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March 15, 2022


March is Water and Sanitation Month

3/17 Leadership 20/20


3/19 Roswell Relays
3/26 Chattahoochee River Keepers “Sweep the Hooch”
5/24 Honor Air Veterans Bus Tour
6/30 John's Installation Party!

Our Rotary Family

3/3 Don Horton
3/4 Tillie O'Neal
3/8 Nancy Tolbert-Yilmaz
3/11 Jon-Paul Croom
3/12 Kevin Benscoter
3/15 Rich Austin
3/16 Mickey Deaton
3/21 Amy Brannen
3/26 Robert Fezza
3/27 Hal Schlenger
3/30 Darrell Bartlett


3/2 Gene Beckham, III (22)
3/4 Ken Briggs (40)
3/5 Mike Prewett (7)
16 years in Rotary
3/7 Michael Sutton (15)
3/7 Terry Taylor (9)
3/7 Bruce Peoples (9)
3/7 Amy Brannen (9)
3/9 Todd Byars (16)
3/9 Jacque Digieso (16)
29 years in Rotary
3/9 Syd Mostajabi (13)
3/10 Mickey Deaton (17)
3/10 Vivian Bankston (17)
3/10 Jeff McCoy (17)
3/11 Lisa Carlisle (12)
3/11 Michael Gould (12)
3/11 Lynne Lindsay (12)
3/12 Gordon Owens (11)
3/14 William May (9)
3/14 Jerry Orlans (20)
31 years in Rotary
3/16 Katha Stuart (6)
3/16 Scott Morchower (6)
3/17 Danny Tompkins (13)
23 years in Rotary
3/17 Walt Woliver (13)
26 years in Rotary
3/17 John Albers (11)
3/17 Jim Swain (13)
21 years in Rotary
3/17 George McFarlin (11)
3/17 Lee Hollingsworth (13)
21 years in Rotary
3/18 Becky Nelson (8)
3/21 Jim Broadway (37)
3/22 Ron Redner (38)
3/24 Dennis Eidson (11)
3/24 Bill Houck (6)
3/25 David Wash (13)
3/28 Bob Clarkson (3)
3/28 Leonard Greski (3)
3/29 Alesia Booth (1)
3/29 Jonathan Crooks (1)
3/30 Rudy Lind (22)
3/30 James Savage (1)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075




President Terry Taylor
President-Elect John Carruth
Immediate PP Lynne Lindsay
Treasurer Nancy Alterman
Secretary Alex Kaufman
Past President Gordon Owens
Past President Becky Stone


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

Well done Roswell Rotary!

This week a group of Roswell Rotarians made a trip down to Panama to visit our Global Grant in the Darien jungle.  Thanks to this club's commitment to one of the seven areas of focus of Rotary international, two communities in this very remote part of the world are living better lives with clean water.   This trip included new Rotarians as well as seasoned veterans from our club and from our partner club in Panama City.   We built lifelong memories and experienced some new “Rotary Moments” in building new relationships with not only the native people of Darien but with other Rotarians. 

The value of being connected to the Rotary family both near and far became so evident when one of our travelers became ill the morning before departure while checking in for the flight back and was unable to travel.  Rotary members from Panama Nordeste stepped up and made the necessary arrangements for an extra day of recuperation.  Through numerous text messages and phone calls, one member called the hotel, one member’s wife was a pharmacist and made a delivery to the hotel, another planned for transportation back to the airport the following day.

Its great to be a Rotarian!

Don't forget to wear your Green this Thursday as we celebrate St Patrick's Day and Leadership 20/20.  See you there!

Tino Mantella Speaker March 17
Youth Leadership 20/20 Event at Roswell Rotary

Welcome Tino Mantella, President & CEO Turknett Leadership Group

What a treat to hear from Tino Mantella as we honor these Roswell High School student leaders at Rotary today. Tino's passion is youth leadership. As CEO of the Chicago YMCA, Tino worked to provide programs that helped youth from so many different backgrounds.  As a former wrestler, he connects with student athletes and has provided numerous mentoring opportunities for young people. And as a connector for people in the corporate world with his past experience at the helm of TAG (Technology Association of Georgia), he is generous with his time when counseling young people just starting out in their careers. 

Leadership Lessons the Hard and Only Way

Tino's presentation will focus on these three points:

1. Courage of Conviction

2. BHAGS (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) Aligned with Action

3. The Difference YOU Can Make

About Tino

Tino Mantella joined Turknett Leadership as President and CEO in October of 2018. Over the course of his career, he has led some of the nation’s largest non-profit organizations as well as for-profit companies in diversified fields such as human and social services, health and technology. Under his guidance, the Technology Association of Georgia and the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago became the largest institutions of their kind in North America. His track record of accelerating impact related to the lives of people, the congruity of teams and the effectiveness of organizations is evident in his national publication recognized reputation of being a versatile, innovative leader. His current focus is on seeing that the Turknett mission of ‘spreading leadership character around the globe’ is carried out to it’s fullest extent to impact a greater number of people and leaders.

Tino has traversed careers leading for-profit and not-for-profit companies that include but are not limited to disciplines in health, technology, human services, leadership development, and security. He was a Division one collegiate athlete and Captain of the Temple University Wrestling team.  As an organizer of public policy efforts he has had opportunities to interface with national and local leaders and affect change.  And as Tino gives back, he has provided leadership and guidance to numerous not-for-profit leaders.

As president & CEO of Turknett Leadership Group, he has led the company to record sales and growth, and is heavily involved in TLG's foundation the Leadership Character Youth Coalition (LCYC), a 501-C3 organization, with a mission of spreading Leadership Character across the globe. 

Tino resides in Johns Creek with his writer/author wife Deb Mantella. He has two daughters, Dana and Cara and son Brock. He is a proud grandfather of a granddaughter, Brxley. 

Welcome Leadership 20/20 Student Leaders!

We welcome you to Roswell Rotary and congratulate you on being chosen for Leadership 20/20 this year! This forum is sponsored by Roswell Rotary and supported by RHS PTSA. Leadership 20/20 is a full school day of leadership workshops for a select group of RHS students. These students are nominated by their teachers for classroom leadership not based on academics, not athletics, etc.  So you will see a full scope of the RHS community.   

In addition to Tino's keynote topic on leadership, the students will hear from the following community leaders during the rest of the day on these current hot topics:

CyberBullying - Debbie Cwalina 

Inclusion (GLBT+) - Becky Nelson

Mental Health - Bob Clarkson

Substance Abuse/Partying - Michael Curling

Leadership/Creating your own Pathway - Zach Fields

Don't miss this meeting!

What a wonderful opportunity to honor these student leaders and spend some time in fellowship and fried chicken with them. 

If you can't be 'in person' for lunch
Zoomit, Maskit or Live - Join Us Thursday from Where Ever You Are

We now have multiple “zoom cameras”, so you won’t miss a minute of the action. Join us from where ever you are!

There are times that travel or business obligations challenge your ability to attend our lunch meetings. Our speakers’ messages, Terry’s stories and messages, event updates, announcements and awards. Happy dollars and Hal’s raffle comments.  

It’s not that you have to attend all of our meetings. It’s that you want to. And now you can.

Enjoy everything about our meetings except for the fried chicken.  Attend all meetings virtually thanks to Bob Clarkson and team who provide the camera work and audio so that you can connect via Zoom for some or all of the week’s meeting.

Click HERE to join (or click on the Zoom icon above): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86497139508?pwd=QTBETGdwdjVrUjlCejBabWJ4eG55QT09

Should you detect a technical issue, you can text or call Bob Clarkson at 404.201.1292 or Becky Nelson at 404.406.6121.

St. Patrick's Day 3-17
Wear Your Green on Thursday!

This Thursday Get Your Green on!

Be sure to wear your green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Thursday! Who knows? Might be a prize for best outfit! The question is....What will President Terry wear?????

Business Networking Rotary-Style continues on Tue, Mar 15 6:30PM (and Tue Apr 19)
Smarter Business Development because it's with Fellow Rotarians (Multi-Club Event)

This is an opportunity for you or someone on your staff, or someone you are interested in recruiting to Roswell Rotary.

Our last gathering again drew a crowd from the Atlanta Metro, Dunwoody, Peachtree City, Roswell, Sandy Springs and Tucker clubs. While it had similarities to other networking events, you knew that attendees honored the integrity of the 4 Way Test!

This is why Paul Harris formed Rotary for 1905. Professionals with diverse

backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and conduct business together. Paul Harris was networking well before the term “networking” was used to describe connecting people in order to build a business network.  

While Rotary is about "Service Above Self," there is a growing place for networking in Rotary, particularly for those responsible for generating revenue.


                Pure Taqueria   Brookhaven Location: 3589 Durden Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30319 (770) 452-7873

Please plan to join us on Tue, Mar 15 (and Tue, Apr 19)  from 6:30 - 8:00pm.

For more information, please contact Hal Schlenger HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com | (770-335-0077), or Johnathan Clark of the Tucker Club (johnathanmclark@gmail.com | 404.512.6058).

Roswell Rotary Relays- March 19
Roswell Relay Volunteers Needed!! Sign Up Genius

Sign Up Here 

Roswell Relays....Back in 2022 with 26 teams!!!

After having to cancel the 2020 Roswell Rotary Relays and with a reduced schedule in 2021, the 2022 Rotary Relays is back to normal with a full schedule of 26 teams participating on Saturday March 19, 2022, at Roswell High School.  The Relays start at 9:00 and should finish by 5:00. 

Roswell Rotary is the sponsor

As the sponsor of the Relays our Rotary Club provides volunteers to help run the track & field events as well as provide hospitality for the team coaches and Rotary volunteers.  Our greatest need for volunteers is in the morning to cover both sessions of the field events.  We will also need some volunteers during the running events in the afternoon.  After having restrictions on what was allowed last year our hospitality coordinator Mindy Jones is planning for our normal breakfast and lunch set up in the school cafeteria so we will need adequate hospitality volunteers from approximately 8:00 to 3:00.

What We Need

  • Greatest Need: Morning volunteers to cover both sessions of field events
  • Afternoon volunteers for running events
  • Hospitality volunteers for shifts running from 8am 3pm

 How to sign up    SIGN UP HERE Through Sign Up Genius 

I would like to encourage everyone to please consider giving some of your time to help with this great event.  Use the sign up link to volunteer. If you have any questions , please contact Bruce Smith at bsmith@mckaycotton.comtext  404-312-0577 or contact Mindy Jones at goldyall@aol.com or  770-231-1016 or Becky Nelson at susbeck6061@gmail.com or text  404-406-6121.   

Save the Date Sat. March 26
Sweep the Hooch

Save the Date
Saturday, March 26, 2022 from 9 am to 12 pm

Saturday March 26, 2022, 9 AM till Noon is the 12th annual Sweep the Hooch River cleanup sponsored by the Chattahoochee River Keeper. Roswell Rotary Club has participated every year, cleaning up the trails, river, and river back along Roswell Road from Don White Park to Eaves Road. This is the area of the river that we have adopted through the Georgia Adopt a Stream Program. We need walkers, waders, and floaters (kayak, canoe, or raft), for this very worthwhile cause. This is also an excellent family event and always a great time for all! Check out the geese, heron, waterdogs and hawks and other various wildlife along the river!!

 If you can make it, email Dutch Earle, hearle@esisearch.com and let him know if you are a walker, wader or floater. He will be back in touch with more of the logistics details. If you have any questions call Dutch at 770.403.0755. 

It was super fun last year! Check out this short clip of President Terry Taylor and Roswell Rotarian Joe Mazzeo in action! 

Rotary dates to save
Which of These Rotary Events are a Priority for You?

This is what make earns Roswell Rotary such a great reputation ....and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend.....and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member.

If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then share it with others!




Tues, Mar 156:00pmRoswell After Hours - Artillery Room @ Gate City Brewery
Tues, Mar 156:30pm - 8 pmRotary Means Business District 6900 in Sandy Springs

Sat, Mar 19

9:00am – 3:00pm

Roswell Relays

Mon, Mar 22
Roswell High School Career Day
Sat, Mar 26
Chattahoochee River Keepers "Sweep the Hooch"
Sat, Apr 028:30am - 10:00amWalk with a Doc meets at Vickery Creek covered bridge w/ Phys Therapist Kim Richards
Tues, Apr 176:30pm - 8 pm
Rotary Means Business District 6900 in Sandy Springs
Thurs Apr 28 - May 1
District 6900 -- District Conference

Tue, May 24

8:00am— 5:00pm

Honor Air Veterans Bus Tour

Rotary Last Week
