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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

November 11, 2020


November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/13 Robert Hall, End Polio Now ... in Person and Via Zoom
11/20 No Friday Meeting - instead consider joining us for Thursday Thursday live!
11/27 No Friday Meeting - Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Holiday!
12/4 Dr. Stuart Gulley, President, The Woodward Academy ... in Person and via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Fred Brandt
11/3 Jessie Legros
11/11 Roy Ethridge
11/16 Jennie Stipick
11/18 Ray Huebschmann
11/18 Jennifer Bowler
11/19 Jennie Springer
11/26 Dottie Toney


11/24 Bill Mulkey (64)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

From Our Club President
In Honor of Those Who Serve

I don't know about you, but I've been thinking November is a special month - a time to celebrate

  • our Veterans, whose service and sacrifice mean so much to who we are as a country.
  • our Families and Friends, as we look to Thanksgiving later this month.
  • our ability to help those in need and support our community - for our club in particular, through volunteering at the Community Assistance Center, Malachi's Storehouse and the Dunwoody Nature Center and contributing to the Harvest Baskets for families at Kingsley Elementary
  • our Rotary Foundation, that helps us work together to make a big difference in the world - whether that's through our commitment to eradicate Polio, our projects here in the community, or having a hand in projects around the world.

This week our speaker comes from our very own Dunwoody Family of Rotary, as Robert Hall updates us on where we stand currently in the fight to End Polio Now. Join us live at the Dunwoody Country Club or via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419. And check out the upcoming service opportunities in the articles below.

This Week's Speaker
Past RI Director Robert Hall ... in Person and Via Zoom

As we continue our November celebration of The Rotary Foundation, this week's speaker is our own Robert Hall, who currently serves as Rotary International's Vice Chair of the End Polio Now: Countdown to History Campaign Committee. You can join us in person at the Dunwoody Country Club or via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419.

Before joining the Rotary Club of Dunwoody in 1986, Robert has been a member of the Rotary Clubs of Brunswick GA, Milwaukee WI and Baton Rouge LA. He is also an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Atlanta GA. Robert is one of Dunwoody's three Past District Governors, and has also served District 6900 as its representative to the Council on Legislation, Long Range Planning Chair, Finance Chair, Major Donor Co-Chair, Rotary Foundation Chair and Director of the Georgia Rotary Student Program.

Thank You!
Lending a Hand to the Community Assistance Center (CAC)

Last Saturday, ten Dunwoody Rotarians and Rotary Youth Exchange alumnus Daniela donned masks and gloves and spent the morning processing food donations and stocking the Food Pantry shelves at the Community Assistance Center in Sandy Springs. The Food Pantry is open outside for shopping three days a week, and serves about 80 households each of those days. We refilled food racks, refrigerators and freezers for the Monday market, and restocked the pantry shelves. We have committed to volunteering the first Saturdays of December and January - and will decide then whether to commit for longer (I'm guessing we will).

Mark your calendar now and let Jennifer Bowler know if you're planning to come. Our next date is Saturday, December 5. Strict COVID prevention features are in place.

Pictured: RYE Alumnus Daniela and Dunwoody Rotarian Peyton Adkins-Graham. [more]

Service Opportunities
The Dunwoody Nature Center is Calling ... This Saturday, 9-noon

Plan to join us this Saturday, November 14 from 9:00 AM to noon at the Dunwoody Nature Center. We need all the volunteers we can get to help with projects on the property - and your support can help us increase the impact we will have on the Dunwoody Nature Center. The activities involve proper social distancing, but allow volunteers to be close enough to share encouragement and humor. 

Go to the Dunwoody Nature Center website to sign up and complete a volunteer waiver. Bring your water, gloves and plan to enjoy fellowship with your club members!

Service Opportunity
Providing Support for Malachi's Storehouse - Toiletries, Volunteers, Lunches

Malachi's Storehouse has three needs that we could help to address:

  1. Toiletries and hygiene products - Malachi's is greatly in need of soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, and feminine protection products. If you bring toiletries to a Friday meeting or next week's Thirsty Thursday, we'll get someone to drop off what we collect
  2. Tuesday morning staffing - The Storehouse could use  a volunteer rotation of three to four people on Tuesday mornings for about 90 minutes between 8:00 am and noon. This would be to help get ready for Wednesday distribution by filling bags with non-perishable groceries.
  3. Wednesday lunches - Malachi's has a kitchen remodel underway and needs volunteers to prepare and deliver lunch on Wednesdays during the remodel. These lunches feed the 25 volunteers who are preparing for the Wednesday afternoon food pick up.

We need to know if you are interested in being part of - and perhaps coordinating volunteers for the Tuesday and Wednesday acctivities. If you are, please contact Kobelah Svensen Bennah, the Club's Community Service Director.

Fellowship Opportunity
Join Us for Thirsty Thursday Next Week (November 19) at Dunwoody Tavern

We have booked Dunwoody Tavern for our next Thirsty Thursday gathering. Join us next Thursday, November 19, from 5 to 7 PM on their patio. And bring a friend who might be interested in Rotary!

Note: This will take the place of a Friday meeting on November 20. We won't meet at the Dunwoody Country Club again until Friday, December 4.

Service Opportunity
Put Toys for Tots on Your Holiday Shopping List!

Everyone is being encouraged to shop and mail early for Christmas this year. We'd like to encourage early shopping too - as we get ready to support the Marines and their annual Toys for Tots campaign.

When we gather for our Holiday luncheon on Friday, December 11, we'll be collecting bikes, toys and games to help make this holiday season great for needy local youth! Contact Jim Glass if you have any questions.

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