Family of Rotary Challenge
What's Your Favorite Treat to Eat?

On more than one occasion our District Governor, Jim Squire, has said “Rotarians are people who turn their passions into compassion.” Some of us are suffering as we shelter in place with medical conditions including COVID-19. Others are wondering if they can take another month separated from friends and extended family.

“One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let other people know they are not alone.” Shannon L. Adler

This weeks challenge to Rotarians in District 6900: Call two fellow club members and ask: 1). What is your favorite treat to eat? 2). As a child, what did you do in the summer when school was out?

Stay positive and wash your hands!!!!


District Family of Rotary Chair

Posted by Lisa Carlisle
April 6, 2020


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