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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

January 8, 2020


January is Vocational Service Month

1/10 Katie Cyphers
1/16 Third Thirsty Thursday- 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm- Marlow's Tavern
1/17 No meeting - join GRSP class of 2019-20 at our weekend MLK event!
1/24 To be announced

Our Rotary Family

1/1 Philip Cohn
1/2 Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
1/11 Jim Glass
1/15 Erica Brown
1/20 Brian Harper
1/27 Robert Hall
1/29 Kobelah Svensen Bennah


1/19 Tim Le (23)
1/23 Tina Philpot (12)
1/28 Bill Woulfin (12)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
President-Elect Ardy Bastien
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

This Week's Speaker
Katie Cyphers, The Power of Education

Katie Cyphers is leader in all things education with a passion for giving back. If you’re an Atlanta parent, you may recognize her name from her educational consulting business, Academics Plus, which specializes in Learning Checkups in order to be proactive in education and help parents find the best school fit for their children. Academics Plus has gained a great reputation for ensuring that all children are able to reach their greatest potential.

As a Rotarian, she understands the true meaning of service above self. When Katie heard that schools in Sierra Leone, West Africa were closed for a year due to the Ebola virus, she jumped on a plane with little warning to see how she could help. This first trip and the fateful meeting of Mohamed, the young boy she now calls her own, led to the founding of Education Cures. Today she will share with you her journey in education, which includes her personal story of dyslexia and her Buckhead learning center, Academics Plus, but most importantly, how she’s used her journey to help create proactive education programs in developing countries. [more]

No Meeting January 17
Join Us for Our GRSP Leadership Weekend

Next week, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody will be welcoming the GRSP Class of 2019-20 to Atlanta for our annual GRSP Leadership Conference. Louise Barden and her team have been hard at work to create a great agenda and coordinate logistics for the weekend. Thanks to all of you who have been part of that and those who have agreed to help with parts of the weekend or host students. It's not to late to be part of the weekend - check in with Louise on volunteer opportunities! And feel free to drop by for part of the weekend: the students will be at the Atlanta History Center on Friday afternoon, at Breakout Games on Friday evening, and then at Oglethorpe all day Saturday and Sunday morning. You can view the agenda so you'll know where we'll be. [more]

Rotary Youth Exchange
An Update on Our Rotary Youth Exchange Students

Our Future Outbound Students: We are excited to announce that the two Dunwoody High School students who were nominated by the Rotary Club of Dunwoody for outbound Rotary Youth Exchange for the 2020-21 school year were both accepted! Penelope Abellera will be going to Slovakia and Jonathan Kopel will be going to Norway! Please congratulate these outstanding high school students when you see them.

News From Our Student in South Korea: Our current outbound exchange student, Daniela Sanchez, has posted a new journal entry about her experience in South Korea. Please take a minute and to about Daniela's adventure! Here is a link: http://www.ryeflorida.org/2019-20-daniela-south-korea

Recruiting Dunwoody Host Families for 2020-21 School Year: We are recruiting host families for our inbound Rotary Youth Exchange student for the 2020-21 school year. Our club will be sponsoring a girl between ages 14 and 18 to be an exchange student at Dunwoody High School. The student and her nationality will be announced in the spring. Host families can be Rotarians or other families - hosts must live in the Dunwoody school district. A background check is required; training and lots of support will be provided by Rotary to help you! Please let Deb Cameron know if you are interested.

2020 Governor's Ball
Mardi Gras - March 28, 2020


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