Be the Voice
Peachtree Helps Launch Be THE Voice at Local School!

What an awesome day at Booth Middle School recently with the kick-off of Be THE Voice (and anti-bullying campaign) sponsored by the What an awesome day at Booth Middle School this morning with the kick-off of Be THE Voice (and anti-bullying campaign) sponsored by the Rotary Club of Peachtree City!  These kids are the leaders at Booth Middle School and will be members of our new Interact Club at the middle school level this year as well.  Be THE Voice® is a student-led movement for kindness, compassion, and inclusion in K-12 schools. The initiative revolves around a weekly video series, shown school wide, that features diverse peer influencers sharing first-hand experiences on topics ranging from bullying to exclusion, anxiety, mental health, stereotyping, serving the community, and other student-centric issues. These videos inspire and encourage students “to do what is right, not what is easy” in everyday situations – equipping them with the interpersonal skills to be the voice of kindness and inclusion within their schools and communities.

Thanks so much to Club President Amy and New Gen Director Donna for imagining and implementing this program this year at Booth Middle School - this is a great way to drive inclusion, kindness and compassion at an early age!  

Editor's Note: Be the Voice was started by Roswell Rotarian Debbie Cwalina. For more information about how your club could be involved, contact Debbie or the folks at Peachtree City.

Posted by Holly Davanzo
October 2, 2023


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