Club News
Join Roswell Fun Any Third Thursday - Now through September

Roswell, Georgia hosts a street party the third Thursday of each month between April and September. Boasting 3,000-5,000 in attendance, neighbors greet neighbors, locals meet visitors and Roswell Rotarians enjoy it all from the Hagan Center Corner. We have our tents, someone is grilling the hamburgers and hot dogs, drinks are self-serve, and everyone is chatting. It is not only a great time for fellowship but also for marketing our club to the greater community. Roswell Rotarian Alan Greensmith and team set up the spread with all the fun of a neighborhood cook-out with a few thousand of your nearest and dearest friends. Long-term member and PDG Bob Hagan owns the parking lot and allows our tent to be set up where cars are not allowed to park. Please let this serve as your invitation to join us should you be in the area!  Just walk right on up!


Posted by Becky Nelson
May 5, 2024


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