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April 15, 2019

Club Calendar

April is Maternal and Child Health Month

4/18 Bob Littell - "The Amazing Ripple Effects of NetWeaving and Paying It Forward"
4/25 Laws of Life
5/2 Alara Su Bilgez - GRSP Student
5/9 Be THE Voice - Debbie Cwalina and Michael Schoppenhorst

Our Rotary Family

4/1 Charlie Cameron
4/1 Douglas Fincher
4/3 Luba Bilentschuk
4/3 Paul Lang
4/5 Jim Broadway
4/5 Thomas Mote
4/6 Phil Baldwin
4/6 Mike Hampton
4/6 Dave Schmit
4/8 Richard Stilley
4/9 Fran Smith
4/10 Todd Byars
4/12 Kevin Suchecki
4/16 Bill Shore
4/16 Bob Clarkson
4/20 Kenneth Davis
4/24 Ben Magoon
4/24 Herb West
4/25 George Rhodes, III
4/25 Zachary Fields
4/25 Michael Curling
4/28 Bill Houck
4/29 Marcus Smith


4/1 Dave Schmit (15)
4/4 Eddie Smith (23)
4/5 Cathy Steffen (0)
9 years in Rotary
4/7 Cheryl Greenway (25)
4/7 Don Howard (36)
4/11 Phil Baldwin (6)
15 years in Rotary
4/11 Sandy Buhler (6)
4/12 Jon-Paul Croom (0)
2 years in Rotary
4/12 Ronald Woods (0)
4/12 Susan Church (7)
4/12 June Brown (7)
4/13 Victor Smith (41)
4/19 Bill Shore (1)
34 years in Rotary
4/19 Hal Schlenger (1)
5 years in Rotary
4/19 Jeffrey Meyers (1)
4/19 Kay Howell (1)
4/19 Anne Greski (1)
2 years in Rotary
4/28 Dwayne Kell (3)
4/29 Fritz Berendsen (9)
19 years in Rotary
4/29 Myron Segraves (20)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg, Roswell A
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Atlanta April 18, 1951
Active Membership: 251


P.O. Box 783
Roswell, GA 30077

President Becky Stone
President-Elect Gordon Owens
Immediate Past President Lisa Carlisle
Treasurer Terry Taylor
Secretary Lynne Lindsay
Foundation Chair Danny Tompkins
Membership Chair Karen Pilcher
Public Image Chair Karen Schwank
Service Chair John Carruth


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
68 Years of Paying It Forward!

We celebrate Roswell Rotary's 68th Anniversary this Thursday! Roswell Rotary was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Atlanta and presented the Charter at the Banquet Hall of the high school in Alpharetta on April 18, 1951. Over the years, Roswell Rotary has formed numerous Rotary Clubs, a Rotaract Club, and many Interact Clubs, given millions of dollars to the Rotary International Foundation and to the Roswell community and served this community in many, many ways. I hope you took the opportunity to look at Roswell Rotary's history come to life in the Past President's scrapbooks last week. Go read more about our Club's history in the Directory! Maurice Hilliard, Past President of Roswell Rotary 1966 - 1967, will share his thoughts about Roswell Rotary with us this week.

Roswell Rotary's foundation is built on Service Above Self. Last week, we heard from Bob Hope about Service Above Self. This week's speaker, Bob Littel, will share with us the power of Service Above Self and some examples of how the effects of service and "paying it forward" ripple through our lives, the community and the world. For 68 years, Roswell's business and community leaders, through Roswell Rotary, have demonstrated the power of Paying it Forward--both at work, at play and in service to Roswell. For Roswell Rotary, the "ripple effects" are more like a tidal wave!

Come celebrate 68 Years of Paying It Forward with us!

President Becky

P.S. There will be cake from Rhodes Bakery!

This Week's Speaker

Over his 50 year working career, Bob Littell has worn a number of hats within the insurance and financial services industry, including Marketing Vice President of two insurance companies, as well as owning and running a national insurance brokerage agency. He has served as President or as a Board Member for a number of national and local organizations.

In 1999, Bob created the concept "NetWeaving" which is closely aligned with the Pay It Forward concept. With permission of Catherine Ryan Hyde, author of the book on which the movie classic was based, NetWeaving is now known globally as the 'business' version of 'pay it forward'. He has authored 3 books on the concept, "Power NetWeaving", "The Heart and Art of NetWeaving", and "Raising Your R&R Factor - How Referable and Recommendable Are You?".

His website www.netweavinginternational.com is being redesigned to become a FREE resource for teaching and implementing NetWeaving skill sets and action steps.

Bob was the first elected President of the Pay It Forward Foundation and has served on that Board for over 10 years.

Bob lives in Big Canoe, Georgia with his wife, Carolyn, and their two dogs, Duchess and Finnigan. Both are very active in the community serving in various roles.

New Member Spotlight


Roswell Rotary Honors Member Myron Segraves


The Rotary Bandit is racing to SanDestin arriving April 25 - 28, 2019 singing:

  • We are Sandestin bound and down, loaded up and truckin',
  • We're gonna do what they say can't be done.
  • We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
  • We are Sandestin bound, just watch ol' "Rotary Bandit" run.

District Conference registration is now open.

Be sure to get your Adult Big Wheel Team together for Thursday night! The First 5 Teams from Roswell Rotary will be FREE! See Michael Gould to sign-up your team!

Click Here to Register.

See you there for Adult Spring Break!

Opportunity to Serve
2nd Annual Blood Drive

The 2nd Annual Blood Drive is May 2nd 11 am - 4 pm. It will be in the small gym at the Community Activities Building at Roswell Area Park. We need 3-4 volunteers (please contact Dwayne Kell). Walk ins are welcomed but signing up on line is preferred. Click Here to Register and enter the following information:

Click: Donate Blood
Click: Find Blood Drive
Zip/Sponsor Code: (type in) Roswellrotary
Click: Roswell Park and Recreation Center
Pick a time and donation type


Leverage the Power of the Pin
For Rotarians trying to reach Small Businesses and Consumers locally

District 6900 invites you to participate in the monthly fellowship, Rotary Means Business (RBM).

Here are 4 reasons why you need to attend:

  • RBM brings Rotarians back to one of the founding Rotarian’s main emphasis: BUSINESS NETWORKING and strengthens our Vocational lanes
  • RMB provides chances for expanded business and professional opportunities by bringing Rotarians together in a broader, cross-club social business-networking environment
  • RMB provides a structure to bring business back into Rotary in a way that supplements rather than competes with the service and fellowship aspects of Rotary
  • RMB provides opportunities for qualified guests to experience the value of Rotary, learn more about Rotary, and possibly becomes Rotarians

PLUS: Think of the vendors you trust. Then invite 1 or 2 to the next RBM meeting. You'll be helping your vendor, and you may end up with a future Rotarian.

Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 5:45 – 7:15p for quality networking.

Intelligent Offices
300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 100, Roswell, GA 30076

For more info and to RSVP, please contact one of our hosts

Mary Trapp, 770-645-1320, marytrapp@kw.com Johns Creek North Fulton

Melanie Mayer, mmayer@shafritzdean.com Johns Creek North Fulton

Cliff Wilcox, cliff.wilcox.mdfe@statefarm.com North Fulton

Hal Schlenger, hschlenger@hipnation.com Roswell

Barbara M. and Donald L. Thomas Peace Award

President Becky Stone presented the Barbara M. and Donald L. Thomas Peace Award to Adaobi Princess Nwofor, a GRSP student from Nigeria, on April 9, 2019 at the Midtown Atlanta Rotary Club meeting. Pictured are Sandy Murray, Rotary Club of Atlanta Midtown, President Becky, Princess Nwofor and District Governor Elect Jim Squire.

Dates for Service Above Self (and a good bit of fun)

Opportunities for your participation:

4/18, Thu: Roswell Rotary 68th Anniversary

4/18, Thu: Alive in Roswell (3rd Thursday evening, 5-9PM from April through October, Hagan Center)

4/25 - 4/28, Wed-Sun: District Conference

5/01, Wed: Hump Day at Lucias in Sandy Plains Village, 4705 Woodstock Rd, Roswell, GA 30075

5/02, Thu: Blood Drive

5/11, Sat: VEO Maintenance Work Day

5/14, Tue: Rotary Means Business - North Fulton B2B networking for Rotarians, https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/484

5/16, Alive in Roswell (3rd Thursday evening (5-9PM) through October, Hagan Center)

5/27, Mon: Memorial Day: Roswell Remembers

6/05, Wed: Hump Day (TBD)

6/11, Tue: Rotary Means Business - North Fulton B2B networking for Rotarians, https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/484

It's even more fun with your friends and that starts with inviting your friends to a meeting, service project or social event. Bringing a guest presents 2 opportunities for "service." First is the goodwill that comes from introducing a guest to members of our club, to our club projects AND hearing our speakers. The second is growing our Roswell Rotary family.
Please look for opportunities to share Rotary with your friends.

"The more you give, the more you get." Author unknown.

Last Week at Rotary
