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October 12, 2021


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/14 District Governor Mary Ligon visits our club
10/21 Special Guest speakers this week! Miracles happen.
10/28 Be The Voice. Debbie Cwalina and Michael Schoppenhorst
1/20 Leadership 20/20


10/14 Board & Official DG Visit
10/21 Alive in Roswell
10/21 Tribute to Gary Waddell at Houck's
10/24 World Polio Day | Wine tasting to End Polio


President Terry Taylor
President-Elect John Carruth
Immediate PP Lynne Lindsay
Treasurer Nancy Alterman
Secretary Alex Kaufman
Past President Gordon Owens
Past President Becky Stone


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online



To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

10/1 Ralph Rowland, Jr.
10/2 Sandy Buhler
10/2 Sid Disher
10/2 Cheryl Greenway
10/4 Ronald Cowan
10/4 Adele Hamilton
10/4 Lucy Hall
10/6 Cathy Steffen
10/7 Lynne Lindsay
10/10 Jeffrey Meyers
10/12 SaraBeth Huntley
10/12 Jeff McCoy
10/13 Kyle Woods
10/14 Jeremey Ashman
10/16 David Wash
10/17 Jim Byrd
10/18 A.D. Dalton
10/19 Nancy Diamond
10/19 Jack Stephens
10/23 Mindy Jones
10/23 Lisa Smith
10/26 Katie Tucker


10/1 Fate McKinney, III (20)
27 years in Rotary
10/6 Chuck Savage (5)
13 years in Rotary
10/7 Jim Coyle, Jr. (12)
10/7 Matt Millard (12)
10/8 Jenis Sharp (0)
10/10 Mike McRay (19)
10/10 Carl Owens, Jr. (30)
10/11 Darrell Bartlett (2)
10/11 William Lindsey (2)
10/11 Samuel Pittman (2)
10/11 Ted Lescher, Jr. (2)
8 years in Rotary
10/12 Tom Rowsey (15)
17 years in Rotary
10/13 Jennifer Briggs (10)
10/16 Lou Tabickman (13)
10/19 Kurt Hilbert (4)
4 years in Rotary
10/19 Timothy Klatt (4)
10/19 Jim Sturm (4)
10/23 Steve Stroud (35)
10/25 Dazia Fumbah (3)
10/29 Hal Coleman (23)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message


At last week’s meeting, our high school youth stood before our membership announcing which city council members they would represent in the 71st annual youth day parade. I continue to be impressed with this generation of young leaders and future Rotarians. The weather Saturday morning could not have been better for the youth day parade. This tradition is one of the many things that truly makes Roswell unique and a great place to live, work and play. Our float was manned with lots of young candy throwers showing off their Youth Peace in Action and tie-die peace T-Shirts.

Last week's meeting also saw the induction of four new members into our club! According to our Membership Chair, Lee Patrick, we have many more in the queue. I anticipate that with the new creative membership categories, we will be welcoming more new friends who will be joining us in giving back to the community and having a blast doing so.

This week help me welcome our District Governor Mary Ligon to our meeting on Thursday. We will also have our Interact leadership present our YPA progress and our plans to create peace through our young Peacebuilders. Wear your tie-die Rotary Peace shirt!

District Governor Visit in 2 days
District 6900 Governor Mary Ligon

Welcome DG Mary Ligon to Roswell!

Mary Ligon joined the Rotary Club of Dougherty County (Albany, GA) in 2002 serving in several capacities before becoming President in 2009-2010.

At the district level, Mary has served as an Assistant Governor, AG Trainer/Coordinator, multi-district PETS facilitator and District Grants chair. She has been recognized as District Rotarian of the Year in 2017, with the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service in 2018 and is a Rotary Foundation major donor.

Having served on numerous community boards and with over 20 years of experience participating in, volunteering in, and leading community leadership programs, Mary understands the opportunity and benefits of focus and scale in achieving impactful results. She is an alumnus of several community and regional leadership programs and served as the director of Leadership Albany for 17 years. In 2016 the National Association of Leadership Programs recognized Mary with their Preceptor Award and she is currently serving as Resources Director for the organization.

Mary has a BBA degree from Georgia Southern University in Management/Information Systems and began her career with IBM. Established in 1994, she maintains a consulting business - Mary Ligon, ETC (Effectiveness, Training, Consulting). Mary and her husband Jim have two grown daughters.

Group Picture: Former District Governors with current DG Mary Ligon in center. 

If you can't be 'in person' for launch
Zoomit, Maskit or Live - Join Us Thursday from Where Ever You Are

Zoomit, Maskit or Live, we are here for you! Roswell Rotary wants to make our meetings safe, available, convenient, and comfortable to all members and guest. So, if you feel comfortable with a mask or no mask, live or on zoom join is in any way that makes you feel comfortable and safe. 

If Zoom is more your style, we are going to have Zoom open for those who prefer to be in the comfort of their own home, office, or beach for that matter! Here is the link…………https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86497139508?pwd=QTBETGdwdjVrUjlCejBabWJ4eG55QT09

Thu, Oct 21
Tribute to Past President Gary

Save the date!!
Mark your Calendar: October 24: World Polio Day Wine Tasting at Deep Roots

 Come gather with fellow Roswell Rotarians at Deep Roots on Sunday October 24 for a wine tasting that benefits End Polio Now, and support your local business at the same time. 

Deep Roots has a variety of both indoor and outdoor spaces that we can congregate and sample wines from their numerous automatic dispensers. 

Join us for some can't miss fun!

Coat Drive - Lets Share the Warmth!

Search the dark recesses your closets and purge those old coats that the kids have outgrown! 

June Brown is leading our effort to collect gently used coats and asks that everyone bring them to this months meetings so that she can donate them by November 1. 

There is a strong need for children's coats this fall.  Thank you in advance!  Contact June with any questions:  junebarberbrown@gmail.com  M: 770.826.2283 B: 770.642.9000770.642.9000

A message from Jonathan Crooks
Compelling Testimony for Roswell Rotary Blood Drive

This is Jonathan Crooks writing to you today. Most, if not all, of you know me as your Rotarian brother who just came through the long bout with the COVID-19 Delta Variant.

I’ve been asked to write to you today to ask you to consider donating a pint of blood at our annual blood drive on November 3rd. As I struggled through my battle with COVID-19, I personally received 3 pints of blood and one infusion of COVID-19 antibodies. I don’t know who it was who donated them, but I thank God for them.

As Rotarians, we give of our time, our gifts, and our dollars, living up to our motto, “Service above Self”. This is truly an opportunity to give OF ourselves. Our opportunity to gift to someone else a part of ourselves we can’t give any other way. You’ll never know who it was who received your life-giving blood, but I guaranty, you will sleep better at night knowing you did so. As I personally strengthen, my plan is to take part in the “COVID-19 Delta Antibody Harvesting” program, so that I may help someone else. If my doctor allows me to do so, I’ll be lying next to you in November as we give this precious gift.

So please join your fellow Rotarian Brothers and Sisters and give this gift of life to someone else. As one who recently received this gift, I thank you for those who will receive what we will do. May God bless you for doing so.

Please click the link below, sign yourself up, and particularly if you can't donate blood, inspire your friends and neighbors to.  

Truly Giving of Yourself:    Click here to reserve your time on Nov. 3rd to donate

Rotary dates to save
Which of These Rotary Events are a Priority for You?

This is what make earns Roswell Roswell such a great reputation ....and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend.....and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member.

If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then share it with others!






Tribute to Gary Waddell at Houcks


3:00 pm— 6:00 pm

World Polio Day | Wine tasting to End Polio

3-Nov10:00am - 6:00pmPint-for-a-Pint Blood Drive at Gate City Brewing


5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Hump Day Social

Nov 20-23

Honor Air Basketball Tournament


Holiday Party at Roswell Historic Cottage



Ron Clark Academy Tour
