Back to School with Dr. Christopher Matthews
Program July 28-Dr. Christopher Matthews-Fulton County Schools

With the new school year fast approaching, its a perfect time to hear from Dr. Christopher M. Matthews, Assistant Superintendent Fulton County Schools. Dr. Matthews is an accomplished school and system leader with 25+ years of K-12 education experience with a strong record of supporting school improvement and student achievement by focusing on data driven decision making, continuously evaluating and improving student programs and services, strategically aligning staff and resources, leading system and school level initiatives, developing and supporting principals and support staff, creating and revising policy and effectively managing the performance of school based and central office based talent. 

Examples of leadership results are;

 Reallocated funds to create Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Coaches to improve instruction for Students with Disabilities 

 Implemented a research based literacy building program for ELL students and Students with Disabilities to increase achievement

 Implemented multiple strategies and programs that resulted in a 37% reduction in out of school suspension over last 7 years

 Achieved highest graduation rate in Atlanta Metro Area (5 large county region) for ELL students and Student with Disabilities

 Reduced disproportionate rates of suspension of black students which resulted in removal of State Action Plan

 Produced more State “Distinguished” PBIS schools than any other school system in GA

 Implemented short term suspension program that resulted in over 6,000 instructional hours per school year

 Strategically managed local and grant budgets totaling over 45 million dollars

 Implemented 3 successful Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs that resulted in improved achievement 

 Created district and school programs for SEL, Drug/Alcohol Prevention, Alternative Schools, PBIS, In-School Support (ISS)

 Developed written district protocols for student crisis, afraid to go home, safety plans, threat assessment, aggressive students

Looking forward to hearing from Dr. Matthews on Thursday!

Posted by Susan Rumble
July 26, 2022


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