Club News
Decatur Club Gives Back!

Representatives from all the winning organizations gather with Grant Chair Kelly Caudle (left) and President Tozzi (right)

Representatives from all the winning organizations gather with Grant Chair Kelly Caudle (left) and President Tozzi (right)

Decatur Rotary was very pleased to welcome seven leaders of outstanding Dekalb County Non-Profit organizations to the Historic Dekalb Courthouse. All these organizations support causes that we hold dear: Literacy and Youth-At-Risk. Each organization was able to tell its story and explain the specific project that the Rotary grant supports. Those grants were made on two conditions - that the organization is in Dekalb County and has a specific project with measurable objectives that supported one of our two causes:

  • Literacy: Our Rotary goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy.
  • Youth-At-Risk: Rotary supports local non-profits that help young people who are vulnerable for problem behaviors such as substance abuse, school failure, and juvenile delinquency, along with mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety.


Posted by Dudley Larus
June 26, 2024


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