From Our District Governor
A Reminder from Your District Governor

It is time to begin the process of selecting our District Governor for the Rotary Year 2026-2027.

The elected individual will become District Governor on July 1, 2026.

Rotary International requires that the person nominated follow a two-year process of training and preparation before assuming the role of District Governor. During the 2024-2025 Rotary year, the selected individual will be the District Governor Nominee (DGN). This role includes observation and training, and participation at District events. It also includes participation at the Rotary Zone 33-34 training institute 2024-2025 and Presidents-Elect Training Seminar and participating as a non-voting member of key district committees. During the 2025-2026 Rotary year, the selected individual will be the District Governor-Elect (DGE). Training and observation activities continue, including participation at the Zone training institute and at the Rotary International Assembly (an assembly and training program for District Governors-Elect from over 500 Rotary Districts in the world) in Orlando in January 2026.

Our district utilizes a Nominating Committee process. Your help in identifying those qualified applicants would be appreciated. Please look within your club and within your Rotary network to identify those Rotarians who met the qualifications and have the desire to get involved at the district level.

Interested applicants must have the support of their club indicated by resolution and submit it along with their completed application and including a brief resume to District Executive Secretary, Teri White by November 1, 2023.  Interviews of selected applicants, by the committee, will take place on Saturday, November 18, 2023.

If you have questions, contact me, your AG, or call Teri White at 229-221-3935, or e-mail her at twhite@hurstboiler.com

Qualifications, Requirements and Instructions

  • Be a current active member in good standing of a functioning Rotary club in District 6900.
  • Have full qualifications for membership in the strict application of the club membership provisions, and the integrity of the Rotarian’s classification must be without question.
  • Have served as President of a Rotary club for a full term before July 1, 2023 or be a charter president of a club having served the term from the date of the charter to 30 June, provide that period is for at least six months. (Note: that club may be one outside of District 6900).
  • Demonstrate willingness, commitment, ability, physically and otherwise, to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office of Governor as provided in the RI Bylaws section.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of the Governor as prescribed in the RI Bylaws, and submit a signed statement acknowledging a clear understanding of them. This statement shall also confirm that the Rotarian is qualified for the office of Governor and is willing and able to assume the duties and responsibilities of the office and to perform them faithfully

    The nomination is made in the name of the sponsoring Rotary Club and must include a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club. The resolution shall be signed by the Club Secretary, certifying the resolution. The Nominating Committee Chair shall contact the Club President of the candidate to verify the applicant is a member in good standing and to verify that the application is properly signed and certified.

    Each applicant is to complete and submit the following items:

    • District Governor Application along with a brief resume 
    • The Club Resolution signed by the club President and Club Secretary  
    • The Governor-nominee Form from Rotary International signed by the Club Secretary

    Completed applications should be mailed/emailed to:

    Teri White
    District Executive Secretary
    P.O. Box 55, Coolidge, GA 31738-0055


    Posted by André Marria
    October 2, 2023


    Posted by Claudia Mertl
    Rotary Club of Atlanta Southern Crescent
    October 4, 2023 6:12pm

    Where is the Committee meeting and what time, please?

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