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April 9, 2019

Club Calendar

April is Maternal and Child Health Month

4/11 Bob Hope - Service Above Self
4/18 Bob Littell - "The Amazing Ripple Effects of NetWeaving and Paying It Forward"
4/25 Laws of Life
5/2 Alara Su Bilgez - GRSP Student

Our Rotary Family

4/1 Charlie Cameron
4/1 Douglas Fincher
4/3 Luba Bilentschuk
4/3 Paul Lang
4/5 Jim Broadway
4/5 Thomas Mote
4/6 Phil Baldwin
4/6 Mike Hampton
4/6 Dave Schmit
4/8 Richard Stilley
4/9 Fran Smith
4/10 Todd Byars
4/12 Kevin Suchecki
4/16 Bill Shore
4/16 Bob Clarkson
4/20 Kenneth Davis
4/24 Ben Magoon
4/25 George Rhodes, III
4/25 Zachary Fields
4/25 Michael Curling
4/28 Bill Houck
4/29 Marcus Smith


4/1 Dave Schmit (15)
4/4 Eddie Smith (23)
4/7 Don Howard (36)
4/7 Cheryl Greenway (25)
4/11 Phil Baldwin (6)
15 years in Rotary
4/11 Sandy Buhler (6)
4/12 Susan Church (7)
4/12 June Brown (7)
4/13 Victor Smith (41)
4/19 Jeffrey Meyers (1)
4/19 Hal Schlenger (1)
5 years in Rotary
4/19 Kay Howell (1)
4/19 Anne Greski (1)
2 years in Rotary
4/19 Bill Shore (1)
34 years in Rotary
4/28 Dwayne Kell (3)
4/29 Fritz Berendsen (9)
19 years in Rotary
4/29 Myron Segraves (20)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg, Roswell A
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Atlanta April 18, 1951
Active Membership: 248


P.O. Box 783
Roswell, GA 30077

President Becky Stone
President-Elect Gordon Owens
Immediate Past President Lisa Carlisle
Treasurer Terry Taylor
Secretary Lynne Lindsay
Foundation Chair Danny Tompkins
Membership Chair Karen Pilcher
Public Image Chair Karen Schwank
Service Chair John Carruth


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Service Above Self

Service Above Self is the Rotary motto. It inspires each of us to live our professional and personal lives in a way that promotes service to others before ourselves. The motto Service Above Self dates back to the 1950's and was officially recognized in 1989 as the principal motto of Rotary because it best conveys the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service. Service Above Self means that we serve without expectation of reward, thanks or praise and the motive for the service is the service on its own merit. That's not to say we don't want to be recognized for our service, of course we do, but the underlying motive is to serve others. One of the tenets taught in the Toolbox program is to "get caught" doing something for someone else without bringing attention to yourself for helping (reward is a Chick-fil-A sandwich!). I love that we are teaching Service Above Self to our kids!

This week's speaker, Bob Hope, truly exemplifies the motto of Service Above Self. He is a 40 year public relations icon, but he didn't stop there. He is an Atlanta Rotarian and was recognized as the 2012 District 6900 Rotarian of the Year for his unselfish volunteer service! He is a founder and vice chairman of HAVE Foundation, which builds and maintains schools in rural Honduras. Bob will share some great stories (it is baseball season) and the importance of Service Above Self in our lives.

This week, we will also recognize the contributions of one of our own, Myron Seagraves. For years, Myron was the scrapbook guy, but don't let that description fool you. He was creative, detailed and fun! Our Past Presidents will be bringing their scrapbooks to our meeting this week in honor of Myron, who has been afflicted with Alzheimer's. You will want to come early and see Roswell Rotary's history come alive. Myron exemplifies our motto of Service Above Self!

Please join us on Thursday as we live out our motto, Service Above Self, every day!

President Becky

This Week's Speaker

Robert E. (Bob) Hope is a veteran of the public relations and event marketing business. He is co-owner and president of Hope-Beckham. Clients have included Chick-fil-A Foundation, Turner Broadcasting, Belk, The Coca-Cola Company, Southern Company, Home Depot, Comcast and a variety of sports teams and leagues as well as non-profit organizations.

He is author of two books – “We Could Have Finished Last Without You” about his early days with the Braves, and “Greater Late than Never” about people who achieved their life’s success after age 50.

Bob Hope started working for the Atlanta Braves while in college and became the team’s director of public relations and promotions at age 24. He managed the Major League Baseball All-Star Game at age 25.And he was with Hank Aaron during the chase to break the all-time home run record of Babe Ruth. When Ted Turner bought the team, he was promoted to VP at age 29 and worked not only for the Braves but also the Turner-owned Atlanta Hawks and for Turner’s TV station.

He left Turner to work on sports, particularly the Olympics, for The Coca-Cola Company and then decided to go into the public relations agency business so he could work for both Coke and Turner, which led to a career in New York in a top job of the world’s largest public relations firm. Along the way, he has been involved in many Olympics, including Atlanta. He helped several cities with their campaigns to land major league sports franchises.

He created the Colorado Silver Bullets professional baseball team of elite women athletes. This led to a 14-year stint on the board of Billie Jean King’s Women’s Sports Foundation and six years as the only male on its executive committee. He promoted the Friendship Games, a basketball tournament in Israel of college age players from countries in conflict, primarily countries from the Middle East.

For the past 21 years, he organized a group of business leaders, now totaling about 70, to travel to rural Honduras each spring to work on schools, in villages and in medical clinics.He formed HAVE Foundation (Honduras Agalta Valley Education) to help fund the schools that his group helped build.

Bob is on the Board of Councilors of Carter Center and has traveled twice to Nepal as an election observer, working in the far-flung small villages and rural areas of the tiny country.

He is currently working with Andrew Young to lead the effort to move assets of the Nobel Peace Prize to Atlanta.

Bob is an active member of the Rotary Club of Atlanta.He was vice chairman and emcee of the Rotary International Convention in 2017.He is recipient of the Rotary International “Service Above Self Award,” the highest honor bestowed by the board of Rotary International.He has been Rotarian of the Year in the district and is the only member in the history of the Rotary Club of Atlanta to receive four of its top awards – hospitality, community service, international service and service to Rotary.

In the community, he has received an assortment of honors:

  • Hospitality Hall of Fame by the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau,
  • Father of the Year by the American Diabetes Association,
  • Most Admired CEO by the Atlanta Business Chronicle,
  • 100 Most Influential Atlantans by the Atlanta Business Chronicle
  • 500 Most Powerful Atlanta Leaders by Atlanta Magazine
  • George Goodwin Award for Community Service from the Public Relations Society of America

He is active in the community and serves on several boards:

  • Founder and on the board of HAVE Foundation
  • Board of the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau
  • Board of Councilors of the Carter Center
  • Investigative Committee of the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church
  • Trustee of the Georgia Global Health Alliance
  • Board of the Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance
  • Board of Covenant House Georgia, co-chair of its “Night of the Broadway Stars” fundraiser

He has served on the boards of the Atlanta Braves and Ottawa Senators.

Bob’s wife, Susan, who died in 2017 of cancer, inspired him to be involved in community service.Since her death, the refugee store at IRC has been named for her, Children Read dedicated last year to her as its “Year of Hope”, and the counseling center at the Hope Middle School in Honduras is now the Susan Hope Counseling Center.

New Member Spotlight

Bob Clarkson is a residential Real Estate Agent with Century 21 Connect Realty in Roswell. Bob has lived in Roswell his whole life and was a graduate of Roswell High School in 2007. Bob has been in the Real Estate business for 10 years now. Over the past 4 years, Bob has sold over 200 homes, making him one of the top agents in metro-Atlanta. In his spare time, Bob enjoys spending time with friends and family, watching and playing sports, as well as giving back to the community. As a lifelong Roswellian, Bob is excited to join Roswell Rotary and be a part of helping others.


The Rotary Bandit is racing to SanDestin arriving April 25 - 28, 2019 singing:

  • We are Sandestin bound and down, loaded up and truckin',
  • We're gonna do what they say can't be done.
  • We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
  • We are Sandestin bound, just watch ol' "Rotary Bandit" run.

District Conference registration is now open.

Be sure to get your Adult Big Wheel Team together for Thursday night! The First 5 Teams from Roswell Rotary will be FREE! See Michael Gould to sign-up your team!

Click Here to Register.

See you there for Adult Spring Break!

Opportunity to Serve
2nd Annual Blood Drive

The 2nd Annual Blood Drive is May 2nd 11 am - 4 pm. It will be in the small gym at the Community Activities Building at Roswell Area Park. We need 3-4 volunteers (please contact Dwayne Kell). Walk ins are welcomed but signing up on line is preferred. Click Here to Register and enter the following information:

Click: Donate Blood
Click: Find Blood Drive
Zip/Sponsor Code: (type in) Roswellrotary
Click: Roswell Park and Recreation Center
Pick a time and donation type


Dates for Service Above Self (and a good bit of fun)

Opportunities for your participation:

4/18, Thu: Roswell Rotary 68th Anniversary

4/18, Thu: Alive in Roswell (3rd Thursday evening, 5 9PM from April through October)

4/25 - 4/28, Wed-Sun: District Conference

5/01, Wed: Hump Day at Lucias in Sandy Plains Village, 4705 Woodstock Rd, Roswell, GA 30075

5/02, Thu: Blood Drive

5/11, Sat: VEO Maintenance Work Day

5/14, Tue: Rotary Means Business - North Fulton B2B networking for Rotarians, https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/484

5/16: Alive in Roswell (3rd Thursday evening (5-9PM) through October)

5/27, Mon: Memorial Day: Roswell Remembers

6/05, Wed: Hump Day at Lucias in Sandy Plains Village, 4705 Woodstock Rd, Roswell, GA 30075

6/11, Tue: Rotary Means Business - North Fulton B2B networking for Rotarians, https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/484

It's even more fun with your friends and that starts with inviting your friends to a meeting, service project or social event. Bringing a guest presents 2 opportunities for "service." First is the goodwill that comes from introducing a guest to members of our club, to our club projects AND hearing our speakers. The second is growing our Roswell Rotary family.
Please look for opportunities to share Rotary with your friends.

"The more you give, the more you get." Author unknown.

Last Week at Rotary
