Rotary Youth Exchange
D6900 Clubs Award Eight Outbound Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarships

Back row: Michael Parks - Rotary Youth Exchange District 6900 Chair, Demi, Molly, Kaitlyn, Emily, Marissa and Kathy Finn – Rotary Youth Exchange District 6900 Outbound Coordinator, front row: Daniella, Kiko and Nikos

Back row: Michael Parks - Rotary Youth Exchange District 6900 Chair, Demi, Molly, Kaitlyn, Emily, Marissa and Kathy Finn – Rotary Youth Exchange District 6900 Outbound Coordinator, front row: Daniella, Kiko and Nikos

Rotary Youth Exchange is proud to announce that it has awarded eight prestigious Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarships to local high school students to study abroad.These scholarships, each valued at over $24,000, cover room, board, tuition and a monthly stipend for the 2019-2020 academic year.

In August 2019, these eight outstanding students will begin their role as global ambassadors when they embark on their year-long exchanges:

  • Demi Sherman – Newnan High School to Thailand, RC of Vinings Cumberland
  • Molly Ann Soulen – Decatur High School to India, RC of Decatur
  • Kaitlyn Camera – Centennial High School to France, RC of North Fulton
  • Emily York – Johns Creek High School to Austria, RC of Johns Creek North Fulton
  • Marissa Fish – Centennial High School to Italy, RC of North Fulton
  • Daniela Sanchez – Dunwoody High School to South Korea, RC of Dunwoody
  • Keiko Ito – Decatur High School to Argentina, RC of Decatur
  • Nikos Verlenden –Decatur High School to Spain, RC of Decatur

In August 2019, these eight outstanding students will begin their role as global ambassadors when they depart for their year-long exchanges. Between now and their departure, they will attend local Rotary meetings and participate in extensive Rotary sponsored training for resiliency and cultural adaptation.The students will also study their new languages and research their countries to prepare for their Rotary Youth Exchange year abroad.

Annually, 9,000 students worldwide, between the ages of 14 to 18 years old participate in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program.The global program began in the 1920’s and its primary mission is to work towards peace and understanding the world.Rotary Youth Exchange Georgia District 6900 is in its third year of sending local students abroad and hosting international students here in Georgia.

Posted by Mike Parks
January 7, 2019


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