Rotary Year 1920 — 1921

District 8 GovernorW. R. C. Smith
Rotary PresidentEstes Snedecor
Home CountryUSA
Convention LocationEdinburgh, Scotland

It was in 1920-21 that an Atlanta Rotarian was signally honored by having the Governorship of the 8th District, comprising the same territory of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Cuba and Puerto Rico. W. R. C. “Dick” Smith, of Atlanta, headed the District, and during his administration Rotary Clubs were formed at Athens and West Point and in the 1920 portion of Governor “Dick’s” administration. But during the 1921 part of Dick Smith’s year, clubs were formed in Brunswick, Elberton, Quitman arid Thomasville, as far as the Georgia section of his territory was concerned.