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June 30, 2020


June is Rotary Fellowships Month

7/2 Plaza Meeting - President John Brown - Introduction of Board and Plans for the Coming Year
7/9 Regular Meeting
7/16 Regular Meeting
7/23 Regular Meeting

Our Rotary Family

6/2 Bill Dickey
6/3 Susan O'Neal
6/5 Sharon Patrick
6/12 Pat McLeod
6/13 Danny Braddy
6/16 Charles Dixon
6/16 Alexzandria Bighams
6/22 Russell Chubb
6/24 Jim Carter
6/24 Jeff Zoller
6/24 Gail Roberts
6/25 Ben Wilds
6/25 Bradford Jackson
6/27 Kurt Stringfellow


6/4 John Glenn, Jr. (59)
6/7 Irene Gleason (23)
6/7 Powell Jones (34)
6/9 Adam Carvin (7)
6/10 Michele Arwood (31)
6/11 Dicky Demott (124)
6/14 Thomas Carlton (7)
6/14 Gerry Gilmer (6)
6/15 Pat McLeod (45)
6/20 Philip Leabo, Jr. (14)
6/23 Homer Pankey (58)
6/24 Randy Watts (20)
6/24 Walter Gilbert (54)
6/28 Scott Rich (51)


6/1 Harry Tomlinson (39)
6/1 George Stephens, Jr. (50)
6/1 Christy Cooke (2)
6 years in Rotary
6/14 Melissa Thomas (1)
8 years in Rotary
6/27 Rob Milberg (18)
6/27 Bob Ackerman (6)
43 years in Rotary
6/30 Mike Bixler (6)
25 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:00 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Kim Walden
President-Elect John Brown
Immediate PP Andre Marria
Vice President Terry Rouse
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Membership Adam Carvin
Program Director Jay Flowers
Sergeant-at-Arms Mary Beth Donalson
Public Image Mike Bixler
Sergeant-at-Arms Danny Braddy
Bulletin Editor Susan Backofen

VIRTUAL Wine or Whine TODAY!

Join President John for his first Wine or Whine of his year as President today at 5:30.

Teri's Barn:  900 Clyde Griffin Road, Thomasville

This Week's Program

Join us as President John Brown introduces his Board and Plans for the coming year.  Please be sure to RSVP if you will attend at the Plaza

2019/2020 Awards Program

We were the Club of the Year - Runner up, Winner of the Jake Cheatham Award, winner of the Best Vocational Service Award, Best Foundation Total Giving - Runner Up, Best Foundation Per Capita Giving -Runner Up. We also won two Avenues of Service Awards from Rotary International. We were also awarded $500 from the District for a First Responder Scholarship. We also were the winner for the Best Internal Service Award, Best Bulletin, Best Overall Youth Service, Best Participation - runner up, Best Club Administration- runner up and the Best Rotary Has a Heart - runner Up. Terry Rouse our AG won the Follow Me Award, the Governor’s Citation and President Kim won the Sheffield Presidential Leadership Award.  

Outstanding New Member - Rookie of the Year Susie Shin, Rotary International Avenues of Service for Club Service and Presidents Award for Excellence - Joe Brown, Charles H. Watt, Jr. M.D. Lifetime Service Award and Presidents Award for Excellence John Glenn, Rotarian of the Year - Fran Milberg, Milwood "Woody" Faircloth Four-Way Test Award - Mike Bixler, Past President Plaque to Kim Walden, Rotary International Avenues of Service Award for Club Service to Andy Jones (not pictured),  President's Award to Debbie Goodman, Andy Vann, Cameron Jahnke,  (not  pictured) -Powell Jones, Matt Brown and Jay Flowers.  Foundation Major Donor Awards to Marta Turner - Level Two, Fran Milberg - Level Two and Carol Jones - Level One.  Paul Harris Society Awards to Julie Carter, Lorraine Williams Rahming, Cameron Jahnke, Janet Liles, Doris and Arlen Yokley and Marta Turner.  Foundation Awards were also presented to Ross Jones from Carol Jones - Will Watt Fellow, PHF to Julie Carter, Gerry Gilmer, Salli Jo Archer by John Archer, Lorraine Williams Rahming.  PHF+1 to Cameron Jahnke, Janet Liles, Ron Salter, Doris Yokley, Wayne Newsome, Danny Braddy.  PHF+2 to Kim Walden, Irene Gleason, Richard Vann.  PHF+4 to Mary Beth Donalson, Wallace Goodman.  PHF+5 to Debbie Goodman and Arlen Yokley. Thank you to everyone who made this year so very successful!

Giving Back to Our Community

Like thousands of other communities across the country, Thomasville is just now starting to emerge from one of the most devastating disruptions to life and livelihood in its history. Our shared reality is one of struggle, shortages and sacrifice. And, nowhere is this reality more acute than those organizations and agencies whose very existence relies on the charity of others.

The Rotary Club of Thomasville is privileged to be able to respond to some of the greatest needs in our community today. Since mid March the Rotary Club has been meeting online, but our members generously continued to pay their dues to the club with the understanding that the portion of those dues which goes toward the cost of our weekly meeting and meal would be used to give back to the community. During this time, gifts totally more than $10,000 have been made to The Salvation Army, YMCA, Halcyon Home for Battered Women and Their Children, The Rescue Mission & Soup Kitchen, Fountain of Life Rescue (men’s homeless shelter), The Humane Society, Scott Senior Center, and Second Harvest of South Georgia. In addition, Thomas University and The Plaza Restaurant (to support service staff) will also receive gifts of appreciation from the club.

The road back from here remains uncertain… and could still be a long and difficult one. Even so, there is an unmistakable and pervasive sense of optimism that the worst is behind us, and we can begin to imagine a time when jobs are plentiful and social distancing is a choice and not a mandate. How we do Rotary may look a little different for a while longer, but the spirit of Rotary – Service Above Self – will never change or be diminished. As Rotarians, we are committed to giving back to our community and will play important leadership roles in its rebuilding.

Weekly Blessing

Lord, We offer thanks for our food and blessings for one another. May we be a source of help for those in need; And of contentment for those who feel alone. We thank you for the opportunity to belong to Rotary. May we reflect your servant's spirit in that all we do. Amen