Final Thought From the Editor
Thomasville President Captures What We're All Thinking

When Mary Beth Donalson, 2023-2024 President of Rotary Club of Thomasville, gave her opening remarks to kick off the new Rotary year, she could have been speaking for all the presidents of the Rotary Clubs in District 6900:  "I stand here before you now as the 103rd President of the Rotary Club of Thomasville, I look around the room today at the faces of past leadership and think about the ones who have passed on, I am humbled and honored that this club has chosen me for this role. I think you will find our upcoming year will be full of exciting projects, engaging community service as we live the Rotary International theme for this year, Create Hope in the World. This club creates hope in this community every month with its produce market, every quarter honoring our local heroes who serve, and having a heart for our seniors. I know this year we will continue to create that hope with all we have planned and am excited to be leading the charge."

Our projects, histories and members are different but we all look to create and nurture a Family of Rotary that Creates Hope for the World. Happy New Year!

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
July 5, 2023


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