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March 9, 2021


March is Water and Sanitation Month

3/11 Dr Chip Bragg
3/18 Nate Tyler
3/25 Thomas County Emergency Preparedness
4/1 LTC Mark P.Z. Citarella - Executive Officer 78th Troop Command, GA Army National Guard

Our Rotary Family

3/4 Will Watt , III
3/9 Frederick Buechner
3/16 Scott Rich
3/16 Bonnie Hayes
3/21 Powell Jones
3/24 Adrian Burns
3/24 Julie Cannady
3/27 David Lewis
3/31 Will Brown, III
3/31 Henry Pepin, IV


3/5 Mark Lowe (16)
3/6 Ronnie Godwin (17)
3/24 Mary Beth Donalson (20)
3/24 Will Watt , III (31)
3/28 Tom Harrison, Jr. (23)
3/30 Charles Dixon (25)


3/1 Elijah Miranda (4)
3/1 Joe Brown (16)
3/6 Ellis Jackson (13)
3/7 Bryant Beadles (8)
3/7 John Archer, Sr. (3)
20 years in Rotary
3/8 Hinson Arwood (3)
3/19 Gail Roberts (1)
3/19 John Comita, Jr. (1)
3/19 Copper Comita (1)
3/19 Angela Williamson (6)
3/20 William Felts (7)
3/21 Susan O'Neal (13)
3/22 Irene Gleason (9)
3/24 Janet Liles (5)
3/27 Rankin Smith, Jr. (7)
21 years in Rotary
3/28 Danny Braddy (19)
3/31 Robert Jackson (5)
46 years in Rotary
3/31 Gregory Adams (5)
49 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Danny Braddy
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

This Week's Program

Dr. Chip Bragg is currently researching the history of Archbold for a book celebrating their upcoming centennial. He will share some stories from the earliest days of Mr Archbold's involvement and the forming of the Hospital.

FIRESIDE CHAT at Harry's Pond House Tuesday, March 23 - Save the Date!

Join us at Harry's Pond for our next Fireside Chat on the 23rd.


From the Intersection of the Thomasville Bypass and Georgia Highway 3 Alternate (Old Ochlocknee Road), proceed in a northerly direction on GA 3 Alternate for 4.1 miles.  This highway takes you across Georgia's might Ochlocknee River.  Soon after crossing the river (as the road curves) you will see warning markers along the right side of the highway.  Slow down because the Camp House Entrance is on the right at the last warning marker.  The number 22472 is on the end of the fence.  The fence is brownish and so is the gate - but the gate should be open for you.

Come in through the open gate and continue LEFT along the gravel path to the Camp House.  Proceed for three-tenths of a mile to the first of two rail crossings.  It is not necessary to stop at this first crossing because you turn RIGHT just before the tracks.  Proceed one-tenth of a mile to the next rail crossing and turn LEFT.  You have arrived!

What You Missed Last Week!

Jay Flowers began last week what will be a series of talks about the history of our club. There are over 35,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Of that number, a little over 1% are 100 years old. On 1 May 2021, the Thomasville Rotary Club will be among that 1%. This is due to the fortitude and hard work of Rotarians that followed our motto of, “Service Above Self.” We are able to do so much more than those Rotarians because of the foundation they laid. Who would have thought in 1921 that the work begun by those twenty men, would still be going strong today? We are building on what author Jim Collins says was “Built to last.” Let us continue the work begun a century ago. Rotary will open the opportunities to us. Let’s follow the example set for us and place “Service Above Self,” for the next hundred years.

Henry Pepin and Wallace Goodman gave their classification talks last week. As was mentioned in a previous summary, the more we know about each other, the more we can appreciate who they are and the contribution they have to make. Though Wallace and Henry traveled different roads, both arrived at the same destination.

With lots of humor and a wealth of knowledge, Ron Salter peeled back a few layers of our intelligence. What he found is that mankind is not as smart and intelligent as he thinks. We tend to pride ourselves on our intelligence, but the truth is we really do not know much about anything, compared to what can be known and what we are capable of knowing. My takeaway is, we are all ignorant to some degree. And we need the Ron’s of the world to point this our to us every now and then. Thanks Ron.

'21-22 Assistant District Governor to visit Thomasville

Gerard Kwilecki, the 2021-22 Assistant Governor, will be visiting our Club on March 18th.

Please plan to join us to give him  a warm welcome from Thomasville Rotary!

100 Years of Rotary in Thomasville