Dr. Mary C. Kelly, close personal friend and US Naval Academy
classmate of DGE Steve, recently delivered an inspiring keynote on overcoming
challenges that cause members to leave Rotary, emphasizing the role of
leadership in creating stronger, more engaged clubs.
Why Members Leave Rotary
Leadership Through the S.P.A.R.K. Model
Dr. Kelly introduced S.P.A.R.K. as a framework for
leadership excellence:
Call to Action
Dr. Kelly urged leaders to inspire purpose, lead with positivity,
and show members the value of Rotary. She challenged clubs to ignite the
S.P.A.R.K., creating vibrant spaces where members thrive through service and
Coming to Peachstate Pets
Dr. Kelly will share these insights at Peachstate Pets with
presidents-elect from Rotary Districts 6900, 6910, and 6920. Learn more about
Dr. Kelly at ProductiveLeaders.com.