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April 6, 2021


April is Maternal and Child Health Month

4/8 TFR - Thomasville Fire Rescue
4/15 Southwest Ga Technical College - Rick Perkins Award
4/22 Laws of Life
4/29 Police Chief John Leteney

Our Rotary Family

4/3 Krista Peace
4/13 Charles Hill
4/15 Jay Flowers
4/18 Copper Comita
4/19 Scooter Grubbs, III
4/19 Niki Gatlin
4/20 Elijah Miranda
4/21 Fran Milberg
4/22 Robert Vice
4/26 Irene Gleason
4/27 Wayne Newsome


4/13 Andy Jones (53)
4/16 David Flowers (16)
4/18 Chris Lovelady (29)
4/24 Janet Liles (39)
4/29 Tom Everett (15)


4/1 Andy Vann (32)
4/1 Bill Blackburn (45)
4/1 Frances Parker (26)
4/1 Wallace Goodman (28)
4/9 Henry Pepin, IV (1)
4/13 Will Brown, III (2)
4/15 Charles Dixon (22)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Danny Braddy
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

100 Years of Rotary in Thomasville

Blood Mobile

Please give the gift of life by donating blood.  The Big Red Bus will be at the Plaza this week.

This Week's Program

Thomasville Fire Rescue is an all-hazards preparedness fire and rescue service. Services include fire prevention, life safety, public education, fire investigation, hazard risk reduction, emergency medical response, rescuing trapped or endangered persons from any life-endangering cause, and protecting the community from the hazards associated with fires and uncontrolled releases of hazardous and toxic materials.

The fire protection services of Thomasville Fire Rescue, as rated by the insurance industry, are an ISO Class 2 Public Protection Classification (PPC). This top rating puts the City of Thomasville in a special group of communities in the country as a part of the top 2% of American communities for fire protection.

Thomasville Fire Rescue has a long-term commitment to excellence. An ISO Class 2 rating saves our residents significant money on their homeowners insurance and results in an even greater savings to our commercial businesses and industries. This is one more reason for families and business owners to locate to the City of Thomasville.

What You Missed Last Week!

Powell Jones did his classification talk last week. Powell, like so many of us, realized that he could do more than he was doing as a Rotarian. As Powell spoke, I was reminded of this anonymous quote. “If you are content with the best you have done, you will never become the best you can be.” Powell brought this to our attention in his talk. Let us all ask ourselves the following question. What more can “I” be doing in service to others? Thanks Powell.

How often do you think about the National Guard? It is one of those things we don’t generally think of until disaster strokes. LTC Mark P.Z. Citarella, Executive Officer 78th Troop Command, GA Army National Guard, who was the program last week, gave us reasons to pause and consider the Guard in a new light. The National Guard does not sit around and wait for disaster to strike. It is a unique branch of the U.S. military and has both state and federal responsibilities. The National Guard is an important component of the U.S. military. It is empowered to respond to both domestic crises and overseas conflicts. The Guard has transformed from a loose collection of colonial militias into a well-trained and equipped force of civilian soldiers. The Guard is constantly training and answering the call to serve local communities and the nation. Let each of us, “Do all the good we can, for all the people we can, in all the ways we can, as long as we can.”