
Showing 1,001-1,050 of 1,297 items.
IDRotary YearTitleClubAbstractCategoriesKeywordsExtension 
3532017August 2016 Newsletter (2017)13-page PDFNewsletterspdf
3522016-17 District Grants - PowerPoint Instructions for Completing Final Report in DACDBPowerPoint slides which include partial screen prints for instructions in completing the final report in DACDB.Presidents, Treasurers, Foundation Chairs, Assistant Governors, Service Chairs2016-17, District Grants, Final Report, instructionspdf
3512016-17 District Grants - One Page Instructions for Completing Final Report in DACDBOne page simple list of steps to complete the final reportPresidents, Foundation Chairs, Assistant Governors, Service ChairsDistrict Grants, DACDB, 2016-17, Final Reportpdf
35020162016/04/08 (2016)TuckerSpeaker was the new DA for DeKalb County Sherry Boston.District Attorney Sherry Bostonpdf
34920162016/28/07 (2016)TuckerClassification speeches by Marc Lisenby and Lahsen MabroukClassification Speeches New members Meet and Greetpdf
348Silent Auction FormJohns Creek North FultonSouthern Charms Silent Auction Formpdf
346DeKalb Council Agenda Aug. 8, 2016North AtlantaAgenda for council meeting at the Oriental pearlDeKalb Councildocx
345Griffitarian - 28July2016GriffinRotary Takes the Challenge to End Human Trafficking - David McCleary of Roswell Rotary explained during Thursday’s program that human trafficking is happening in our own neighborhoods and that District 6900 Rotarians have taken the challenge to elevate the awareness of this problem locally and to also take action to End Human Trafficking Now.Newsletterspdf
344Griffitarian - 21July2016GriffinGriffin Rotary Welcomes New Teachers - On Thursday, Griffin Rotarians celebrated our annual tradition of welcoming teachers new to the Griffin-Spalding School System to our community. Superintendent Jim Smith thanked the Club for hosting this event each year saying that it was a great example of the community support for our teachers and the school system.Newsletterspdf
343Griffitarian - 14July2016GriffinLibraries Are Not Defunct Dinosaurs -

Chantel Dunham, Director of Development for the University of Georgia Libraries, certainly dispelled any speculation that libraries are outdated and defunct with our ready access to information through the worldwide web. The UGA Libraries make up the largest library system in Georgia with four libraries on the main UGA Campus in Athens and several other UGA sites across the state.
3422016Griffitarian - 30June2016 (2016)GriffinWallace Inducted as 93rd President -

Griffin Rotary launched its 93rd year in Rotary with Thursday’s induction of Janice Wallace as our 93rd President. Howard Wallace kicked off the events by acknowledging that there had always been a lineage of leadership in our Club with several sons following their fathers as presidents. But, he proudly noted that this was the very first father-daughter lineage.
339taglineMidtown AtlantaServing Midtown and the Worlddocx
3382017Laws of Life School Invitation and Registration (2017)4-page PDF contest overview and application form for schools wishing to participateService Chairspdf
337Laws of Life Corporate Sponsorship Packge7-page PDF with information for corporations about sponsoring the contest, including a sponsorship formService Chairspdf
33620172016-2017 Laws of Life Sponsorship Package (2017)4-page PDF including application to sponsor the contestPresidents, Service Chairspdf
33520162017 DG Challenge (2016)DG Raymond challenges every club to celebrate the birthday of The Rotary Foundation in the month of November. Presidents, Foundation Chairs, Public Image Chairs, NewslettersCentennial, Foundation, Birthday, November, Challengepdf
334Expense Reimbursement FormSandy SpringsForm for use in submitting expense reimbursement requests to the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs. This should be given to the Club Treasurer. Receipts should be attached.doc
33320172017 District Directory (2017)92-page PDFPresidents, Secretaries, Foundation Chairs, Membership Chairs, Assistant Governors, Service Chairs, Public Image Chairspdf
33220162016/21/07 (2016)TuckerRaymond Ray visits the Rotary Club of Tucker on his District Governor tour of GeorgiaDistrict Governor Board Meeting with DG Veteran Pin Lou Alvarado - AGpdf
33120162016-14-07 Tucker Pilot (2016)TuckerRotary Club of Tucker has a club assembly to discuss Membership growth for the New Year!Fundraising Board Meeting Membership Growthpdf
3302017Zone 34 Public Image Citation (2017)2-page PDF Public Image CitationPresidents, Public Image Chairspdf
3292016-30-06TuckerField trip to FODAC to sort medical suppliesFODAC Fieldtrip Make-Uppdf
32820162016- 07-07 Tucker Pilot (2016)TuckerInduction of New Officers for Renie Hallford's year as PresidnetNew Officers Gavel Handoff New Rotary yearpdf
3272016July 2016 Newsletter (2016)14 page PDFNewsletterspdf
3262016Organizational Chart (2016)ThomasvilleRotary Club Thomasville Organizational Chartxlsx
325Organizational ChartThomasvilleThomasville Rotary Club Organizational Chart.xlsx
324Alternate language/oath for installation of new President and Boardlanguage to use in installing a club president and boardPresidents, Presidents-Elect
323Governor Bob Hagan’s Trip to Indiavideo with highlites from DG Bob’s trip to IndiaVideosvideo,district conference
322Ash ChandlerAsh Chandler’s performance at 2016 District ConferenceVideosvideo,district conference
3212016 District Conference: Incoming RI President John Germ (Friday night)John Germ Incoming President of Rotary International – Friday NightVideosvideo,district conference
3202016 District Conference: Stop Human TraffickingStop Human Trafficking – Dave McCleary, Rotary Club of RoswellVideosvideo,district conference
3192016 District Conference: Income RI President John Germ (Saturday night)John Germ Incoming President of Rotary International – Saturday NightVideosvideo,district conference
3182016 District Conference: Be The VoiceBe the Voice – Debbie Cwalina, Rotary Club of RoswellVideosvideo,district conference
3172016 District Conference: Minda DentlerMinda Dentler on the impact of PolioVideosvideo,district conference
3162016 District Conference: Rotary SongRotary Song by Felicia Franklin-Warner, Rotary Club of Lake SpiveyVideosvideo,district conference
315Club Health Check12-page Rotary PDF with guidelines for assessing club health and appropriate corresponding tacticsPresidents, Presidents-Electpdf
3142016 Council On Legislation Essential ChangesSummary of significant changes of interest to the Clubs enacted by 2016 Council on LegislationPresidents, Presidents-Elect, Secretaries, Treasurers
31320162016-23-06 Northlake Pilot (2016)TuckerArt Rosser shows off the new Tucker Rotary Website with the help of Alec Smythe our incoming DGN and current District 6900 WebmasterTucker Rotary, Website, Art Rosser, Alec Smythepdf
31220162016-31-03 Northlake Pilot (2016)TuckerNorthlake Rotary takes a field trip to FODAC for a community service projectFODACpdf
3112016June 2016 Newsletter (2016)16 page PDFpdf
3102017 District Conference FlyerPDF brochureNewsletterspdf
3092016Governor Bob Visit To India (2016)link to Vimeo videoVideos
3082016 Council on Legislation Changesshort article summarizing the significant changes made at the 2016 Council on LegislationPresidents
307Rotary Areas of Focus Policy StatementAn in-depth look at Rotary International's Six Areas of Focus, for use as a resource to help Rotarians and prospective scholarship grant applicants to determine alignment of the scholar's plans with the humanitarian goals of The Rotary Foundation. Presidents, Foundation Chairs, Assistant GovernorsAreas, scholarship, policypdf
306Global Grant Scholar Information - 2022GG Scholarship Scholar Information Package 2022 is an information resource for prospective scholarship applicants. Package includes: description, purpose, eligibility criteria, timeline, contact information and Rotary Areas of Focus Goal Chart.scholar, grant, package, scholarship, Rotary scholarship, Global Grant Scholarshippdf
304Global Grant Scholarship - Scholar Brief (increased from $30k to $40k)Two sided flyer for prospective scholarship applicants. Flyer contains basic information about Global Grant Scholarship: description, purpose, eligibility, timeline, contact information.Presidents, Foundation Chairs, Assistant Governorsscholarship, grantpdf
3032017District Cruise Flyer (2017)2-page PDF showing cruise details, including cabin pricesPresidentsconference,cruisepdf
3012016May 2016 Newsletter (2016)9-page PDFNewsletterspdf
30020162016 Rotary Friendship Exchange Team (2016)3-page PDF with bios of the members of the Exchange team from Rotary District 3060 from IndiaPresidents, Service Chairspdf
2992016District Conference Resolutions (2016)12-page Word document containing the 12 resolutions adopted at the 2016 District ConferencePresidents, Secretariesdocx