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August 24, 2021


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/26 Preview of the Greenway/Hagen golf and tennis tournament by Coach Mc Farlin and team!
9/2 Wellstar and Mental Health
9/9 Steve Stroud
1/20 Leadership 20/20


8/27 Pint for a Pint
9/1 Hump Day Social: Artillery Room at Gate City
9/8 Rotary tennis clinic
9/11 9/11 Cook out with our first responders

Our Rotary Family

8/2 Gene Beckham, III
8/2 Stacy Perlman
8/5 Charlie Cameron
8/8 Alan Christian
8/9 Jennifer Briggs
8/10 James Gray
8/10 Kathryn Igou
8/12 Rick Dreger
8/13 Lori Allen
8/13 Tina Houck
8/15 Harvey Smith, III
8/15 Dr. Betty Price
8/16 Gregory Pierce
8/17 Jacque Digieso
8/17 Brian Clark
8/18 John Albers
8/18 Brenda Blanton
8/19 Susan Rumble
8/19 Kathy Teston
8/20 Debbie Cwalina
8/20 Karen Pilcher
8/24 Mary Robichaux
8/25 Kevin Head
8/25 Robert Shaw
8/26 Jim Swain
8/27 Lori Kirn
8/28 Richard Spencer
8/30 Ted Lescher, Jr.
8/31 Steve Stroud


8/1 Steven Palmer (5)
5 years in Rotary
8/3 John Carruth (26)
8/4 David Young (33)
8/6 Elwyn Gaissert, II (40)
8/13 Richard Meer (29)
8/14 David Reddick (18)
25 years in Rotary
8/20 John Wolfe (29)
8/20 Dave Nelson (6)
8/20 Trummie Patrick, III (6)
8/23 Jay Pickett, III (3)
8/24 Jim Sheffield, Jr (21)
8/25 Lynn Dunn (5)
8/28 Lori Kirn (7)
8/29 Lucy Hall (2)
8/29 Katie Tucker (2)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075




President Terry Taylor
President-Elect John Carruth
Immediate PP Lynne Lindsay
Treasurer Nancy Alterman
Secretary Alex Kaufman
Past President Gordon Owens
Past President Becky Stone


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

If you missed last week’s meeting, well all I can say is, YOU MISSED IT, as this was not your normal Rotary Meeting!

Coach McFarlin and team pulled out all the stops by having Tim's celebrity professional football and baseball friends join us.  Then he surprised everyone in the house with a live concert by the Mike Veal band. WE DANCED!

Susan Rumble organized the program with our very own Talaya Parker sharing how Home Stretch helps many local families like Gina Dubuisson’s. She shared her testimonial of her success in overcoming adversity and refocused her life with the help of Home Stretch and Roswell Rotary. WE CRIED!

And finally, Hal Coleman once again provided the humor at the end, offering to auction off and burn “the suit”. WE LAUGHED!

THIS is what Roswell Rotary is all about.

This week please invite your friends as Coach McFarlin and team will be the program where Steve Stroud will be auctioning off the chance to play golf with some big-name athletes.  To top it off, we will auction off a performance by Mike Veal and band where the lucky winner may be having a party in the future with live entertainment.  Come join us this week as we give back to the community and have fun doing it!

Zoomit, Maskit or Live - Join Us Thursday from Where Ever You Are

Zoomit, Maskit or Live, we are here for you! Roswell Rotary wants to make our meetings safe, available, convenient, and comfortable to all members and guest. So, if you feel comfortable with a mask or no mask, live or on zoom join is in any way that makes you feel comfortable and safe. 

If Zoom is more your style, we are going to have Zoom open for those who prefer to be in the comfort of their own home, office, or beach for that matter! Here is the link…………https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86497139508?pwd=QTBETGdwdjVrUjlCejBabWJ4eG55QT09

Tournament NEWS
Needed: Your Guests for 8-26 Meeting & Volunteers for Tournament

Thanks everyone for your energy and enthusiasm last week at our meeting! Our guests were BLOWN AWAY by our mission and our fun. But we can't rest yet. 

Bring a Guest to our 8-26 meeting!

Our charities need for us to raise as much money as we can for them and next week is going to be a great opportunity. So bring a guest who would like the experience of playing golf with a fun foursomes of sports legends...Chipper Jones, Andruw Jones, Jessie Tuggle, Verron Haynes, Victor Green, and so many more. Or bid on the Mike Veal Band for your next event. Or the amazing David Yurman Brown & Company jewelry donation. And buy balls for the ball drop.  Yours might be the lucky one for the whole jackpot!


We need lots of volunteers to make the tournament day Sept. 13th day run smoothly. So sign up at the golf & tennis table at the meeting or use the link below:

To Volunteer

To Register For Golf

Golf Brochure

To Register for Tennis

Tennis Brochure

Commitment Form

Military in Afghanistan -- Supply Collection for Aeromedical Evacuations Team and Patients

The Aeromedical Evacuations Team (Medivac) based in Qatar and serving in Afghanistan is desperately and URGENTLY in need of personal supplies. Roswell Rotary is responding to the request by shipping the below items directly to the AEOT base location.  Anyone who wants to participate in the effort can do so by:  

1.    Shipping any of the below items directly from Amazon Prime to this address (Tip: Put "Bulk" before the item you're searching for; Amazon delivery date will say Sept. 15, but it will get there much earlier):

        Name:  EAES AEOT

        Address:  379 EAES UNIT 61203

        City:  APO

        State:  Armed Forces -- AE (this will be in drop down)

        Zip:  09309-1203

2.    BEFORE WEDNESDAY AUG. 25 at 7 pm -- Contributing to the group gift by emailing what amount you'd like to contribute to Leslie         Bassett: leslie@pridgenbassett.com.  Your Rotary account will be billed.

Items needed:

Diapers      Baby Wipes     Feminine hygiene products (no tampons)      Toothpaste      Toothbrushes     Toilet paper      Sunscreen      Mouth wash      Floss

Body lotion     Hand and Body soap      Lip balm      Shampoo and conditioner      Hair brushes      Sanitization wipes      Hand sanitizer (big)      Medicine cups     

Half-sheets (privacy during patient treatment)      Fans (with batteries)

Roswell Rotary Blood Drive at Gate City

You might think that Gate City Brewery offering a "Pint for a Pint," is why members, members' employees, friends and family would be quick to register for a time to donate blood.  It's a plus but it's more than that. 

Many of us have the privilege to share this gift with another person and the process couldn't be simpler.  The pint you donate just may be the gift of life that person needs. 

And if you can't give, which 2 out of 3 Rotarian's can't, please invite someone to give on your behalf.  Ask a friend!

Donate a pint of blood, and receive a pint coupon for any Gate City libation. Once you give, you can be set up on the Roswell Rotary Blood Donor App!  Please consider this act as this is the final week to get signed up! 

Click here to reserve 60 minutes on Aug 27 to donate. For more information, contact Darrell Bartlett or Hal Schlenger. Our thanks to Pat Rains and Michael Curling for their current and past help saving lives in our community

9-11 First Responder Cookout -- Volunteers Needed

The 9-11 First Responders Committee is in need of volunteers to build on the success of last year's first annual - First Responders Cookout. The cookout will be on Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021 and run from 3pm to 8pm with the need to setup around 2pm. This new time period will allow us to serve 2 shifts of Fire, Police, and Rescue personnel at Fire Station #4 on Old Alabama Rd . . Please contact either Dave Young nfultonpt@juno.com, Jack Wyche javic@msn.com, Elwyn Gaissert egaissert2@comcast.net, or Gene Beckham gene@bfsga.com with any questions on the event and available hrs to assist. Please help us make this another great event upon which to thank our First Responders for what they do for us, every day !!!

Rotary Youth Exchange Recruiting

We’re Back and Need YOUR HELP! Rotary Youth Exchange is shifting into gear to recruit outbound exchange students for the 2022-2023 school year and to recruit host families for our inbound student for that school year. Please direct any interested people to Alesia Booth alesiagbooth@att.net. You can also direct people to the Rotary Youth Exchange website: ryese.org. (It helps if interested people know we are in District 6900). We would love a few good volunteers from our club to help with recruiting and other activities related to Rotary Youth Exchange. You need to be an approved volunteer to interact with the inbound and outbound students – it is a U.S. State Department requirement. Becoming an approved volunteer involves a background check and a short State Department training – ALL ONLINE! Very Easy!! Please let Alesia know if you are interested in helping with this AMAZING program!!

Making the Most of your Membership
Save the Dates: Roswell Rotary events

This is what make earns Roswell Roswell such a great reputation

....and "Club of the Year" recognition. 

Plan to attend.....and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. 

If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then share it with others!

Aug 2710:00am - 3:00pm

Roswell Rotary Blood Drive at Gate City

Sep 01

5:30 - 8:30pm

Hump Day Social:  Artillery Room at Gate City

Sep 016:30 pmRotary Tennis Clinic at Brookfield Country Club
Sep 016:30 pmRotary Youth Exchange scholarship informational session
Sep 113:00 - 8:00pm9-11 First Responders Cookout at Fire Station 4
Sep 13All day

Annual Aubrey Greenway Golf 

& Hagan Cup Tournament

Sep 16

5:00 - 8:00pm

Alive in Roswell (finale)

Oct 03


Gary Garrett's Farm Day

Oct 065:30 pm - 8:30 pmHump Day Social
Oct 09

Youth Day Parade

Oct 216:00pm

Tribute to Gary Waddell at Houcks

Oct 24

3:00 pm— 6:00 pm

World Polio Day | Wine tasting to End Polio

Nov 035:30 pm - 8:30 pmHump Day Social
Nov 20-23
Honor Air Basketball Tournament

Rotary Last Week
