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February 15, 2022


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/17 John Maxwell team
2/24 Skipper Hoke Service Above Self Awards
3/3 GNFCC- Kali Boatright
3/10 Roswell Arts Fund


2/19 Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics
2/26 Hearts for Honduras
3/3 Hump Day Lucia’s Italian Restaurant

Our Rotary Family

2/1 David Reddick
2/2 Joe Piontek, Sr.
2/9 Victor Smith
2/10 Richard Meer
2/15 George Rhodes, III
2/16 Fate McKinney, III
2/18 Gordon Owens
2/19 Danny Tompkins
2/20 Kay Love
2/20 Katha Stuart
2/21 Michael Gould
2/22 Becky Stone
2/22 Bill Wolff
2/24 Holland Earle
2/27 Bruce Smith
2/27 Leonard Greski


2/1 David Bourne (49)
2/2 Lee Dodson (8)
26 years in Rotary
2/7 Malone Dodson (36)
2/8 Holland Earle (15)
24 years in Rotary
2/11 Alex Kaufman (12)
2/11 Langdon Hollingsworth (1)
2/13 Kevin Benscoter (2)
2/14 Peter Calabro (14)
2/17 Roger Wise, Jr. (11)
2/18 Talaya Parker, Ms (3)
2/18 Mary Robichaux (3)
2/22 Lee Jenkins, Jr. (4)
2/22 Robert Shaw (4)
2/22 Nancy Tolbert-Yilmaz (21)
2/23 Richard Stilley (5)
7 years in Rotary
2/23 George Rhodes, III (5)
15 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075




President Terry Taylor
President-Elect John Carruth
Immediate PP Lynne Lindsay
Treasurer Nancy Alterman
Secretary Alex Kaufman
Past President Gordon Owens
Past President Becky Stone


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

Service Above Self

This past weekend a group of service oriented Rotarians got out the heavy equipment at Bulloch Hall for some fence mending and power washing.   Thanks for everyone who came out to help with this effort.   We will be looking for more volunteers this weekend to grab a brush and roller to paint the fences around the main entrance of this great historical site.  Come out if you're able and participate in a Service above Self project on Saturday.   Many hands make light work, all for the beautification of this great city! 

This week you are not going to want to miss our meeting where we will be treated to a great speaker Versonya DuPont of the John Maxwell Group who will deliver an inspirational message on personal development. Come and have some fried chicken and get inspired!!!

If you can't be 'in person' for lunch
Zoomit, Maskit or Live - Join Us Thursday from Where Ever You Are

Zoomit, Maskit or Live, we are here for you! Roswell Rotary wants to make our meetings safe, available, convenient, and comfortable to all members and guest. So, if you feel comfortable with a mask or no mask, live or on zoom join is in any way that makes you feel comfortable and safe. 

If Zoom is more your style, we are going to have Zoom open for those who prefer to be in the comfort of their own home, office, or beach for that matter! Here is the link…………https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86497139508?pwd=QTBETGdwdjVrUjlCejBabWJ4eG55QT09

Versonya Marie DuPont- Speaker Feb. 17, 2022
You Have to Know Yourself to Grow Yourself!

You Have to Know Yourself to Grow Yourself!

Such a powerful topic this week from a member of the John Maxwell team!. Join us at Rotary on Thursday. 

Three Takeaways

    • Growth starts with appreciating our distinctiveness and value
    • We all are different, but have predictable behaviors under stress
    • Understanding our blind spots can enhance our personal growth

About our speaker

Versonya Marie DuPont is the only daughter born to Donald and the late Versie DuPont. She came of age in Savannah, GA.  Raised by a village of community servants, including her parents, godparents, aunts and uncles, Versonya learned at an early age that “service is the rent we pay to live on God’s green earth.”  She has over 20 years of experience casting vision and driving execution as an Executive for both start-up and million-dollar businesses.  Her measure of success has always included awareness of the impact of the work she does on the lives of others, beyond performance goals and profit margins. 

Versonya’s mother used to tell her:  "Don't strive to do as well as I do, strive to be better!"  Versonya is still striving!!!!  Her life is dedicated to empowering others and giving voice to those who can't speak for themselves.  Professionally, she has held the titles of Entrepreneur, Director of Technology, Project Manager and Educational Technology Specialist. She endeavors to impact the communities where she lives as a leader in a national, humanitarian organization called Top Ladies of Distinction as well as through her membership with Victory Church where she serves as a leader with the Small Group and Missions Ministries.  Versonya is also the Founder and Executive Director of Life Well Lived Charity, Inc, a non-profit whose mission is to support abundant living through charitable giving and education in the areas of K-20 education, entrepreneurship and community service, especially to those who are underserved, distressed or economically disadvantaged. 

It has been her goal in each role to be a servant leader with a standard of excellence for developing the talent and potential in others.  Versonya is a certified Speaker, Coach and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team.  She combines her knowledge and experience with content and learning systems developed by John Maxwell to custom design leadership and personal growth programs for individuals and organizations.  Versonya currently resides in Roswell, GA.  You can learn more about the work she does by following her at www.facebook.com/vempowersu or leaving a request for follow-up at www.elconsultants.com.

Business Networking Rotary-Style (new location) continues on Tue,Feb 15 6:30PM (and Tue Mar 15)
It's Smarter Business Development When It's with Fellow Rotarians (Multi-Club Event)

This is an opportunity for you or someone on your staff, or someone you are interested in recruiting to Roswell Rotary.

Our last gathering again drew a crowd from the Atlanta Metro, Dunwoody, Peachtree City, Roswell, Sandy Springs and Tucker clubs. While it had similarities to other networking events, you knew that attendees honored the integrity of the 4 Way Test!

This is what Paul Harris formed Rotary for 1905. Professionals with diverse

backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and conduct business together. Paul Harris was networking well before the term “networking” was used to describe connecting people in order to build a business network.  

While Rotary is about "Service Above Self," there is a growing place for networking in Rotary, particularly for those responsible for generating revenue.


                Pure Taqueria   Brookhaven Location: 3589 Durden Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30319 (770) 452-7873

Please plan to join us on Tue, Mar 15  from 6:30 - 8:00pm. For more information, please contact Hal Schlenger HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com | (770-335-0077), or Johnathan Clark of the Tucker Club (johnathanmclark@gmail.com | 404.512.6058)

Bulloch Hall Clean-Up Part 2
Sat. Feb. 19 10am Bulloch Hall Cleanup Part 2

Headcount Needed ASAP to Matt Millard

Rotarians!  We need a head count!!! THIS Saturday February 19th at 10am we need help painting the fencing at Bulloch Hall while meanwhile our fearless leader President Terry is taking a chilly dip in the lake!  We had a hardy group of pressure washers who got the fencing “paint ready” this past Saturday, and now it’s everyone else’s turn to lend a hand and put a fresh coat of paint on!  We have a few hundred feet of fencing to paint white.

We can knock it out in two hours if we get enough volunteers!

Bring yourself, your kids, or even prospective new members– attire is painting casual!  We need to have an idea of numbers so we can have waivers on hand from the City.  Rotary will provide rollers and brushes, and likely coffee and Doughnuts!  City is providing the paint.  We project that we can finish in a couple hours, but we’re depending on some serious turnout.  Please RSVP to Matt Millard at 678.414.6564 with your name and total number of volunteers – see you there!


Volunteers please contact Matt Millard at 678.414.6564 ASAP

Special Olympics Georgia
Polar Bear Plunge -Feb 19, 2022

Join Roswell Rotary & Roswell Police Dept for Polar Plunge

Roswell Rotary will be joining the Roswell Police Dept. in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Georgia...Brrrrrrrrr...

It's going to be a Polar Blast...Super Cool fun...Just Chilling with your Rotary friends!


To join the team and PLUNGE with Roswell Police Department, click here to register. If you prefer to remain on dry land, there are donation options at the link as well. For questions, reach out to Matt Millard @ mmillard@millardinc.net

Roswell Rotary Blood Drive @ Gate City Brewery offering a "Pint for a Pint”

Fellow Rotarians we have almost reached our goal of signing up 60 Donors for our 2/22/22 Blood Drive at Gate City Brewery!  Thanks to all that have signed up or encouraged loved ones to do the same.  Every pint matters as supplies are so low right now.  It’s a great feeling to know that you’re giving the gift of life!

Now that we have our donors scheduled, we now need to get everyone to join our Roswell Rotary Team on the Red Cross Donor App – It’s a simple process you just scan the QR Code, Click on the IMPACT tab at the bottom – Click on “Roswell Rotary” in search to join.  Teams are a great way to raise more blood donations and to how our community how Rotarians “roll up their sleeves!”

Click here to reserve 60 minutes on Two's-day Feb 22nd to donate.

For more information, contact DarrellBartlett or  HalSchlenger

As always, we want to thank Pat Rains and Michael Curling for the current and past help saving lives in our community. 

Tickets are Going Fast -Buy Tickets NOW!
Hearts for Honduras -Saturday Feb. 26

Tickets are going FAST!!!!

Get yours today at H4HRoswell.com  

For More information or to Purchase Tickets or Donate   CLICK HERE

A few Words for Jim Coyle           

Click this link for a message from Jim about Lunches for Learning and Hearts for Honduras!

Roswell Rotary Relays- Back in Person!
March 19 - Roswell Relay Volunteers Needed!!

Roswell Relays....Back in 2022 with 26 teams!!!

After having to cancel the 2020 Roswell Rotary Relays and with a reduced schedule in 2021, the 2022 Rotary Relays should be back to normal with a full schedule of 26 teams participating on Saturday March 19, 2022, at Roswell High School.  The Relays start at 9:00 and should finish by 5:00. 

Roswell Rotary is the sponsor

As the sponsor of the Relays our Rotary Club provides volunteers to help run the track & field events as well as provide hospitality for the team coaches and Rotary volunteers.  Our greatest need for volunteers is in the morning to cover both sessions of the field events.  We will also need some volunteers during the running events in the afternoon.  After having restrictions on what was allowed last year our hospitality coordinator Mindy Jones is planning for our normal breakfast and lunch set up in the school cafeteria so we will need adequate hospitality volunteers from approximately 8:00 to 3:00.

What We Need

  • Greatest Need: Morning volunteers to cover both sessions of field events
  • Afternoon volunteers for running events
  • Hospitality volunteers for shifts running from 8am 3pm

 How to sign up

I would like to encourage everyone to please consider giving some of your time to help with this great event.  If you have any questions or are available to volunteer, please contact Bruce Smith at bsmith@mckaycotton.com or text me at 404-312-0577 or contact Mindy Jones at goldyall@aol.com or text Mindy at 770-231-1016.   

Rotary dates to save
Which of These Rotary Events are a Priority for You?

This is what make earns Roswell Rotary such a great reputation ....and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend.....and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member.

If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then share it with others!




Tue, Feb 15

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Rotary Means Business District 6900 in Sandy Springs

Sat, Feb 19

13th Annual Polar Plunge to benefit the Special Olympics of GA
Roswell Rotary is doing this with the Roswell Police Dept

Sat, Feb 1910:00 amBulloch Hall -- Fence Painting
Sat, Feb 19
8:30am - 10:00am
Walk with a Doc at Sope Creek trail and mill ruins
Tue, "2/22"
9:00am - 5:00pm
Pint for a Pint Blood Drive (special guest at 2:22pm)
Fri, Feb 26

6:30pm - 10:30pm

Hearts for Honduras

Wed, Mar 35:30 pmHump Day Social at Lucia's
Tues, Mar 156:30pm - 8 pmRotary Means Business District 6900 in Sandy Springs

Sat, Mar 19

9:00am – 3:00pm

Roswell Relays

Sat, Mar 26
Chattahoochee River Keepers "Sweep the Hooch"
Tues, Apr 176:30pm - 8 pm
Rotary Means Business District 6900 in Sandy Springs
Thurs Apr 28 - May 1
District 6900 -- District Conference

Tue, May 24

8:00am— 5:00pm

Honor Air Veterans Bus Tour

Rotary Last Week
