Club News
Sandy Springs Partners with Fire Department to Collect Medical Waste

The Sandy Springs Rotary Club is currently partnering with the City's Fire Department to collect expired pharmaceuticals, sealed needles and PPEs. During COVID-19, hospitals have been unable to collect used medical equipment and prescriptions as they had in the past. Throwing away or flushing medical waste can contaminate our environment and rivers.

The Fire Department has set up drop sites at Fire Station 1 (1425 Spalding Drive) and Station 3 (6025 Raider drive) Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM. In May, a recognition event at Fire Station 3 included demonstrations of how fire station personnel safely handle and process the items deposited in the collection boxes. Sandy Springs Rotary is funding the entire cost of this program.

Posted by John Neill
July 2, 2021


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