Rotary Year 1967 — 1968

District 690 GovernorN. Pratt Secrest
Rotary PresidentLuther H. Hodges
Home CountryUSA
ThemeMake Your Rotary Membership Effective
Convention LocationMexico City, Mexico

One of the most distinguished Rotarians produced by District 690 took the helm for the years 1967-68. In cooperation with D.G. Alfred Steiger, of Munich, Germany, Pratt started the “Family Friendship Exchange”, which was an exchange of Rotary couples between Georgia and Germany. This fine program continued for many years forming the basis of permanent friendships for people of the two countries.

During the year two new clubs were chartered: Peachtree City on November 13, 1967 sponsored by Newnan, and Conyers, no longer in our district.

There were forty active Interact Clubs during Pratt’s tenure. After a highly successful District Conference at Jekyll Island, Pratt continued to be active in Rotary at Zone and International levels. He served as International Director for Zones 4-10 in 70- 72; Chairman RI Executive Committee 71-72; Chairman RI Nominating Committee for RI President, 89-90 and 93-94; Moderator International Assembly, 82; Vice Chairman Polio Plus; and member International Convention Committee.