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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

November 4, 2020


November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/6 Sean Minton, Returning Global Grant Scholar ... in Person and Via Zoom
11/20 No Friday Meeting - instead consider joining us for Thursday Thursday live!
11/27 No Friday Meeting - Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Holiday!
12/4 Dr. Stuart Gulley, President, The Woodward Academy ... in Person and via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Fred Brandt
11/3 Jessie Legros
11/11 Roy Ethridge
11/16 Jennie Stipick
11/18 Ray Huebschmann
11/18 Jennifer Bowler
11/19 Jennie Springer
11/26 Dottie Toney


11/24 Bill Mulkey (64)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

From Our Club President
For Today's "To Do" List

Greetings Dunwoody Rotarians!

Hope you are having a great week! I have five items I'd like to ask you to put on your "to do" list for today:

  1. Were you excited about our opportunity for hands-on service at the Community Assistance Center in Sandy Springs? We start this Saturday - Nov. 7 - from 9-noon, and Jennifer Bowler needs to hear from you today so that she can let the CAC know who is attending. We are looking for eight people who are willing to help with cleaning, sorting food donations and stocking pantry shelves - all indoors with strict COVID-19 prevention protocols.
  2. Did you see Rick Woods' email about the online auction we're having this week - stocked with awesome items from the Governors Ball that didn't happen in March. You can read about it again in this bulletin - and I'd encourage you to go bid TODAY!
  3. Mark your calendar now for this Friday's meeting - either in person at the Dunwoody Country or via Zoom ... it's Rotary Foundation Month and this week we'll hear from Sean Minton, a Global Grant Scholar from District 6900 who studied in London last school year.
  4.  Remember when we donated money to Malachi's Storehouse late spring/early summer? Now we have an opportunity to help them stuff food bags - probably on a Sunday or Saturday. We're looking for two to three people; if you are interested, contact Kobelah Bennah.
  5. Bring oatmeal this Friday or next!  We're hoping to gather 160 boxes of oatmeal - regular or instant - to go in the Harvest Baskets for Kingsley Elementary families in need. As part of the same project, the club is donated $2,500 to buy turkeys.

Let's keep the energy going! 


This Week's Speaker
Sean Minton, Global Grant Scholar Alumnus ... in Person or Via Zoom

This week, join us live at the Dunwoody Country Club or via Zoom to hear our speaker - Sean Minton - who will speak about his experience as a Global Grant Scholar - funded by The Rotary Foundation. It's a fitting start to Rotary Foundation Month. To join us on Zoom, just follow the link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419.

Sean is originally from Florida and enjoys sunshine and close proximity to the ocean. In October 2018, Georgia Rotary District 6900 in the United States selected him to represent our district as a 2019-2020 Rotary Global Grant Scholar at King's College London in the United Kingdom. His course of study at King's was International Peace and Security MA in the renowned War Studies Department.

Governor's Ball
Join the Online Auction - Now through Noon on Saturday, November 7

As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to cancel the 2020 Governors Ball. It was so unfortunate. Who knew then that we would be in this current state many months later? There is, however, an opportunity here.

Before cancelling the event, we collected various items to auction at the Ball. We are currently in the middle of an online auction for those items - ranging from restaurant gift cards to get-aways to fine wine and other items. Our goal is to raise $7,000. The auction will end at noon, Saturday, November 7, 2020. At that time, bid sheets will be reviewed. The high bidders will be contacted. Once they write a check to the club, we will deliver the items. Any items that received no bids will be returned to the donor.

If you are tech savvy and confident, go to 32Auctions.com/FR2020. Read no more, and bid, baby bid. If you are not tech savvy, please do not be afraid. I found an auction web site that is very low cost and easy to use. Remember the paper bid sheets that we have used in previous Balls? This is the same thing, only virtual. If you have any difficulty whatsoever in using this tool please do not struggle with the technology. Call me directly at 678-296-2295 and I will help you through the process.

You can read on here to learn more about the process ... [more]

Thank You!
Bounds Garden Gets a Halloween Treat!

Bounds Garden will look picturesque on Election Day, thanks to a dedicated group of Bounds Garden enthusiasts. On Saturday (10/31/20) from 9 AM to 10 AM (while maintaining appropriate social distancing) the group whirled, cut, raked, clipped and weeded to transform the usual well kept traffic island into a veritable jewel. Drive by and take a look.

Thank these individuals when you see them: Fred Bounds,  Jennifer Bowler,  Hoshi Daruwalla,  Bob O'Brien,  Rick Otness, Tina Philpot and Jennie Stipick

The next three scheduled dates to give tender loving care to Bounds Garden are: • 1/9/21 • 3/6/21 • 5/8/21.    If you feel like "playing in the Dirt," mark the dates on your calendar, and bring a pair of gloves.

Fellowship Opportunity
Working on Thirsty Thursday for November

We are working on plans for November 19 - will let you know when we have a venue. We have postponed our firepit party at the Brumfields until after the holidays. 

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