Laws of Life
GLL Student Writers Express Gratitude

Students genuinely appreciate the opportunity to reflect on their life experiences. The Laws of Life essay helps many teens realize that they have wisdom and life skills to make a difference for family, friends, and their community.

In a recent survey among participants, many students shared heartfelt appreciation for this writing opportunity. More than 200 students from 60 participating high schools completed the survey.

  • Over 97% of students responded that writing the essay made them more aware of the importance of personal values.
  • 95% of students felt that writing a Laws of Life essay and reading/hearing other essays gave them a better understanding of other students.
  • Of students who attended a meeting at their Rotary Club, 80% said that meeting the members inspired them to broaden their aspirations for college or career.

If your Rotary club is interested in bringing the Laws of Life Essay Contest to your local high school's students, contact District 6900 Laws of Life Chair Linda Hatten at linda@georgialawsoflife.org. We can provide information for you to share with your partner school. Linda is also available for club meetings or meetings with partner schools.

Posted by Linda Hatten
August 25, 2023


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