The Okra Brothers
Right Back Where We Started

During my official visits to the Columbus area, I was impressed by how the local clubs are working together to serve those in need. Food insecurity, proper medical care and working to reduce violence are just a few challenges Rotarians are tackling in their neighborhood. AG Cedric Hill and I were nicknamed the Okra Brothers because we saved a couple cases of okra from the compost pile at the Merci Med garden, but that's only half the story. While it may have been a bit past its prime size to sell, we were convinced it could be put to good use. Cedric made a call to a friend at another non-profit at a local school that teaches students how to grow their own food and how to build a business selling that produce. The director of that program said, "I was just asked if I had okra to use to teach families how to prepare fresh, seasonal produce." After dropping the okra off on the other side of town, it turns out, it will be used for a cooking demonstration in a neighborhood just a couple blocks from where it was harvested. As simple as a couple case of okra may seem to us, by these clubs working together to leverage every available resource, those in need in Columbus are experiencing the Magic of Rotary.

Posted by Gordon Owens
December 3, 2024


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