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November 17, 2020


November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/19 Regular Meeting-Vashti Thanksgiving Lunch
12/3 Archbold Update
12/10 Regular Meeting

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Richard Vann
11/3 Homer Pankey
11/5 Bob Ackerman
11/7 Gary Tucker
11/7 Lauren Vann
11/7 David Hufstetler
11/10 Mark Lowe
11/16 Barbara Williams-Anderson
11/24 Ron Salter
11/30 Rebecca Strickland


11/3 Julie Cannady (13)
11/8 Claire Bowen (12)
11/12 Lauren Vann (4)
11/12 Pat Choice (37)
11/22 Christy Cooke (8)
11/26 Nathaniel Abrams (9)
11/27 Jim Carter (27)
11/27 Ray Thompson (28)
11/29 Jeff Zoller (45)


11/1 Ed Titus, Jr. (25)
11/1 Albert Park (25)
11/1 Homer Pankey (35)
11/4 Carol Jones (16)
11/6 Ron Salter (12)
11/8 Renee Oliveto (13)
11/10 Morgan Bailey (4)
11/14 Noel Ellis (1)
11/18 Dale Hodges (21)
11/29 Tom Harrison, Jr. (19)
11/30 Will Watt , III (3)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

This week's program

This week's Thanksgiving meeting will be at the Plaza.  Our blue cart buckets will be on the tables if you would like to make a contribution to Vashti.

Fran Milberg will speak to us about the Rotary Foundation. The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.

News from the Board

Following are highlights from the November 12 Rotary Board Meeting:

  • Despite pandemic-related obstacles, the Rotary SafeDrive team is presenting this driver safety awareness initiative to 360 in-person and 100 virtual students at TCCHS on Monday, November 16.
  • The Youth Services team is also hard at work… hosting a Youth Leadership Summit at the Boys & Girls Club. Also, volunteers are needed for Character Counts which kicks-off in January. Finally, Be The Voice got a great endorsement from an area teacher. See the video posted on the club website and our Facebook page.
  • The Red Ribbon Program is slated for a major relaunch in the days ahead. Newer club members, stay tuned for more information.
  • Make sure your Shotgun/Downtown $’s Raffle money is paid. Raffle drawing is THIS week.
  • In place of our usual Thanksgiving meal and meeting at Vashti, we will be collecting money for Vashti at THIS week's meeting using CART buckets.
  • RLI (Rotary Leadership Institute) will be online this year… a great convenience for participants. More info coming in the weeks ahead.

Looking for Hosts for Whine and Wine

Our club is looking for places to hold Whine and Wine for the dates of December 1, March 2, April 6, May 4 and June 1.  The Club will supply the wine and pay for hors d'oeuvres. All you need to do is open your home or business for a couple of hours.  Numbers range from 10 - 20 Rotarians.

Remembering Tom Callaway

For those wishing to give a donation in the memory of Tom Callaway it can be done by visiting GoFundMe.com/Tom Callawaymemorial fund or simply write a check to Tom Callaway Memorial Fund and give it to Teri White.

What You Missed Last Week!

Even though Robert Vice is new to our club, he is not new to Rotary. He comes to us having been a member of other clubs over several years. Which means he has experience that our club can benefit from.

Meeting Summary:

We had a combined attendance of sixty-five at the meeting last week. There was forty-two at the Plaza and twenty-three on Zoom. Let’s make sure we follow CDC guidelines as we work our way back to in-person meetings. We want to also keep in our prayers and thoughts those recovering from surgery and the families of those who have lost loved ones.

Scooter gave us a brief history of Sunshine and how it has changed over the years. I know time was a factor, but maybe next time more details about the purpose of Sunshine can be shared. This might be helpful for newer members who may not know what Sunshine is or what its purpose is. Just something to consider.

Our Program speaker was Liza Donnelly. She was introduced and interviewed by Lauren Radford. Great job with the interview. Thanks, Laruen, for not feeling compelled to stay on the beaten path. Liza is an American cartoonist and writer, best known for her work in The New Yorker magazine. She is also resident cartoonist of CBS News. Liza is the creator of digital live drawing, which is a new form of journalism where she draws using a tablet, and shares impressions and visual reports of events and news instantly on social media.