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March 22, 2022


March is Water and Sanitation Month

3/24 Computer Museum Of America
3/31 State of the City with Mayor Wilson
4/7 Forestry In Georgia
5/12 Elwyn Gaissert Sr. award


3/26 Chattahoochee River Keepers “Sweep the Hooch”
4/13 Hump Day at 1920 on Canton St.
4/16 Easter Egg Hunt at Home Stretch
5/24 Honor Air Veterans Bus Tour

Our Rotary Family

3/3 Don Horton
3/4 Tillie O'Neal
3/8 Nancy Tolbert-Yilmaz
3/11 Jon-Paul Croom
3/12 Kevin Benscoter
3/15 Rich Austin
3/16 Mickey Deaton
3/21 Amy Brannen
3/26 Robert Fezza
3/27 Hal Schlenger
3/30 Darrell Bartlett


3/2 Gene Beckham, III (22)
3/4 Ken Briggs (40)
3/5 Mike Prewett (7)
16 years in Rotary
3/7 Amy Brannen (9)
3/7 Terry Taylor (9)
3/7 Michael Sutton (15)
3/7 Bruce Peoples (9)
3/9 Jacque Digieso (16)
29 years in Rotary
3/9 Todd Byars (16)
3/9 Syd Mostajabi (13)
3/10 Vivian Bankston (17)
3/10 Mickey Deaton (17)
3/10 Angela Medley (0)
3/10 Will Colley (0)
3/10 Jeff McCoy (17)
3/11 Lynne Lindsay (12)
3/11 Michael Gould (12)
3/11 Lisa Carlisle (12)
3/12 Gordon Owens (11)
3/14 William May (9)
3/14 Jerry Orlans (20)
31 years in Rotary
3/16 Katha Stuart (6)
3/16 Tori Nielsen (0)
3/16 Scott Morchower (6)
3/16 Alicia Hughes (0)
3/17 John Albers (11)
3/17 Walt Woliver (13)
26 years in Rotary
3/17 Danny Tompkins (13)
23 years in Rotary
3/17 Jim Swain (13)
21 years in Rotary
3/17 George McFarlin (11)
3/17 Lee Hollingsworth (13)
21 years in Rotary
3/18 Becky Nelson (8)
3/21 Jim Broadway (37)
3/22 Ron Redner (38)
3/24 Bill Houck (6)
3/24 Dennis Eidson (11)
3/25 David Wash (13)
3/28 Bob Clarkson (3)
3/28 Leonard Greski (3)
3/29 Alesia Booth (1)
3/29 Jonathan Crooks (1)
3/30 James Savage (1)
3/30 Rudy Lind (22)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075



President Terry Taylor
President-Elect John Carruth
Immediate PP Lynne Lindsay
Treasurer Nancy Alterman
Secretary Alex Kaufman
Past President Gordon Owens
Past President Becky Stone


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

Roswell Rotary After Hours Satellite Club

Upon the approval by the board of directors, Roswell Rotary now has 13 new members with more to follow!  Thanks to the hard work of many members, we have established the new satellite club.   This new branch of our club will meet twice a month on Tuesdays at Gate City's Artillery Room and participate side by side with our members in many future service projects and social activities.  

We had a busy week this past week hosting 60 future leaders from Roswell High School as we rekindled Leadership 20/20 after a two year postponement.  These young leaders participated in various leadership activities including a disc assessment getting a better understanding of who they are and how they can better interact with others.  Thank you to Jeff Bridges and Becky Nelson for a great job of organizing this event!  

Both the After Hours Club and our guests at Leadership 20/20 are the future of our club and the future looks bright!

Speaker for Thursday March 24
Rena Youngblood- Exec Director Computer Museum of America

Welcome Rena Youngblood, Executive Director Computer Museum of America

In the past half century, computing has grown from a few gadgets to an almost universal extension of human life. Yet while computing has become commonplace, the history of its innovation is being lost every day, as ‘old’ technology is discarded, recycled or consigned to the landfill. The Computer Museum of America (CMoA), located in a suburb of Atlanta, GA, was created to preserve this history, and educate visitors on the past and future of computing, empowering the innovators of tomorrow. 


 About Our Speaker

Rena Youngblood is the first Executive Director of the Computer Museum of America (CMoA) located in Roswell, Georgia.  The museum opened to the public in July 2019.

Rena leads and directs all aspects of the organization, including finances and fundraising; communications and marketing; education and programming; stewardship and management of facilities and collections; and building positive working relationships with the Board of Directors, community, external partners, stakeholders, visitors to the museum and donors. 

Before joining CMoA, Rena served as Senior Director of Charter School Services for the Association of American Educators and as Director of Member Services at the Georgia Charter Schools Association.  She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a minor in Communication Studies.  

Join us at Rotary on Thursday

If you can't be 'in person' for lunch
Zoomit, Maskit or Live - Join Us Thursday from Where Ever You Are

We now have multiple “zoom cameras”, so you won’t miss a minute of the action. Join us from where ever you are!

There are times that travel or business obligations challenge your ability to attend our lunch meetings. Our speakers’ messages, Terry’s stories and messages, event updates, announcements and awards. Happy dollars and Hal’s raffle comments.  

It’s not that you have to attend all of our meetings. It’s that you want to. And now you can.

Enjoy everything about our meetings except for the fried chicken.  Attend all meetings virtually thanks to Bob Clarkson and team who provide the camera work and audio so that you can connect via Zoom for some or all of the week’s meeting.

Click HERE to join (or click on the Zoom icon above): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86497139508?pwd=QTBETGdwdjVrUjlCejBabWJ4eG55QT09

Should you detect a technical issue, you can text or call Bob Clarkson at 404.201.1292 or Becky Nelson at 404.406.6121.

Leadership 20/20
Huge Success Roswell High School Leaders Visit Rotary!

Leadership 20/20 Returned 2022!!

After COVID-required year break, Leadership 20/20 returned with 60+ Roswell High School students who had been nominated by a teacher.  The day started with Dr Shaw congratulating the students on their nomination and then a little about his pathway to leadership including his newly announced transition to Cherokee County Schools this coming July.  Leadership 20/20 RHS Teacher coordinator, Katherine Knowles, then talked to the students while they loaded busses to get to Roswell Area Park for the day.  They each did their DISC profile test …. most for the first time… and learned what kind of leader they are as well as that there are actual leadership profiles and definitions!  The most important “aha” moment?  They also learned what leadership styles complement their style.  

Fried Chicken and Leadership Lessons

Juan and Roswell Rotary did not disappoint with an abundant lunch while we listened to Tino Mantilla, President of Turknett Leadership Group.  They returned for the afternoon to engage in some Hot Topics and the amazing story of resilience of our own Zach Fields.

Roswell Rotary plus Roswell High School = Success

The collaboration between Roswell Rotary, Roswell High School leadership and the Roswell PTSA (especially Lynn Unglo & Lee Hills) was paramount to getting this Leadership 20/20 completed.  

Special Thanks

Additional Roswell Rotarians who need to be publicly thanked:  Jeff Bridges, Becky Nelson, Katha Stuart and Lisa Smith, Kathy Igou, Debbie Cwalina, Michael Curling and Bob Clarkston.  

Leadership Lesson Video
Video from Last Week's Meeting

Success Through Failure

One lesson we all learned from last Thursday's message for Leadership 20/20 was that everything is not always perfect.  Life is full of twists and turns and it's how we handle them that makes the difference. Tino Mantella spoke to Leadership 20/20 about Success Through Failure. We can all relate to life not being a straight path!

This is the video that we missed last week. Tim Huff, Sr Consultant TLG, was in Patagonia a few weeks ago and had a great learning experience on his way to the top of the mountain. Tim is a former Army Ranger and a tough guy and had a great aha moment on this trip! Enjoy!

Click Here for Video

Roswell Relays Great Success
Roswell Rotarians Show Up & Support 25th Roswell Relay Event

Well Done Roswell Rotary Volunteers!

Another Roswell Relays in the books!  Saturday, March 19th, 2022, was a great day for the 25th hosting of the Roswell Rotary Relays for the Roswell High School Track & Field team.

The weather was Chamber of Commerce perfect while the event boasted 30 teams, hosted 3,000+ in attendance and elite competition.  The Roswell Rotary Club showed up and the support was palatable.  

In the words of RHS Athletic Director, Mr Ben Sutter, “Been a long day. A great day. Thanks for everything!”

Sole Fundraiser for Roswell High School Track & Field Team

The Roswell Relays is a the only fundraiser for the Roswell High School Track & Field team which, with 170+ athletes, is the largest athletic team at the school. Therefore, this one event allows the fees to stay low for participants yet continue to fund updated equipment and coaches too!  

A grateful Booster Club President, Susan Dempsey, expressed her appreciation, "Thank you Roswell Rotary for your continued support even through the COVID years and shifts in policy. Yesterday’s event felt almost normal.  Without you, we could not support such a crowd."

RRC Showed Up & Performed!

The Roswell Rotary staffed and sponsored the Hospitality Suite which gave out 100% of all food to over 200 coaches, RRC volunteers and RHS staff.  Then, when done, Shawn & Joe Mazzeo wheeled the RR grill over to help the Booster Club sponsored concession stand sell 100% of the hamburgers, hot dogs and the rest of the food!    The team work and collaboration showed partnership through and including the RHS Interact Club!

Special Thanks

Thank you to Bruce Smith, Mindy Jones and Becky Nelson as they enjoy a well-earned nap today.  

This Weekend Sat. March 26
Sweep the Hooch

Save the Date
Saturday, March 26, 2022 from 9 am to 12 pm

Saturday March 26, 2022, 9 AM till Noon is the 12th annual Sweep the Hooch River cleanup sponsored by the Chattahoochee River Keeper. Roswell Rotary Club has participated every year, cleaning up the trails, river, and river back along Roswell Road from Don White Park to Eaves Road. This is the area of the river that we have adopted through the Georgia Adopt a Stream Program. We need walkers, waders, and floaters (kayak, canoe, or raft), for this very worthwhile cause. This is also an excellent family event and always a great time for all! Check out the geese, heron, waterdogs and hawks and other various wildlife along the river!!

 If you can make it, email Dutch Earle, hearle@esisearch.com and let him know if you are a walker, wader or floater. He will be back in touch with more of the logistics details. If you have any questions call Dutch at 770.403.0755. 

It was super fun last year! Check out this short clip of President Terry Taylor and Roswell Rotarian Joe Mazzeo in action! 

Roswell Rotary After Hours Club
After Hours Club off and Running!

Exciting Start for New Club!

Eighteen people came to the last meeting bringing their energy and talent and ideas for this new club.   Big discussion topic was everything about the new club. Also ten copies of Save Your Asks by Christopher Tuff were handed out to lucky attendees.  Thirteen have now joined the After Hours Club and have been approved as members!

Next Meeting April 5th- Service Project Easter Eggs for HomeStretch

During the next meeting, After Hours group will stuff Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt at Homestretch. They will also learn all about the important work that Homestretch does for the Roswell Community. 

For more information, email admin@RoswellRotary.com 

Hump Day April 13th 5:30pm
1920 Tavern on Canton St.

Join your fellow club member for Hump Day!

Wed. April 13th 5:30 pm

1920 Tavern 948 Canton St, Roswell, GA 30075

Egg hunt for Homestretch April 16
Please bring items to Rotary meeting for Easter Egg Hunt

We need your help collecting treats for Easter Egg hunt

Supplies Needed:

  • Plastic Easter Eggs
  • Wrapped Candy
  • Small toys that will fit inside the plastic eggs
  • Easter baskets for the children to gather eggs in
  • Green grass for the baskets
  • Dollar bills to stuff in eggs for older kids

Bring to meetings this Thursday and next-- March 24 and March 31st

For questions contact Cathy Steffen at cathy90278@yahoo.com 

Business Networking Rotary-Style continues on Tue, Apr 19th from 6:30 - 8:00pm
Smarter Business Development because it's with Fellow Rotarians (Multi-Club Event)

This is an opportunity for you or someone on your staff, or someone you are interested in recruiting to Roswell Rotary.

Our last gathering again drew a crowd from the Atlanta Metro, Dunwoody, Peachtree City, Roswell, Sandy Springs and Tucker clubs. While it had similarities to other networking events, you knew that attendees honored the integrity of the 4 Way Test!

This is why Paul Harris formed Rotary for 1905. Professionals with diverse

backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and conduct business together. Paul Harris was networking well before the term “networking” was used to describe connecting people in order to build a business network.  

While Rotary is about "Service Above Self," there is a growing place for networking in Rotary, particularly for those responsible for generating revenue.


                Pure Taqueria   Brookhaven Location: 3589 Durden Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30319 (770) 452-7873

Please plan to join us on Tue, Apr 19th  from 6:30 - 8:00pm.

For more information, please contact Hal Schlenger HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com | (770-335-0077), or Johnathan Clark of the Tucker Club (johnathanmclark@gmail.com | 404.512.6058).

Rotary International Project
Bringing Water to Remote Panama

Click Here for Video

What an Adventure! And What a Testament to What Rotarians Can do!

You heard President Terry and Lee Hollingsworth last week as they talked about the experience of traveling miles downriver to a very remote village in Panama. The story of how welcoming the people were when Rotarians arrived was impactful. How important clean water is to the health and life of the children in these remote areas who cannot easily receive medical treatment when they are ill. It was amazing to hear how much cheaper rotary can supply clean water than the government contractors. 

Please take a moment to view the video of the trip to see more about this service above self mission. 

Rotary dates to save
Which of These Rotary Events are a Priority for You?

This is what make earns Roswell Rotary such a great reputation ....and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend.....and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member.

If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then share it with others!




Sat, Mar 269:00am - 12:00pmChattahoochee River Keepers "Sweep the Hooch"
Sat, Apr 028:30am - 10:00amWalk with a Doc meets at Vickery Creek covered bridge w/ Phys Therapist Kim Richards
Tues, Apr 05
Roswell Rotary After Hours 
Wed, Apr 135:30pmHump Day - 1920 Tavern on Canton Street
Sat, Apr 16
Easter Egg Hunt for Homestretch
Tues, Apr 196:30pm - 8 pm
Rotary Means Business District 6900 in Sandy Springs
Thurs Apr 28 - May 1
District 6900 -- District Conference

Tue, May 24

8:00am— 5:00pm

Honor Air Veterans Bus Tour

Rotary Last Week
