Looking for Ways to Connect with Prospective Members?

Consider the strategies and ideas in these resources to connect with potential members:

  • Engaging Younger Professionals — Welcoming younger professionals into Rotary is essential for us. Our digital kit will help you rethink membership and bring emerging leaders into your club.
  • Strategies for Attracting New Members —Take this Learning Center course to help draw prospective members, update your club's experience, and better highlight what it does well.
  • Customizable club brochure — Design your own club brochure using the template on Rotary's Brand Center. Choose images and wording to best represent your club.
  • Finding New Club Members: A Prospective Member Exercise — Try these strategies to attract qualified members for your club.
  • Creating a Positive Experience for Prospective Members — Working with prospective members is a delicate task. Find tips and ideas to determine whether membership would match their needs as well as your club's. Learn what you can do to ensure that prospects have a positive experience, regardless of whether they join.
  • Guide to Corporate Membership — Learn how to engage your local businesses and offer a new membership type to a few of the business employees.
  • Online Membership Leads course — This Learning Center course will show how a prospect experiences the membership leads process, and how club and district leaders can create a consistent, positive experience for prospective members.
  • Connect to Membership Leads — Learn how to find and track prospective members who want to get involved.
Posted by Jaclyn Donovan
November 1, 2021


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