Our Rotary Foundation at Work
2024-2025 Rotary District 6900 Competitive Grants Opportunity

We are pleased to announce that 58 Clubs applied for and will receive funds requested for their Community Grant projects - most will receive $2,000 (one Club asked for $500) - for a total of $ 112,500. The number of Clubs applying increased 23% over last year and the total funds distributed increased 30% when compared with Rotary Year 2023-2024.   

In addition, for the 2024–2025 year, Rotary District 6900 and the Rotary Foundation present an exclusive opportunity to all District 6900 Rotary Clubs to apply for a Competitive Grant"

  • Two grants are available for up to $10,000.
  • Two grants are available for up to $5,000.
  • Two grants are available for up to $2,500.

Each club is invited to apply for one $10,000, $5,000, or $2,500 Competitive Grant beginning Monday, June 10, with an application deadline set for Friday, June 21, 2024.The online application process, designed to be straightforward, is accessible through the Rotary District 6900 Grants webpage. Please note that each Club may apply for one competitive grant only, ensuring a fair and balanced process.

Each Club's Competitive Grant should align with one of the seven crucial focus areas: Peacebuilding and conflict prevention, Disease prevention and treatment, Water, sanitation, and hygiene, Maternal and child health, Basic education and literacy, and Community economic development and Environment. This alignment is not just important; it's crucial, as your project must offer a significant contribution in one of these areas of concern to Rotary.

Rotary Clubs must submit competitive online application proposals using detailed information about the four grant factors through the Rotary District 6900 grants webpage. These proposals will be evaluated by District 6900’s Grant review committee based on the application’s alignment with the areas of focus, the feasibility of the project, the potential impact, and the clarity of the proposal.

  1. Problem Severity – Demonstrate the severity of the problem and the lack of other resources to address it.
  2. Project Impact – Explain the project's impact on the beneficiaries. (How many will be impacted, how significantly, and for how long?)
  3. Volunteer Involvement – Explain how Rotary volunteers will participate in the project.
  4. Public Image Impact – Explain how you will build community awareness of the problem and Rotary's role in addressing it. Be sure to address the required signage issue.

Grant Deadlines

  • Completed applications are due by June 21, 2024.
  • Awarding of the Grant is Mid to Late July
  • Project Implementation Dates – August  through February
  • Closeout of completed grant by March 31, 2025

If you have questions, please contact Kay Williamson.

Posted by Anne Glenn
June 6, 2024


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