’s Chief Strategy Officer where she had responsibility to develop, manage, and communicate activities to drive an inclusive strategic planning process that translated board-adopted priorities into an actionable multi-year strategic plan. In that role, she also oversaw the County’s tiered, performance management structure, tasked with producing monthly, quarterly and annual performance reports. These reports make public to citizens and stakeholders, the County’s performance data and also develop business cases for transformational initiatives implemented county-wide.

Mrs. Roach has over twenty years of experience practicing law, working in government, and serving as a consultant to government agencies. She has used her training as an attorney to serve in the public realm in a number of distinct ways, beginning with her tenure as an Administrative Law Judge of the City of New York. Later in the office of the General Counsel, Mrs. Roach served the Mayor of the District of Columbia as head of the Legal and Policy Unit which responsibilities included: establishing legislative priorities for each district agency; maintaining district-wide personnel rules, regulations and orders; and serving as a subject-matter expert and providing legal counsel on all personnel matters. Just prior to joining Fulton County, Mrs. Roach worked as a consultant for both government and quasi-government agencies, overseeing work streams designed to identify and develop solutions to address operational and business process inefficiencies. Clients included the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, the State Department of Aging and the City of East Point.

Mrs. Roach has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the State University of New York at Cortland, and a Juris Doctor from St. John’s University, School of Law. She is admitted to practice law in the State of New York and remains in good standing. In addition to maintaining affiliation with several professional institutions, Mrs. Roach serves on the Atlanta Market Board of the March of Dimes, the Board of Trustees for Arlington Christian School, the Advisory Board for Tyler Technologies – Socrata Performance Division, and the Advisory Board for Avenu Insights and Analytics. She lives with her husband and children in South Fulton.

Charity Spotlight

Jacob’s Ladder


To believe in the potential of each child who enters our doors, while readily and lovingly expressing that belief. To provide intense interaction and stimulation consistently and daily to enable the brain to change based on the input and stimulation it receives.

Fast Facts:

  • Founded in 1998.
  • Jacob's Ladder is a neurodevelopmental school and therapy center serving students pre-K through 12th grade with any kind of neurological disorder from Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury to a range of learning disabilities, genetic disorders, and mood disorders including Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Bipolar, and Anxiety Disorder. 60% of the students have been diagnosed with Autism.
  • The school assesses each child based on their current level of function, and provides a customized program developed to meet each student’s individual needs and learning style.
  • The Jacob’s Ladder Methodology harnesses the premises of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change based on the input and stimulation it receives.
  • JL serves 60 students on-site and an average of 10 students per year through in-home services.
  • JL also offer the Jacob’s Ladder Model of Intervention for children, teens and adults in its Therapy Center on an hourly basis.
  • Since 1998, Jacob's Ladder has provided evaluations and tailored training to over 2,500 families from virtually every state and 5 continents.

Find out more:


Be The Inspiration
Upload Your Pictures!

Feb. 16 was a great day for Roswell Rotary! We know many of you have some great pictures from RI President Barry Rassin and First Lady Esther's visit!

Please contact Karen Schwank or Kathy Igou to be sent a link to upload your pictures to Dropbox! karen@keedesignsinc.com or kligou@gmail.com

Read Across America

Can you find an extra 20 minutes to spare for kids?

You are invited to read to classrooms at local elementary schools in celebration of Read Across America Day. This is normally celebrated on March 2nd, Dr. Seuss's Birthday. Since the 2nd falls on a Saturday this year, we will be reading to classes on the 1st and 4th. Readers will receive a copy of The Invisible Boy by Trudie Ludwig. It is a beautiful book about kindness. After you read the book to the class you can leave it for the students to enjoy, as a donation from the Rotary Club of Roswell. Roswell's kindergarten and preK students will be so excited to see you visit their classrooms and read this special book! Have fun Reading Across Roswell!

Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F49AAAD22A3FA7-read


The Rotary Bandit is racing to SanDestin arriving April 25 - 28, 2019 singing:

  • We are Sandestin bound and down, loaded up and truckin',
  • We're gonna do what they say can't be done.
  • We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
  • We are Sandestin bound, just watch ol' "Rotary Bandit" run.

District Conference registration is now open.

Be sure to get your Adult Big Wheel Team together for Thursday night! The First 5 Teams from Roswell Rotary will be FREE! See Michael Gould to sign-up your team!

Click Here to Register.

See you there for Adult Spring Break!

RI President Visits Roswell AND the Interact Conference!

Last Week at Rotary
