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District 6900 News for December, 2020

Save The Date

Join Us for District Conference ... April 29 - May 2, 2021

By Dave Schmit

We all missed seeing our Rotary friends and family at the beach in 2020 so let's make up for it in 2021! So mark your calendars April 29 through May 2 and plan on being in San Destin for the return of District Conference. Registration will open in January so be on the look out for more details soon.

From Our District Governor

Celebrating Rotary's Commitment to a Healthier World

By Kirk Driskell

I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving. It was great to gather with family and friends giving thanks. I had mixed emotions throughout the day as it was different than years past. While I could have focused on what and who was missing, I chose to focus on the opportunity that we had and who was there. As this year comes to an end, I have confidence that next Thanksgiving will look more like years past. In part that is because of Rotarians like you who are dedicated to fighting and preventing disease.

From Our District Chaplain

Words of Inspiration This Holiday Season

By Gregory Adams

I always like to give honor to whom honor is due - and that includes my wife Jacqueline as well as District Governor Kirk Driskell, the Assistant Governors and all the Presidents of Rotary, especially Lawrence Short, the Interim President of South DeKalb Rotary. I call him a friend, and a true leader who considers others above himself. I’m reminded that to whom much is given, much is required. So with that being said, we expect nothing but greatness under the leadership of all of these people.

I’m also thankful that Rotary has been at the front of helping and providing for so many families during this Holiday season by giving so that others may have. This organization has helped so many people young and old, male and female , and of all nationalities, showing what brotherly and sisterly love is all about.

As we prepare for the New Year, we trust and hope that everyone stays safe and enjoys time with family and friends. Thank you Rotarians and Happy Holidays!

Introducing Rotary Works ... a Program to Support Career Transitions

By Mary Ligon

Hello family of Rotary! As Rotary International Director of Zones 33-34, I am pleased to announce a very special vocational service project, “Rotary Works”- an initiative to benefit Rotarians and Rotaractors within our Zones who are experiencing career transition. Three distinct programs will provide education, networking, and/or financial resources for participants. Our first “Rotary Works” program will be a “Career Development Series”, offered monthly via Zoom beginning at Noon on December 9, 2020, and at Noon Eastern Time on the second Wednesday of each month thereafter. [more]

Rotary Leadership Institute

Check Out Y our RLI Learning Opportunities for December

By Jackie Cuthbert

RLI is now offering courses in English and Spanish. In December alone, you can participate in these one-hour sessions:

  • December 7, 10 am:  Session 1.2 of RLI Online in Spanish - Rotary Opportunities. 
  • December 7, 8 pm: RLI Online Session 1.3 in Spanish – Ethics & Vocational Service. 
  • December 8, 10 … [more]

GRSP Perspectives

A Traditional Russian New Year

By Ian Bond

New Year is a big holiday in Russia. Families gather for a big feast and a celebration. Christmas is celebrated on January 7, but usually it is just a quiet family evening. The celebration usually begins in the evening because December 31 is not a holiday. Families get together and around 9:00 pm when the feast begins. Many people believe that the tables must be overloaded with food so that the New Year will be rich and fruitful. The main dishes on the table are salads, potatoes, meat, often red caviar, and champagne. There is a belief that the better you “greet” the New Year, the better it will “treat” you. So, people dress up in their best outfits, throw away old and broken things, and try not to borrow or return money around the holidays.

Our Rotary Foundation at Work

Thomasville Rotary Ignites A Spark

By Carol Jones

Many who know Thomasville will agree it is an incredibly special and beautiful community. What seems to set it apart is a spirit of commitment by its citizenry to provide opportunities in all facets of life to those who wish to participate. One important contributor to this commitment is the Rotary Club of Thomasville.

This year Rotary Club President John Brown has chosen to direct the club’s $1,500 District Grant funds to do good locally. John tapped SPARK Thomasville to receive these funds which will assist budding minority entrepreneurs to launch their businesses from a solid foundation. Also highly involved in SPARK Thomasville are Rotary past presidents Andre’ Marria and Teri White, as well as a host of other local Rotarians who serve the program as mentors, coaches and judges.

The Rotary Foundation at Work

Columbus Area Rotarians Finding Ways To Meet Today’s Challenges

By Julie Bond

In September, Rotarians from Columbus, North Columbus, Muscogee and Rotaract Clubs met enthusiastically and safely at the Trade Center Parking garage, to carry out our collaborative club service project. The venue provided an ideal open-air setting. All club members wore masks and packaged boxes for Hope Harbour, the third largest domestic violence shelter in the state of Georgia.

The Rotary Foundation at Work

Greetings from

By Kathy Brandt

Global Grant Scholar Jared Hampson has started his studies for a Masters degree in Peace and Security at King’s College London. Jared is sponsored by District 6900, recommended by the Rotary Club of North Columbus. Robbie Green, Past President and Past AG from North Columbus is the District Scholarship Committee member who serves as Rotary Mentor for Jared. His wife and son are with him in London. Check out Jared's progress here.

Serving During the Pandemic

Fayette Daybreak Partners with Real Life Center

By Lee Dodds

These are challenging times for all of us, and like other Rotarians, our Fayette Daybreak Club has been looking for ways to serve our community while staying safe during the pandemic. In September, we held a food drive and all of our members took part. Some of us collected canned goods, others made online donations or donated gift cards. Some made donations through food drives at their churches, collected items from neighbors and friends, or checked with local schools about families in need. One of our newest members contacted her friends at Delta Cargo who donated $500 plus several large boxes of non-perishable food items.

Club News

Roswell Golf and Tennis Tournament Raises $140,000

By Trummie Patrick

The 42nd Aubrey Greenway Golf and 8th Hagan Cup Tennis Classic Tournament was held this September at Country Club of Roswell; 130 golfers and 100 tennis players participated. The day also included an auction and the annual golf ball drop. Roswell Rotary raised $140,000 to support local charities and international projects. This tournament had its start in 1978.

Club News

Douglas County Helps Support Shop with a Copy

By Samantha Rosado

The Rotary Club of Douglas County donated $2,800 to the first annual Shop with a Cop hosted by the Douglas County School System Police Department. The money will sponsor 56 children for the holidays. We look forward to joining the children, police officers and others in the community later this month to help the children shop for Christmas … [more]

Upcoming Key Dates

Tuesday, December 8th, 2020Jackson-Butts County Board & Official Visit
Wednesday, December 9th, 2020Atlanta Brasil Board & Official Visit
Thursday, December 10th, 2020Milton Official Visit & Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 15th, 2020Quitman County Board & Official Visit
Thursday, December 17th, 2020Quitman Board & Official Visit
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