Club News
Dunwoody Brings Food, Books and Toys to Local Homes

As we celebrate 40 years of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody, this year members are participating in three projects that have become Dunwoody traditions.

For the last seven years, the club has joined forces with other local community organizations to provide Harvest Baskets to 86 needy families at Kingsley Elementary School - with a turkey and enough food to support Thanksgiving and more. In addition to our financial support, this year club members helped with a major pick-up at Costco, with sorting foods, and what might be our first annual "turkey trot" at our local Publix, where members gathered together one morning to buy turkeys two or three at a time until we had the 86 we needed.

After Thanksgiving, about 15 of us gathered to put bookplates in 900+ elementary school books - one for each child at Dresden and Kingsley Elementary. This Dunwoody tradition started more than 20 years ago at Dresden. Honorary Member Anita Augello chaired both the Harvest Basket and the Book project this year. And long-time member Roy Ethridge was on hand to help with the books - a project he spearheaded for many years.

And finally, this week's holiday luncheon will feature tables stacked high with toys for the Marines' Toys for Tots drive. Thanks to Jim and Janet Glass for coordinating this effort.

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
November 29, 2023


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