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May 24, 2022


May is Youth Service Month

5/26 Memorial Day Program
6/9 Wellstar Radiologist
6/23 Rotary Awards
6/30 No Meeting. Come join is as we celebrate a new Rotary Year!


5/30 Memorial Day Ceremony at City Hall
5/30 Memorial Day
6/14 Past Presidents Dinner
6/30 John's Installation Party!

Our Rotary Family

5/3 Danny Broadway, II
5/4 Frank Brown
5/4 Jerry Orlans
5/7 Tom Rowsey
5/11 Edward Klaas, II
5/12 Lee Dodson
5/14 Don Howard
5/15 Michele Johnson
5/15 Allison Ziants
5/16 Dennis Canata
5/16 Isabelle Prothero
5/17 Leslie Bassett
5/18 Lindsay Davies
5/21 Pat Rains
5/21 John Rock
5/24 Elwyn Gaissert, II
5/24 John Carruth
5/31 Peter Calabro


5/3 John Davies (0)
5/4 George Polatty, Jr. (44)
5/4 Mary Trapp (2)
8 years in Rotary
5/6 Richard Parsons, Jr. (0)
1 years in Rotary
5/8 Michael Schoppenhorst (8)
5/11 Trummie Patrick (44)
5/11 Natalie Cook (0)
5/11 Grace Peoples (0)
5/11 John Rock (0)
5/12 Dick Anthony (34)
5/12 Ralph Rowland, Jr. (11)
5/23 Bruce Smith (26)
5/31 Anita Farley (4)
5/31 Michael Curling (4)
5/31 Jimmy Moore (4)
10 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075




President Terry Taylor
President-Elect John Carruth
Immediate PP Lynne Lindsay
Treasurer Nancy Alterman
Secretary Alex Kaufman
Past President Becky Stone


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

Any Given Weekend!

On any given weekend, Roswell Rotarians can be found at various charity events giving back to our community.  This past Saturday was another such weekend as many Roswell Rotarians attended and helped organize the annual Magnolia Ball.  This black tie event is always a great time, all for the benefit of one of our most cherished historic monuments, Bulloch Hall. Thank you to all who attended this great event and invested in the history of Roswell.  

This week you won't want to miss our Memorial Day program led by Past President Dave Young as we honor our fallen soldiers who fought for our freedom.  This day is a great reminder that freedom is not free.  Many have paid the ultimate price so that we can maintain our many freedoms, including religion, movement, and expression.  

Important Meeting Thursday!
May 26 Topic Memorial Day Program- Dave Young (past president) Speaker

Every Roswell Rotarian should try to be present for this upcoming meeting.  The Roswell Remembers Memorial Day project is one of RRC's most important projects every year! Not only is it important for our community and our veterans, but it is such a key joint project with the City of Roswell. Our close relationship with the city is made even stronger by our huge participation and number of volunteers who serve to make this event so special.

This week's meeting will be 100% about the upcoming Roswell Remembers event. It will be our entire focus and we need every member to be there. 

Details about Roswell Remembers:

The 23rd annual Roswell Remembers Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, May 30th at Roswell City Hall, 38 Hill Street. A joint effort with the City of Roswell, the grounds open at 10:00 a.m. with displays and music. The program will include a military ceremony, presentation of colors, the national anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, a POW/MIA tribute and the laying of the wreath by the family of Jeff Pruitt.

New for 2022

New this year is Roswell Garden Club’s dedication of the Blue Star & Gold Star Families Memorial Markers. The Blue Star Marker is a tribute to all those who have served, are serving and will serve in the United States Armed Services. The Gold Star Families Marker is a tribute to those who have lost a loved one in service to the United States. At the conclusion of the program, lunch may be purchased through food trucks on the ground. 

What can you do to help?

Contact Dave Young, Memorial Day Committee Chair at nfultonpt@juno.com with questions. This is a great opportunity for ALL Roswell Rotarians to serve those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy today. 

Click here for Inspiring Video Roswell Remembers 

After Hours Meeting Recap
RRAH Honors Veterans Allison and Alfonso, and Learns About the VEO

We had a spectacular After Hours meeting last week! Our very own After Hours member and Army Veteran Allison Ziants spoke about her experience serving as Military Police. Her story, vulnerability and authenticity was truly inspiring! 

Then, Veterans Empowerment Organization of Georgia Director of Development and Army Veteran Alfonso Rogers spoke about the VEO. Their mission is to connect Veterans to vital resources that will assist in rebuilding their holistic well-being, and empower them to make positive changes in their life. After Hours has an exciting partnership with VEO in the works, so stay tuned! 

Additionally, Alfonso was generous enough to gift our club four tickets to the VEO's annual Heroes Ball. Check out next week's Rotoscope for photos of our member's enjoying a special evening!

Blood Drive Tue, May 31 at Gate City
2 out of 3 Rotarians aren't able to donate. So Plan to donate or get a friend to donate on your behalf!

Click here to reserve a space May 31st to donate.

For more information, contact Darrell Bartlett or  Hal Schlenger

As always, we want to thank Pat Rains and Michael Curling for the current and past help saving lives in our community.

Hump Day
June 1- Save the Date for our next Hump Day at Lucky's

Burgers and beer. Name a more iconic duo.

We can't wait for our next Hump Day at Lucky's Burger & Brew! Come by for fellowship and fun with fellow Rotarians in the middle of the week.

After Hours Tuesday June 7th
Author Chris Tuff to Speak at Next RRAH Meeting

Help us pack the house at our next After Hours meeting! Save Your Asks author Chris Tuff is gracing us with his presence. See you Tuesday, June 7 at 6:30 for our most anticipated meeting yet! 

Includes visits to the grounds of historic Bullock and Mimosa Halls
Walk with a Doctor on Sat Jun 4 at 8:30am

This is a celebration and periodic check-in for  how you are doing with your doctor's advice to do something physical.  We're not judging; we're supportive.   If you want to look like President Terry and the many other svelte Rotarians, this is what the doctor ordered.  :-) 

Our walk will be to the historic grounds of  Roswell's Bulloch & Mimosa Hall. We'll start and end at Land of a Thousand Hills, 352 S Atlanta St, Roswell, GA 3007 --- free gourmet coffee for all walkers!

Thanks to the Friends of Mimosa Hall for the arrangement of the 2 and 3 mile walk options.

Our health talk will be "Skin protection or Overkill" by health and wellness coach Nancy Lovejoy.

Note: Our July walk will be Sat, Jul 16 at 8:30am to visit the Chatahoochee Nature Center's Butterfly Encounter and walk the trail at the nature center.

For questions, contact Hal Schlenger at HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com or 770.335.0077

Rotary Dates to Save
This is Where the Magic Happens. Will You Join Us?

This is what earns Roswell Rotary such a great reputation … and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend … and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member.

If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then share it with others!




Mon, May 3011:00amMemorial Day Ceremony at Roswell City Hall
Tue, May 3110:00am - 6:00pmRotary Blood Drive at Gate City Brewery
Wed, Jun 015:30pmHump Day at Lucky's
Sat, Jun 048:30am - 10:30amWalk with a Doc walks the historic grounds of Roswell's Bulloch Hall & Mimosa Hall
Tue, Jun 076:30pmRoswell Rotary After Hours Meeting with Author Chris Tuff
Tue, Jun 216:30pm - 8:00 pm
Rotary Means Business District 6900
Thu, Jun 30EveningJohn's Installation Party!

Rotary Last Week
